What the fuck was the point of this game?

What the fuck was the point of this game?
>big bad did everything because of a bet
>he didn't have a bet with anyone, just got rid of Igor after having an autistic rant
>did everything as an experiment
>had rigged the experiment and would only allow one outcome

Overrated weebshit

The game is great and if you don't like it you are literally a huge faggot.

>paying attention to the plot in a megaten game

Who cares, post best girl

Crack open a mythology textbook, fucknut.


It's a much worse Persona2, nothing more. Play SMTIV:A at least that has fun gameplay.

Is this your first experience of the "god-like being doing things for shits and giggles" narrative?

I mean the story was dumb as hell but
>great evolution of the Press Turn combat system
>3D Kaneko designs look great in HD
>one of the best soundtracks in games
>great stylized menus and presentation
>fun characters like Yusuke, Sojiro and more
>Dungeons were very fun to explore [besides Okumura Foods]
This is definitely not a "for the story" type game

not enough mind break doujins of her time spent as a drugged up sex slave in the bad end

I can't wait for these models to be used in future SMT games. And I hope people emulate the stylized ui to make their games more personable

Did you play P2? Big bad of P4A and this game are basically that guy.

Done and done.

in mythology, gods usually do horrible shit to people over childish bets with other gods. It's not uncommon.

only this time we get to put the god in his place

>Book of Job
God has a sick sense of humor

No - P5 blatantly steals the two ideas from IS and P4, tries to put them together and it ends up a fucking mess.
>Philemon and Nyarl have a bet as to whether humans can grow, or if they'll bring about destruction
>it's an actual bet, though Nyarl cheats
>Izanami has an experiment where the actions of Yu, Adachi and Namatame are representative of the townsfolk
>it's an ACTUAL experiment, and Izanami looks at the result, and grants the desire.
Fuck off P5fag


Really triggers my activated almonds

To be fair, what else can gods do? They often have the power to get anything they want, I'd start fucking with the humans for shits and giggles too.

It also shows that Satan's just another angel that has to obey God's will. No idea why people keep making him out to be the bad guy when he needs God's permission to do shit in the first place.

Persona is MegaTen, you downer. MegaTen =/= only SMT
Is DDS not MegaTen?

Life isn't always fair, but even with the odds stacked against you, perseverance and the power of friendship make anything possible.
Or something like that.

It's a criticism of how fucked Japan's social hierarchy is and gave us Futaba, that's good enough for me.

Because Satan actually had the balls to call God out on his shit

I actually liked Okumura's Palace, I had way more of a hassle with the mafia guy's.

Too cute

God Persona 4 was so fucking awful

You are seriously retarded OP. You don't understand the concept of a character making a bet (and it was made with Igor and is servant you dumb fuck, this is explicitly stated) they are so confident in that they stake too much on it, realize they could lose and then cheat to ensure they don't? No it wasn't an "experiment" for his own purposes, it was a bet made to prove something to the velvet room inhabitants about humanity. Each side was trying to prove something and decided on a fair experiment to do it but then one side undermined the fairness to ensure he'd win.

It's no different than "news" shows that alter graphs or data to show they are "right" when they aren't actually. It's not about actually being right, it's about being able to act like you are.

You have to go back

He's not wrong. The story is poor and the gameplay's dumbed down.

Beep boop is a point against her though. That shit gets you no points for answering it. She has no fucking sense of humor.

Igor has no reason to bet, it was Yalda that came up with the bet + experiment himself - he gave Akechi and the MC their powers himself. All Igor did was get captured, and made Morgana to stop humanity being fucked over.
The bet and experiment were entirely unnecessary, giving the game superficial depth.

