Is it the 15th yet

Is it the 15th yet

Other urls found in this thread: RETURNS


who /day 1 pirate/ here

who /day 1 buy/ here

Yes it's September now

>develops yet another Metroidkino
>even has a fuck ton of Prime jingles in-game
how can we stop him?


Who /preloaded/ here?


>pre ordering digital games

Make me cum, Sakamoto

My penis is fully erect.

Guys Im scared what if it flops



the thirst is there, it'd have to be tremendously shit to flop

Honestly, I don't think it will.

Warms my heart to see Ys so high


My bad I meant link this post


unironically looks horrible, i hope it's good though

it doesn't though.

How is that worse than pre-ordering a normal game?


I'm gonna abuse this thread to shill my lil' Samus Returns related cartoon I just finished:

God that's great


the metroid and samus amiibo look cool as fuck so im getting them

That was cute.

I actually collect amiibos. But this will be the first time where I'll buy amiibos not because of my collector's craze, but simply because I feel pressured into buying to unlock that content. And that just feels wrong.

I have a feeling we're gonna get neat representation once Smash 5 hits on the Switch

It's not flopping
>number 19 on Amazon
>all the advertisements Nintendo is giving it
>13 years since the last 2D Metroid game
>a game fans been asking for years for
>Metroid fan starvation
>3DS instal base
>Nintendo giving the scare of no more 2D Metroid if people don't buy this
>amiibos are popular
>Sakamoto wanting to make a Fusion sequel after this and fans really want Metroid 5
Metroid Samus Returns is selling over a milllion.

Dont forget
The success of Fire Emblem Awakening gleam hope for Metroid to gain the same new royalties by Nintendo

Read this article:

Is this supposed to be a space pirate in this animation? It's sometimes difficult to tell.

Yeah, it's supposed to be one of those TUBULAR Space Pirates from the comics.

Yup, I can guarantee that Metroid 6 will release a lot sooner after Metroid 5 than Metroid 5 after Fusion, this is a new Metroid resonance.

Fun fact. When I first saw the Samus returns Amiibo, I thought they looked so good I considered buying amiibo for the first time. They didn't tell yet what they were supposed to do, but I didn't care. They really looked good.

But then I learned it unlocked on-disk content and somehow, that make me want to buy them less, for whatever absurd reason I can't rationalize.

I have come to some guideline of what kidof interrection I find acceptable on an amiibo
If it's an helper that make the game easier, then I am okay with it for non-multiplayer games. It's like putting casual behind a pay-wall.
If it's to exploit some sort of physical interaction tahat make the content useless and worthless without the physical interaction, I can accept it.
I can even accept unlocking skin that don't affect the gameplay, as I have always been okay with that for DLC.

But on-disc bonus content is a big no.

Those Amiibo would have been perfect if they just had those reserve tanks they already have and no more.

And yet, I still can't warp my mind around the fact that I am pissed at figure that I wanted to buy in the first place, after learning that it actually offer more than what I originally thought it had.

Goddamn it, that's a good looking Samus.

As a big Metroid fan, I'm happy to see some merchandise appear in stores. But after Nintendo has neglected Metroid fans for about a decade, they now have all this expensive stuff fans are supposed to buy: The Legacy edition, the NEW 3DS Samus design, the amiibo-two-pack...
I got this bad girl (pic related) pre-ordered, so I will have something much, much nicer standing than those amiibos standing on my desk soon.

I wish Nintendo went with their original pitch for amiibos, where they stated amiibos would not unlock content, but simply functionality. I think Smash Brothers pulled that off quite well. But every other game I personally know of completely failed. And Samus Returns is unfortunately one of the more offensive examples.


What I want to know is where can I get my hand on this old figure featured in the old japanese commercial for the OG Metroid 2.

It look so good for it's time, I can't believe I didn't knew about it before.

I'm pretty sure that figure was custom made for the trailer. I don't think they just took some retail action figure for their stop-motion-animation. Which unfortunately probably means it's either kaputt oder has been lost in some unknown warehouse, Indiana Jones-style.

The previous figma with the Other M design had some similarities to the figure from the commercial. Maybe that'd be something for you?

Then there are these, which aren't great, but so cheap it kinda doesn't matter:

And last but not least, we got this beauty, which comes very close to the figure from the commercial:

Forgot to post the vid:

Did it just say "Metroid Haemorrhoid"?

omoroido you deaf fuck

that's what I said.