surely this will boost the birthrate
Holy shit lmao
Is this real? How would you get this ending? Danganronpa had way less player choices than I expected, will this happen if you agree to stay inside school for the rest of your lives?
Sell out bacon hands.
Where would one start to get into this franchise?
>don't own vita
>do own ps4
Probably the most cuck shit I have ever seen.
Reminds me of the girls i went to K-12 with. Went to school in rural texas so literally every girl that was in my class has now had at least one kid, usually more.
Danganronpa 1 2 Reload for PS4.
How did Byaka or whatever the fuck his name is get her preggers first
Always found that weird
Every main game is on PS4
>1 and 2 are bundled
>third game is called V3, number 3 is a two-part anime series
>there's also an action game spin-off
>Togami's boy is the oldest, he was allowed to go first
>Togami holding the portrait of the girl who died trying to bear his first child
thanks user
Because he's surrounded by betas, and no one wants to touch weedman
They probably drew straws or something.
>Why can't I hold all these mistakes.
You can see the panic in her eyes, the dudes seem oddly happy though.
it's literally impossible to be a busty girl and not be a slut, we get so much fucking attention from every guy that it's impossible to not give in
I bet hiro didn't see that future coming.
He makes a prediction at some point, I think during one of his free time events, that Makoto and he will have children by the same mother.
Good taste.
best ending desu
tits or gtfo
Oh my fucking god you're right. And Makoto freaks out and says definitely not.
I love Junko!
>deegun rompa art
How come this is always most ugly anime art style. I just fucking can't.
This led to a great doujin.
I remember this. Oh wow. Genius.
What exactly you dont like? I always see people sayimg that is horrible but i find it alright
Colors, outlines, poses are always stiff. I don't know, everything about it super fucking bad.
I'll agree that the poses in a lot of the illustrations look stiff, but the in-game character models are usually not as bad about that. As for your other points I still think the in-game character models don't really have most of those problems.
Was Toko cucked to death?
Its also on the PC if you prefer those aswell
The reason why most poses in sprites look stiff is because usually in other than trials you wont see characters hips or legs, so they wont usually draw them to fit the pose. I agree that in some artworks the artist fucks up some things, but the other reasons I dont really see any problem with those.
The colors are like that because the art direction is inspired by Pop Culture, in the beta version they used more muted and sepia tones.
Wew this was meant for I messed up.
You can get it by finding Kirigiri Kyouko Guilty in one specific trial.
Yeah, it's the ending if you fuck up and don't find the mastermind in the last case.
>implying you wouldn't pound Asahina's pussy regardless of the amount of cum previously disposed inside of her womb
sh-shut up. That's not canon!
Stop calling my waifu a slut.
The Danganronpa characters have a particularly bad case of sameface. It's like the artist only knows how to draw one type of eyes.
>Where would one start to get into this franchise?
From the beginning. ALWAYS from the beginning.
In some cases, Release order
I would not, never liked her and I would prefer if the bitch died.
Is this an actual game series or just VN shit?
dumbed down phoenix wright
But with a much more interesting plot and intrigue.
>That Byakuya smirk as he caries ded Toko photography
For some reason it gives me a chuckle
I guess
>More interesting plot
Weird way to spell fucked up and overly contrived.
I admit the murders are cool, but the main plot of the game is fucking dumb.
But it's communism not cuckoldry
>the main plot of the game is fucking dumb.
Because of muh Junko and muh Despair vs Hope anime battles
So conflict between Villain and main characters is instantly bad? I guess all the fiction ever was just dumb.
I get what you mean but I actually like how the whole thing progressed in AE and SDR2.
If I played DR1+2 but have never watched the anime or played Another Episode: Will I miss out on stuff in DRv3?
Hope not, because the anime is insufferable
DRv3 is a completely different world. You should be fine.
There is a school mode where you can chat with the previous characters though
The anime is a pile of shit, don't even bother watching it.
There's no mentions of Monaca or much about Kibougamine pre-tragedy.
You should be fine, but why not watch at least the despair arc for SDR2 fanservice?
No, But there's setting up conflict and then saying EVERYTHING IS FUCKED UP BECAUSE OF THIS ONE GIRL AND ONE BOYS ANIME.
>DRv3 is a completely different world.
I played the demo and several characters from the first two games appear. I don't know if that was just for the demo or whatever...
Oh fuck, I'm in a Danganronpa thread a month before v3 releases. I'm an idiot.
I'm almost certain its just for the demo. It's a joke,man
So are they all cucks because they're taking care of another man's son, or bulls because they fuck another man's woman?
Is she a slut for going around fucking and having kids with three dudes, or a decent woman because she stays with all three men?
This picture raises many questions
Seeing how its a post apocalyptic world, the only thing that matters in that case is expanding the gene pool.
Why does the serial killer die in that ending though?
Maybe they figure it out between the case and this image?
The stories of these games have always been a complete fucking mess imo
The DR demos always used the Yasuhiro as the victim and the DR2 demo had Makoto. It's just for jokes man.
Is there an ending where only you and her would have kids?
>That arm
No, also there is no multiple endings, only a canon with the survivors. The ending on the pic is not an ending, just a mental image the protag had, you'll get placed back on plot rails
Why not? What other endings can she have?
So this doesnt have dating sim elements? Like lets say persona?
wot arm?
No it doesnt
Oh good, the children suffer from Naruto children syndrome.
kek no, it's a scripted novel my friend not a game.
At least it doesn't feel as forced as the Hope Arc anime's ending.
wait holy shit, weedman is fucking JACKED
But I wanted to date the tanned waifu. Protag has a crush on her or something?
You two might be expecting a little much from this.
It's just a story in virtual novel format. no different from Phoenix Wright.
No, the protag is written as open ended so no fanship would be threatned by canon, so no there is no contact at all between the characters.
Ohh I wanted to date cute tan as the protag. Fucking writters.
So protag dont have a crush on her?
No, canon love interest is blue haired idol
my favourite part about this image is how togami and hagakure both look like 10 years older while naegi still looks like a teenager
What a shit show. I guess there is no reason to pick up this game then.
This is such bullshit.
I mean, if you want, you could play School mode and talk only to her. It's sort of like a dating sim.
But nah, Naegster only has a thing for Bacon Hands.
I thought it's kyoko after idol dies
Did she have sex with all 3 of those dudes or something?
No, its a mental image during a cut scene or something.
I'm not sure if there's any romance involved. It's more like they're comrades trying to survive together no matter what.
Spoilers dude, Jesus
There is a social link system like Persona, but you can't have a girlfriend. Instead, the game gives you abilites to use in the class trials.
>The bad ending is all these guys are paying child support while she goes to find a fourth man to impregnate her.
>goes to thread about danganronpa
>surprised there are spoilers