>MH would sell well on switch
Kek nips really don't give a fuck about mobile MH when MHW was announced
>MH would sell well on switch
Kek nips really don't give a fuck about mobile MH when MHW was announced
I'm surprised, but I don't know much about XX. Is it a port? Crappy update? Is it also on 3DS?
Well when Capcom tells people not to buy it, calls it a "test" game, adds in bugs that weren't in the 3DS version, and charges full price for it I can't see why they would.
Still sold about as much as people would expect of a MH console port
That's what happens when you release a game people already own and on an overpriced platform with only one game that PC can get for free.
Those 50% are also only 10% of XX initial sales on 3DS. Which is not unexpected really, considering the huge delay between the releases.
>adds in bugs that weren't in the 3DS version
what are the bugs?
It looks worse than 3U somehow. It's just another Portable 3rd HD port, upscaled waste of time.
You have to go back.
Why would anyone buy some shitty rehashed Monster Hunter game on the piece of shit that is the switch when Monster Hunter World was announced?
Speaking of which, did they fix the rapid bow bug yet?
If you use have the hunter search shit on the game will randomly crash or force you to reconnect whether you're playing offline or online
Does anyone ever use hunter search though? What does it do on Switch even? I know it was for searching for local wireless on the handhelds.
I think its on by default.
It's a port of a 3DS game
Isnt that a rererererererelease
>a 9 month old port of a shitty MH game sells poorly
no shit
Because they already fucking bought it on 3DS. Put out an E X C L U S I V E MH on 3DS and maybe people would buy it. Fucking hell MH's the main reason that piece of shit console got support in the first place
>"of its initial shipment"
which is based on capcom's expectations, retard
This. Nobody will purchase it on Switch when they have it on 3DS, and with the announcement of World nobody is going to touch Switch anymore.
>they already fucking bought it on 3DS
Twice. Because the game is an expanded version of the previous MH game. And Capcom doesn't do DLC, they just sell the games again at full price.
>Crapcom expectations
like expecting mvci and mhw to sell 10 million combined?
Their expectations are always stupid.
If you were actually following Japanese sales, you'd have realized nobody was expecting this version of XX to sell particularly well.
>people already bought it on 3DS
>released 6 months after the original
>port of the 3DS version with no extra content
>switch has a much smaller install base than the 3DS
>capcom already gave everyone who wanted it the middle finger by announcing MHW and pretty much telling them the future of MH is on PS4 instead of the Switch
>like expecting mvci and mhw to sell 10 million combined?
How old are you? What kind of drone lets some Sup Forums meme be the truth to him? MHW would have to cost more than GTAV+Destiny for them to need 10 million
And yet before and after mhw reveal drones were arguing that xx switch would outsell mhw, and that the reason its sale were so low on 3DS is everyone was waiting for the switch version. Now the story is that it's obvious no one was going to buy it, because they already bought it on switch and everyone just wants mhw. Always damage control.
More like Xbox X or pc. Like it or not, the ps4 became the weakest console of this updated generation.
>Does anyone ever use hunter search though?
Even if they didn't that's still no excuse.
Meaningless at this point
Ps4 has better multiplat sales.
Nier sold better on PS4 than PC
Nier port was garbage tho
since jpn has vitas for days, i wonder if thats giant bonus and people will go around with superior mobile MHW
is the wifi godtier there?
It's not just drones, the announcement of MHW changed a lot of stuff.
Last year Capcom had announced XX and said they had another MH in the works. Since the XX release date was so close to the Switch one, people assumed that other one was an XX port.
When the XX Switch port was announced, people also thought it meant that the next mainline MH was going to be on Switch, and such the XX port was Capcom telling them "go here if you want more MH".
But then the MHW announcement came by and changed everything. Suddenly you have the actual next mainline MH announced, but it's not coming to the console most people thought it would. Also, this new MH looks infinitely better than that lazy 3DS port that the Switch is getting. This suddenly made the XX port infinitely less appealing, since you now have to ask yourself "why would I buy this new console with this game I most likely already played when Capcom is telling me that the next MH game (and most likely sequels) will be on this other platform".
More like they probably decided that a bump in resolution wasn't worth buying the same game twice.
MH's main market is Japan, by far.
On Japan the Xbox brand is irrelevant and PC gaming is much smaller than overseas. Also, I'm pretty sure the Xbox version of MH isn't even releasing there.
If you want to play MHW in Japan, you're pretty much doing it on the PS4.
MHW is PS4 exclusive in Japan
Easily patch-able for a feature no one uses anyway. The real reason no one wants the switch version is because it's barely an upgrade for a game they've been playing for about 6 months.
PC version is also unavailable.
It's not that PC gaming in Japan isn't growing, it's literally restrained so it wouldn't grow.
I mean by the time this got on the switch, everyone already had the 3ds version. Sells will be fucking shit because of that fact. After all, you would be buying it just for muh graphix and pretend to be home console perk. Most nips would prefer the 3ds since us more portable.
In short. This port was a mistake.
more like why would nips care about a mobile MH they ALREADY own?
>Switch is not portable when argument fits agenda
MonHun is normie tier in Japan. Overwhelmingly more people own a 3DS. And playing on Vita would require two consoles, which will be a turn-off.
user said the switch is less portable, not non-portable you retard.
>reading comprehension becomes optional when needing to call other retards
But that doesn't change the fact MHW isn't on any nintendo system.