>hey I think I'll give this a shot it looks like fu-
>loot crates and cosmetics
into the fucking trash
why does Valve destroy everything in its proximity?
>hey I think I'll give this a shot it looks like fu-
>loot crates and cosmetics
into the fucking trash
why does Valve destroy everything in its proximity?
I'm thinking about getting it.
Is it any fun solo?
>ignore cosmetics
>Have fun
I love not having autism
Sell the crates for steam money
>valve did nu-lootcreats
um, I don't think so sweety
it always starts off subtly, only to turn into a fucking rainbow vomit a year later
t. lapsed TF2 and Dota 2 player
Items you can get for free with points.. I've already made enough money to buy pubg 4 more times with the amount of shitty cosmetics I've sold on the marketplace.
>considering early access video games
>complaining about the crates
okay i know this is FOR SOME FUCKING REASON a meme, but here we go.
>buy game 2 weeks ago
>play it casually with friends, maybe 2 hours 4-5 nights a week of squad. we've only won 2 games but usually get top 5 squads and i get 2-5 kills a game, for point reference
>have already made back $20 in crates by selling at the end of the week
i mean, i'm literally never going to spend a cent on a fucking shirt for my ironic naked kenyan man who is purposely free of any jewish microtransactions, so yes, i will gladly take my free cratebux from russians and spend-happy 14 year olds. if you are that bothered that people around you will spend money on things that dont affect you, enough so that it prevents you from enjoying a new potential game, then i can't even call you reddit. i'm not sure what you are, but it's something bad and i don't like it and i wish i was in 2009 again. fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
>no DLC
>30€ full price
>no giant 50GB waste of space game
>no pay2win
what the fuck is wrong with you people I don't really know.
Just ignore the lootcrates but I guess it's too hard since you're clearly autistic.
as I said before, it always ends up devolving into game-ruining bullshit.
I had my fun selling hats in TF2 and Dota 2, but all that overproduced low quality bullshit and particle effects completely ruined them a few years in.
>blaming Valve for PUBG having lootcrate
Literally stupid
Loot crates and cosmetics don't meant shit. You can get them by playing anyway... I just sold all I got and made around 30$ back. If you like the concept buy the game, if you're not sure, just wait till it's released and decide. If they don't fck up in half a year, i think it's safe. Really no reason to cry about crates.. The game plays the same and if you're lucky you can get 100$
>Watermelon in god tier
>Pineapple in shit tier
Who the fuck made this shitty list?
>install no hat mod
Wow that was hard
i mean, agree with you and i can only hope it's not the case. regardless, i will continue enjoying my early access game before it is fully tainted. either way, i'm gonna make my money back on it and while i know it's taboo to invoke the word fun around here, i've had enough fun so far that i'm happy with my purchase.
i mostly play with my friends but it's fun solo too! i don't think i'd play as much if i was alone, but honestly you can probably find some buddies to at least duo with.
it's very comfy IMO to get geared and just be the proning beta virgin in a random house. you get the comfiness of hiding like anne frank in a random place, the sense of freedom of defending your property from home invaders, and blasting niggers down in this game is satisfying as fuck
What's the solo/group ratio like?
Because i get the impression most people are at least duoing.
Seriously who fuckin cares about the stupid loot crates for COSMETICS. I sold a bunch of the gamescom ones for a decent sum of money.
I know OP is flame baiting but whatever.
>not liking literally the only acceptable form of monetisation
>watermelon god tier
>who made this list
Think about it for a second.
>kiwis in shit tier
>pineapple in shit tier
holy fuck this triggers me
Mangos & Pears & Blueberries are the best fruits on the planet fuck you
this has to be the worst fucking bait
>whining about loot crates which you can profit off of
Not valves fault the creator totally went back on his word and started adding cosmetic micro transactions before the he is even out of early access .
separate serveurs for solo, duo and squasd matchmaking
>lemons in shit tier
Lemons are excellent, I eat them like Oranges.
Too bad I can't eat ANY of those fruits / berries.
Fucking allergies, man.
>loot crates which you can profit off of
When I see faggots like you sometimes I think that the jews might be right us
>Who the fuck made this shitty list?
Looking at it, either a nigger or someone who is allergic to citrus fruits
No, pineapples and kiwis burn your mouth and taste too sour.
Being so beta that healthy foods are trying to kill you.
poor people actually benefit from crates, the game easily pays for itself several times
>nanners anything but shit tier
>granny smith apples lower than regular
>pears not AT LEAST high tier
>fucking watermelon in god tier
Is this bait from /ck/? Because I feel like this is bait.
>pear is shit-tier
into the fucking trash
How could one picture be so fucking wrong.
>buy game
>get Twitch Prime outfit
>every other cosmetic is shit by comparison
>make money from crates at the end of the week
>Complaining about cosmetics
>In a game about trying NOT to be seen
The only way this can go south is if they add camo-colored outfits.
Let the fags wear their rainbow shirts and particle-effects hats, makes them easier targets.
How much of a fag can you be? You get points every match, which go towards buying some shitty piece of clothing. Most of them are shit since you want conservative dark colours to blend into trees, grass and houses anyways.
>Buy $30 game
>get in a match with Streamer™
>kill Streamer™
>butthurt Streamer™ accuses you for stream sniping
>instantly get banned by devs
>buy $30 game
>sell crates and make back $30
>open one up for fun and get a $200 skirt
The crates are okay
This. Must be fun to play a game where you will banned if you "ruin" some famous ecelebs stream.
