The state of Nintendo in 2017

>the state of Nintendo in 2017

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oh shit shovelknight has amiibos now

That fat fuck needs a fucking haircut.

this looks like a parody

It has had amiibo for years.


Pretty sure it always had. Nothing new here.

Plague, Specter and King are new, Shovel already had one

You do know Nintendo doesn't actually make those amiibo right?
Yacht Club produces them, Nintendo just gives them permission

How come when Arin is involved in something, it's always either fucking shilling or some unfunny cringeshit?

>they are even using Calarts shit to shill their garbage


oh shit

this completely optional thing exists

now i hate nintendo

Because he's a cringelord shill, you answered your own question

Everytime I see Arin, my disdain for him grows stronger and stronger. What the fuck happened to Egoraptor?

I've still gotta get round to watching western Shirokuma Cafe.

This guy is known for yelling out pussy and talking about his shits and other dumb shit. And Nintendo hired him? Wtf is going on

Admit it.

You thought it was funny.

It's very boring.


It's not very good and the ten people that actually like this show are fatfags that make dead generals on /trash/.

He's on gamegrumps which has 10 million 10 year old fans.

Also something that really bugs me about all these people that used to make flash animations. Couldn't they just hire people to help them out After making all the key frames? Koreans aren't expensive

>nintenlards in charge of e-celeb shilling

>The state of Sup Forums in 2017

People shit on Jon but Arin is the one that just became a whore and sold himself out for "mainstream" success. Say what you will about Jon taking 9 years to make a new video or his content, but at least he's still doing his own thing and what he wants to do. He isn't whoring himself out.

don't worry Sonybros, one day you'll get toys for your console and you'll defend them and whatever e-celeb they choose to show them off. Maybe some fat-fuck woman with 3 different hair colors, the target audience of your shitty company.

Why did /trash/ become Comics & Cartoons Generals?

They would rather do letsplays than do animations. That's where the money is at. Oney and Psyhicpebbles are way funnier and better at animating than Arin anyway. Let that closeted tranny faggot rot in his letsplay e-celeb kingdom.

Damn Nintendo... they slick..

It's not that I didn't find it funny, I mean I didn't but that's not my issue. I just don't get why everything nowadays needs to be like this. It's that "oh man it's so random and silly" sense of humor that I just don't get. Not saying it's bad or good, just maybe I'm getting old and out of touch with modern humor or something. I just don't get "it" anymore

He got lazy and sold out to the LP shitshow trend. If he remained an artist/animator he'd probably be poor.

It was a choice between money or respect. He chose money.

Since Star/Loud House Generals was not allowed on Sup Forums anymore.

A popular term in advertising is an idea that "breaks through the clutter". We're exposed to so much advertising nowadays, that it kind of just becomes clutter and we don't pay attention to it. Advertisers want us to pay attention, so they'll pitch their idea with "Yeah, this is gonna break through the clutter!". I think the reason why they do things like this is because they want to make something different than the ads you're used to seeing. They don't care if it makes you think "jesus christ that's retarded." or "wow that's actually kind of funny". If it breaks through the clutter and makes you pay attention to the ad, it was successful.

>Starwars battlefront endorsement
>Far Cry sponsored vid
>A ton of other sponsored vids
>Not whoring himself out

I get that but lately this is the clutter. Advertising in general nowadays has this weird focus on "random" types of humor. Especially in "geek" culture stuff like vidya and comics.