Why didn't FFXV have any memorable characters outside the bros?
Why didn't FFXV have any memorable characters outside the bros?
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It did with Aranea, Cidney, Ardyn, Iris, Gentiana, Luna, Ravus, Regis, Cor, Kenny etc
to glamorize homosexuality
High res pls
Because FFXV is a gas station simulator. Every other character is a merchant or a fry cook at the local diner.
Aranea is pretty memorable, I remember her even when I haven't played the game
>implying the bros were even memorable
Because it was a shit game? Now post more feet
Were we supposed to feel bad for Luna when she died? She didn't have any development at all, she only appeared in flashbacks.
You're supposed to feel bad for Noctis...I guess?
The loss of the car was more tragic than her death.
I wish Navyth played a bigger role, he was like a father to noctis
The bros are just THAT memorable.
Nice. I love that disheveled crack addict look
I liked the dragoon and Ardyn wasn't bad either. Cid was ok too.
They are easily the best cast an FF has had
It was a great game.
Yes as most people do because they poses empathy. Do you say the same shit about Zelda too?
hey haven't seen you around in a while
Nice reddit pic.
Go away
All me (xv-kun)
Why do Japanese devs love blonde women?
Zelda is nothing but a plot device like Luna. Even Princess Peach has more character.
Is FFXV an okay game for someone who's never played a FF game before?
Do they? There aren't that many blonde chicks in the FF series.
same reason blonde women like black men
Absolutely not.
>XV-kun actually has a name
oh shit
His real name is Barry
They don't you cuck
Most of the FF games are pretty boring. Especially the first two. FF7 would be a good start, even though the battles are pretty boring as well.
Gonna provide any reasoning for that answer?
It's a fucking terrible game, and is nothing like literally every other Final Fantasy game.
Do your research, and be less underage.
I forgot to mention I got an hour into FFVII and quit at the first boss, simply because I don't like turn-based JRPG's, as I would soon come to find out. Everything else about the game seemed great though. Doesn't FFXV have a different combat system?
Did FFXV have anything memorable? Cutscene moments, bossfights, characters, music, ANYTHING? It's clearly one of those games that doesn't evoke strong feelings of love or hate, just quiet disappointment.
>Oyasumi Punpun
If I wanted to hear people who've never played the game talk shit about it, I would have made a thread. I'm asking people who like the game, not edgy contrarians like you, retard.
Yeah it does, it's more KH styled.
Because when someone likes the same stuff you do it makes you want to fuck them more.
>4 years ago, when I was a fetus
Asian MC + European woman
But I did play it you fucking moron. Name me another FF that plays like XV.
same reason why some people like brown girls
I literally just said I've never played an FF, so how could I compare it to others? Fuck outta here, you've never played the game either and you know it.
So you never played a FF game but tell others that they've never played them?
Start with 2 it's the best in the series by far and will get you used to the formula.
Avoid 6,7,9 and X they're worst.
There you go
A: That's one example. B: He just looks generically anime, not really white or asian.
Game sucks, and is only a decent timesink if you literally have nothing else to play. Would not recommend it at all.
How would you know he's never played it if you've never played it? Just because he said it's terrible? Do you think he's just saying it for shits and giggles? Majority of people know it's terrible mess of a game.
Did any of them have any sexual tension or was it just Bros before hoes the whole way through.
Your logic makes no fucking sense. The game is an incomplete mess, and everyone knows this.
Sieg Heil
Are you baiting me? The majority of reviews are positive. You can't say that "most people know it's a bad game."
>you've never played the game
>I know this because I've never played it
>Don't care about FF story
>Watch some gameplay after the timeskip, all the characters look way fucking better, especially Noctis
God damn I wish the game spent like 10% of the time with Noctis as a kid then had a timeskip for the next 90% of the game
I honestly don't get the appeal of anime aestetics. Both girls in OPs image look like uncanny valley monstrosities.
I think communist eastern European cartoons have a better character design than even shit like 4c studio.
How did P5 do compared to FFXV? I ask because P5 is clearly the superior JRPG.
Fuck off NeithOF
Why even bother asking in the first place?
It's just XV-kun, believe me. He does this shit all the time.
Be real user, EVERYONE loves blonde white women. Everyone.
Okay dickhead, how can you tell me "most people know the game is bad" without looking at some kind of group statistic? The only group statistic for a video game is reviews, and the majority of them are positive. What, do you think "a lot of underage shitposters on Sup Forums say it's bad" so that's a majority? Fuck me, you autists have me on here defending a game I've never played because I can tell the majority of you are just shitposting to shitpost. I still have not seen a single actual reason you all think the game is bad besides "it's bad cuz it wasn't like other FF's."