>make fun of someone's insecurity when they open their heart to you
>they get offended
>"wooooooowwwwwww way to not have a fucking sense of humor"
Not even a Makotofag but baka desu senpai

He is summerfag; have you not seen any Sup Forums banners?
The gameplay is not dumbed down, unless you think not having 3 physical attacks is significant dumbing down. By that logic, P3 is incredibly dumbed down compared to EP.
P4 actually let's you customise your party members skills, allows them to get new skills through side activities (persona 5 doesn't even do this), gives each party member situational skills for battle, allows party members to attack together, etc

>Igor has no reason to bet
Aside from the whole being fucked up by Yaldy. Did you even pay attention during the ending? Yaldy basically forced him to so Yaldy could make his point. Ya know the whole holding him prisoner thing?

Are you intentionally being this stupid? Or did you just read a summary of the story and not actually play it? It genuinely feels like you didn't or that if you did you skipped half the text. Because if you're OP saying shit like "he didn't bet anyone" just proves you didn't actually play the ending and pay attention.

That is my point you retard.
Why is there a bet? There is no reason for a bet.
>Yaldy basically forced him to so Yaldy could make his point. Ya know the whole holding him prisoner thing?
That's NOT a bet. Yaldy shows up and locks Igor away. He goes on about some bet he's having - but he's NOT HAVING A BET.
He then goes on about his experiment, but he's not having an experiment because he's set things up so that he the outcome he wants will pull through.
The bet is entirely unnecessary.

>That's NOT a bet
No shit just the science on those "news" shows I talked about isn't science. It's pretty clear you are just too dumb to understand the concept of setting up a rigged bet/experiment to "prove" you're right, which is astounding. Are you so dumb that you think when Coca Cola funds a study showing sugar isn't dangerous or unhealthy like we thought it's real science? Do you think their intention is to get to the bottom of the truth? No, their intention is to pretend they are doing that and hoping it's enough to fool everyone. You really don't get the concept of someone lying to prove they are right? Then you're dumb, there's nothing else I can say to you. I'm sorry you're so dumb that you can't understand a story written for teenagers, that must suck.

You're a fucking idiot, so much so that you don't even know what you're talking about. You can't even remember what you said a few minutes ago
>You don't understand the concept of a character making a bet (and it was made with Igor and is servant you dumb fuck, this is explicitly stated) they are so confident in that they stake too much on it, realize they could lose and then cheat to ensure they don't?
So did he make a bet or not? You've now just agreed with me that it wasn't a bet. So why is it part of the story? What is this nonsense about having a bet with Igor, when it's not a bet and Igor wanted nothing to do with it?
Why did he have an experiment to begin with? Who is he trying to show off to? Who is meant to be impressed by him? Why didn't he just bring the about the result himself?

Because P5 took the fun part of the formula

In P2 both sides cheat and dont give a fuck about humans, they want to win the bet above everything just to brag about it.

>So did he make a bet or not? You've now just agreed with me that it wasn't a bet.
No I didn't, I said they made a bet and one side rigged it you dumb fuck. A rigged bet is still bet. I'm done talking to you since you have the intelligence of a grade schooler. You are actually the dumbest person I've ever talked to on this site, no exaggeration. I would think you were trying to bait and troll me if they way you spoke and posted wasn't as dumb as the shit you are saying. Seriously, how do you even dress yourself?

>there will never be a P5A with a playable Hitler

I mean, there's your entire selling point right there.

You might seriously be retarded user.
Yabbadoo's just trying to stroke his own ego.
As a manifestation of peoples' desire to be controlled, he's more interested in placing dominoes and knocking the first one down.

A bet works both ways you retard. Igor had to take part in the bet for it to be a bet. How is this difficult to understand?
It's not a rigged bet - it's simply rigged.

>>That's NOT a bet
>No shit

Posting best imouto

Finally some culture in this thread.

sae is bae
that is all

the big bad is a lawfag so he pretended to to give humanity a 'fair' trial. But secretly, like all lawfags, he doesn't give a shit about the law and just wants to have it his way, so he rigged the game from the start to have an outcome that would make him feel justified to do as he wants

But all the teasing answers give MORE points once you start dating her. You have to play the long game, user.

