What does Sup Forums think about this mod?
What does Sup Forums think about this mod?
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Will they make a FNV mod for FO4?
Is it on Creation Club?
I am looking forward to it, could be really neat.
it's literally never going to come out, there is no progress for years now, also main power of fallout is decent writing, it will inevitably be shit in anything fan made as well as the voice acting, i tried some mod and cringed so hard a few minutes in i had to delete it
What mod?
i can't remember, there was some cringy nerd going on about "DUH AAAANCLAAAVE" and it made me physically cringe so i uninstalled, all story mods are shit anyway
Wtf where can i play this
there's one with bounty hunters, can't recal the name, that was prety good.
Also that was probably a joke mod or someting
It's New Vegas Bounties and it was modkino desu.
I never played part 3 though.
part 3 was shit, you'd do best to avoid it and remember how good the first two were.
>I know some of you from Oregon may say, there is no way in hell that Portland gets this much snow and some location in Canada may fit better with the Frontier. While this is true, keep in mind that it would have been even harder to fit the NCR and the Legion that far up north with a reasonable explanation.
nigga what? why not use more reasonable place in the southwest then? it seems like "HURR DURR SNOW" is the main priority for the location
What was part 3 again, was it the finale?
meant to link here
>creation club shill
Here's your (You)
I feel this, to be honest.
Project Brazil was a huge letdown, mediocre vault sitcom drama + empty world + unfinished parts + abandoned projects later due to unpopularity.
Trailers have all been really cringy but I'm hopeful that they make it decent.
what does Sup Forums think about this mod?
>i want to be dust but more retarded: the mod
It looks good, but like others have said, it's never coming out.
Same with Project Brazil Pt 2, it's just stuck in development hell. If you look at progress charts, you might get excited that it looks 95% done, but it's been at least 90% done for two years now.
>mod for NV
>Creation Club
I never played second one, because someone thought it'd be grand idea to have you search for Wanted posters instead of just getting bounties from one guy.
They both have same creator, but what makes FROST fucking horrible when compared to DUST?
The trailer for the mod was literally the creator sucking his own dick, I think he called himself a "Disciple of Kojima" so expect lots of retarded nods to him
>trailer starts
>I'M ONLY HUMAN AFTER ALL starts playing
haha wow what a massive faggot
I like that song, why is it hated again?
>every trailer either has a song featured in a metal gear solid V trailer or whatever game was hotly anticipated at the time
I huh, i don't know what that's suposed to mean.
Should've used some Frank Sinatra instead
Andromeda trailer.
>Literally Fallout 4 DUST but somehow worse
Maybe I'm being to harsh on a WIP, but, mark my words, it's going to be 'stuck' in Alpha for years and then quietly dropped.
It's actually just finishing up now.
6gb, search for it on facebook.
Polishing a last quest and adding the last sounds.
Should be released in the next month or so. Alpha is floating around modders.
>"Disciple of Kojima"
oh fucking boy
here we go again
Oh, well i haven't watched it so i guess it explains things.
never ever
>Disciple of Kojima
lmao are you fucking serious?
From Kojima
two disciples were born
Bes thing about the video if the song.
>Disciple of Kojima
no fucking way, i might actually skip this mod, i hate faggots with grotesquely inflated egos more than anything else
>caring about that shit when project brazil is about to release after 5 years
Yeah, you finally find the marko guy and either run away or fight him in a confrontation where he has more DT than the Mormon terminator.
Also, he kills any followers you bring with you.
was it "For the Enclave"? I remember that being a little cringy but I had fun.
>You need a perk to get food from animals
Someone thought this was good idea. It's on par with sanity making you lose intelligence, charisma and weapon accuracy while giving nothing in return.
>Also he kills any Followers you bring with you
>Was gonna bring russell for the first time
You just saved his life. But yeah Part 3, having played it once I don't hate it but it wasn't great, killing marko with Sweet Revenge was nice, plus the perk makes it fucking OP.
Why do people spend 5 years of their time make a fucking mod for NV when they could be working as a programmer and making money for 5 years?
Because not everything is a money-making scheme?
Just look at the FOSS movement, where you've got professional-level programmers building entire operating systems for free. They might receive some donations from appreciative people, but for the most part they toil away for hundreds of hours purely because they want to create.
Same thing with modders, until the whole recent paid mods fiasco ousted the hidden jews among us.
Well, I don't know what kind of background you come from but in the real world money is actually quite important and I don't have the luxury to spend 5 years of my life on a hobby. And it's even more retarded if you actually are skilled in programming, why not use those skills on your career. You'll gain experience and money. I guess some people choose to be a loser.
>he never released the mod that let you ride it
Maybe it is a hobby and they work too?
>being a sellout
Money may be important, but it's not the money that makes it good. If they want donations, they can have em, but monetizing modding is bound to turn an already toxic community into an even worse shitshow.
>monetizing modding is bound to turn an already toxic community into an even worse shitshow.
I never said anything about monetizing modding. I just question the life choice of choosing to spend your time on modding instead of programming for a company, getting paid and building your resumé.
There's a world of difference between making mods and making commercial software.
Besides, if you actually want a job doing programming, you more or less need a github account with a record of doing some pro-bono work. Just saying you're skilled with some languages isn't going to cut it.
why would anyone waste their time with anything when they could be building a resume?
Snow is comfy.
Yeah, that's not what I said at all. I'm sure life only makes sense to you in very clear black and white instructions.
It's like an employed mechanic working on a project car in his garage in his spare time. What's the difference
It's the same idea you sperg. Why would any of the nerds at /tg/ paint and build minis when they could be making an art portfolio?
Yes, snow is confy
>It's the same idea
It's literally not. Please read my posts again and try to use your brain.
> Why play video games without streaming to make money
> Why learn to cook if you're not in the food industry
> Why do anything you enjoy if it doesn't make you money
That was a pretty fucking amazing trailer.
Do you really not see the difference between a programming intensive project that spans 5 years and playing a video game every now and then?
If you can balance your hobbies and proffesional life than that's great but I doubt some autistic neckbeard on Sup Forums even understands the concept of balance.
You are implying so much shit I never said to begin with.
>m-money is e-evil!
>g-go communism, d-down with USA!