Like the other guy said, start with II and go from there, but avoid VI, VII, IX and X.
Unless you hate turn based combat then you might as well avoid the whole series and go right to over the top style over substance combat that XV has. The story isn't really good though and lacking exposition on a lot of characters and it also has multiple DLC episdoes and will get even more in the future + story updates that will probably take anotehr few months or years. So i wouldn't say it's a great start, maybe play it in 2 years when it's done. Aside from the story it doesn't offer too much either, there're a few dungeons but imo only two are good, post game content is basicly just a platforming dungeon, it has no optional summons and there're small issues like only eing able to pick one hunt at a time so you'll always have to run back and forth.
Just buy or emulate some of the old ones and see if you like them. Don't just buy 10 of them right away
Well they don't really have the same budget to begin with so it's apple and oranges
>defending a game you've never played
>calling others autists
Luna has scenes showing her happy, sad, angry, relieved, annoyed, shocked, graceful, and defiant. She shows more range of emotions in the short amount of screentime she has than Lightning has in 3 games.
I prefer dark haired white women, but maybe that's because both me and my mother were blonde until our hair started going both darker and grey at the same time in our early 20s.
Cmon man, you know you'll just get your reply from xv-kun how XV is better in every aspect
I don't like blondes personally.
why don't you like cuteness user?
>trusting reviews in 2017
>defending a game you've never played while calling others autistic
I've scrolled past enough FFXV threads to know you've just got me in your ultimate trap card. Anything I say will be met with "whatever XV-kun," and if I try to say I'm not him I'll just get "yeah sure XV-kun." It looks like I've been BTFO.
Do you actively ignore the real answers? Why even aks. A simpel google search will tell you more than arguing with anons for 15 minutes
I don't really like cutesy shit either.
Yeah that art is shit. They have the exact same generic hentai body type. Luna is supposed to be petite and angelic, not a tittymonster bimbo. Variety is important, man.
your mask is slipping off XV-kun
Why not?
Who the fuck even are you? Weren't you supposed to be asking about the game? Why are you all of a sudden defending it?
sexual and not to mention pedophilic content constantly poured down my throat just by checking the catalog every day.
Also focusing on cuteness of a cartoon by adults, even if it's ironic, is what spawned shit like bronies.
Also also there is nothing cute about the face you posted. The mouth looks like a mouth of a hunger demon, a demon that tortures gluttons for all eternity, while her eyes look like doped up Mr Burns.
Just not really attracted to it. I think I associate it with stupidity as well.
Japan knows.
You can't discuss Final Fantasy on the internet. It's a really divisive series. For example if I say I think 10 is one of the crappier games in the series but still a good game I'll have a bunch of people high five me and a bunch of people tell my to kys myself.
Terrible combat - focus on air but no launchers
Empty world map with copypasta gas stations and maybe 3-4 decent small dungeons
Only city on the world map is small as fuck
Literal MMO fetch quests/hunts NOTHING ELSE
Terribly boring characters you couldn't give two shits about
Uninteresting story which is 100% predictable - no surprises or twists - complete straight forward mediocrity
Game goes linear after the most lame deaths in video game history
Chapter 13 is the world thing to happen in 2016
Only upside are monster designs
I wouldn't start with it. Not saying it is bad, but i'd try 4, 5 or 6 for the 2d era, 6, 7 or 9 for early 3d, x for PS2 era and then move on to XV. Just to see if you even like the whole structure of the series, since i don't know if you want to go back to older visuals and gameplay styles if you play XV first.
Or just jump to XV right away, you probably don't give a shit anyway, but at least i tried.
Japan likes The Witcher?
I did enjoy the monster design and all the call backs. I don't think most fans have played the earlier games though. 7 seems to be a common starting point.
hhmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder
>no argument
No, only gaijins who teach English over on Japan bought it.
You really think you're gonna get an answer here? It's either huge fanboys that will tell you it's almost perfect or haters that will tell you it's garbage.
This is probably the closest you'll get to an honest answer
>hey is this game good
>no it's shit
I wonder who..
>FFX is a mediocre FF but a good game still despite this fact
I'd high five you for that if I could, but I must insist you kys yourself
>You really think you're gonna get an answer here? It's either huge fanboys that will tell you it's almost perfect or haters that will tell you it's garbage.
Can you do differently?
Do they have japanese dub?
>Game is legitimately fantastic