This game ever go on sale? Better off trying g2a?
How the fuck is pineapple that low?
I killed grimmz and the doc before. Didnt get banned though.
It's only fun within a four player Squad
As much as I hate them, I just sold them all and bought other games from it like Cities Skylines
Loot crates obliterate every game they touch. Like a cumulative slow death, slowly removing and destroying old content to resell it back to you.
Im sorry artstyle means nothing to you. I prefer my high fantasy or terrorist FPS game not containing penis hats with flame decals.
Yeah i'm not playing 10 hours a day for 2 weeks to make $20. working at mcdonalds is more worth it.
No wonder Sup Forums doesn't like games. They don't even play for fun anymore
Nu-Sup Forums in a nutshell. Anyone under 25 should be automatically banned. An alternate board for art and story fags should be created too.
>tfw 100+ fun hours in pubg and sold the crates to get sonic mania for free with money left over
I mean I hate microtransactions as much as the next guy but it's cosmetics AND you can literally buy the keys to open tbem with the free profit money if you want. Nobody loses in this scenario. CSGO is far more bullshit, you'll never open those crates without spending money and they are barely worth anything on the market.
are you saying "I would accept a worse game with less longevity if it had better art"
because if you are, then it's a simple case of me completely and fundamentally disagreeing with you
but if you aren't saying that, then what the fuck is it that you think you're saying? because that directly follows from your point.
>only form of monetization
I can understand this in free to play games, but here it's already monetized by paying upfront 30$/€
literally has never happened to me
You don't get banned for "killing a streamer" you get banned for deliberately following a streamer into multiple matches and hunting them down.
>1 year later still ignoring cosmetics
>still having fun
I love not having autism
How much of an oversensitive pussy do you have to be for a bit of pineapple to burn your mouth? Maybe if you eat a fuckton of it, but unless you're trying to turn your jizz into honey every day, then you have no reason to eat so much of it to cause acid burns.
paying up front is how devs cover the costs of development up until that point. They recoup their investment, and their publishers investment, and then whatever unused remainder is then used to fund development of the next piece of content that is meant to draw in more revenue, and so on and so on.
there is no point at which a company ever just has money sitting there chilling doing nothing. A company is not a person. It's not going to keep that cash in its daughter's college fund. That money needs to be spent by the company for it to have value. It needs to be spent in such a way that its stock holders (and, in an ideal world, its employees) can benefit. That money becomes the next investment. When you've released a popular game that you want to build on, you want to use that money to build maps, weapons, new skills or balance tweaks etc. Here's the issue: You can not charge for those things, in which case you keep the community happy but the "investment" is wasted since you get absolutely nothing back for that development time and eventually you will run out of money and require a publisher to stake your next game so you can repeat the cycle, or you charge for those things. Charging for those things has all manner of negative implications for the health of the game: either you split the community into haves and have-nots that can't queue with each other, reducing the effective size of your playerbase which makes it feel smaller to the community and risks letting people get bored, or you charge and throw everyone in together, which will alienate players who elect not to buy the new content. No matter how you balance it, the fact that they don't have it will become the reason (in their mind) that they lose, and this too will poison your community.
Cosmetic monetisation walks the line between these two strategies. You keep the community happy by providing mechanical content for free, and you subsidise your development by charging for cosmetics.
It's allright but I recommend having at least one person to play with you. Also your tier list is wrong and there's no such thing as a shit tier fruit.
>play game
>get loot crate
>sell on market for 1 dollar
>walk around naked
Quit being such a faggot
they love pineapples though
What the fuck is this awful tier list.
No wonder Sup Forums is so bad at video games, they can't even eat fruit properly.
>Love apples
>Drink apple juice all day
>Eat fuji apples all day
>Love life
>Suddenly can't eat any apple or apple-based products without getting massive diarrhea
>My face
Still got oranges and other shit. But fuck I miss cider.
based pubgposter
based "based pubgposter"-poster
>anything even remotely citrus/acidic is put in low tier
you are literally underage
>banana is not in god tier
Its like you dont pretend its a dick when you eat one. Fucking faggot
how does this change the gameplay in anyway?
banana is fucking only good on its own or in a cake
if you put it in a smoothy it fucking ruins the smoothie
if you put it in a fruit salad it ruins the fruit salad
banana is a shitty reject fruit for shitty reject people
I'd just tank the diarrhea desu senpai
Bananas in smoothys is fucking great. Stop pretending to be retarded
but PUBG has a very bland and boring realistic art style.
I love when people do this, it just shows how fucking mad they are someone insulted their meme game
It doesn't. Just whiny entitled gamers at it again
it's disgusting, and you disgust me
>being this retarded
Fart on a cat senpai
Did you had that sudden TotalBiscuitite checked?
If you got something and treat it you might enjoy these delicious apples again
There are hundreds of legitimate reasons to say this game is trash, but saying loot crates kills the game (when they only contain cosmetics) is extremely retarded.
I feel you, polycount update killed the game for me.
What did they do to dota!?!!??!
Does the game have a decent matchmaking system?
I suck at pvp but wanna have some fun against other pvp plebs and not get raped by super jesus eryday.
Also is there a vs bots version to learn on or something
what is that dude doing there
bad bait
if anyone takes this seriusly, you can sell crates for ~1€ atm.
i sold enough crates to play this game for free + have some extra steam shekles
hanging out
>god tier
>Sup Forums
>eating fruit
Pineapples are good.
Blueberries are god tier. Literally nothing better than perfectly ripened blueberries.