Basically this.

Actually my wife literally referred to this as "that fag game" and made fun of me Everytime it was one. THEN she saw the ice skating intro, wew...

I want to marry Haru and adopt Futaba!

Your wife sounds like a normie whore with a stick up her ass about anime in general

I'm sorry your wife doesn't know what style is.
I'm sorry you married someone who dresses in literal rags
As a matter of fact, are you even married, friend? sure youre not married to nothing?

Do the cinema scene from Clockwork Orange except you're making her watch Yuri on Ice. She'll be a huge fujoshi and apprecciate ice skating by the end.

>tfw best girl as actually a boy (male)


I want to love that smelly neet


I agree on this.


>Woah! Looking Cool, Joker!


Yaldabaoth is a god of control. His sole motive for everything he has ever done is, "No, I want that toy!" It's why he usurped so many pagan religions and poisoned Judaism despite it being his father's religion and tried to steal Christianity from the creator and his son. It's why he shaped the world and forced man into a physical form. He's a big fucking baby who does nothing but lie, cheat, and steal; the game does a fantastic job representing him an an irrational cunt. The only thing it could do better is have his giant robot form house his serpentine body inside it that you see wriggling around through joints and cracks.

>One sex later

Oh great, we're back to waifu posting. Guess it's impossible to have even a single persona thread without it,

So can someone explain something to me? I just beat the game like a day or two ago and the ending left me a bit stumped. Joker, despite admitting he's part of the Phantom Thieves is let go because his previous arrest was found out to be bullshit right? But didn't he admit to being a member of this wanted organization? Why would they let him go? Especially considering how fucked up Japan's justice system is apparently.

I sure hope you fucktard actually understand that the persona games post 3 are a disgrace to the game series.

Yusuke is fucking boring

Cause he dindu nuffin wrong

Please brother, I need sauce.
Thread was shitty bait from the start and OP already got btfo.
Waifufags salvaging the train wreck is the only reason it didn't die before so why are you bitching?

sounds like your wife is a fag

Somebody didn't do his SL

>and OP already got btfo.

Not letting him go would probably end up stirring the pot even more and create more problems for the gubment. Phantom thief thing aside, the entire city was riled up to help joker, you cant really ignore that without pissing them off
As long as the thieves stop causing problems for the government they dont care. They do try to keep tabs on him though

>t. butthurt OP with shit reading comprehension and willfully ignorant as fuck
Go back to sucking Yabbadoo's cock

t. P5babby who can't accept any criticism
How about you actually address what he said?

Then just let the thread die instead of posting waifus.

You're not fooling anyone.
Yabbadabba is a fuckin babby that just wants to win and cheats as much as he likes. The 'bet' is a continuity nod.

>implying the post I quoted wasn't worth keeping the thread alive for
Why are you even here? To bitch?

Posting best girl

Gods are fickle, whimsical creatures.

I just don't want persona threads to get down to Senran Kagura thread levels.

OP here - I'm not him, so how about addressing what I've said?

Uncultured Swine.

This, it's fucking stupid and everyone defending it (poorly) is handwaving it by saying oh he's a god therefore he doesn't need a real motivation, when he's clearly is motivated to set up this entire dumb plot.

>addressing what I've said
Sorry OP, but making a massive neon sign that says 'retard' is gonna take a while.
Can you give me your address so I know where to send it?

6400 Oak Canyon Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618

>giving out MY address
Fuck you

That was the first clever thing you've posted all thread, but good job.

Main line > Persona

Persona is the main line now

>He thinks he can understand the logic of gods

welp, that means i'm an incestuos faggot cuz I waifud that neet.

Why did they make joker look fat and ugly in this?

xd adults are bad

i enjoyed the game but i felt empty at the end

goro was handled so badly i was insulted, and spent the rest of the game waiting for him to come back.

earlier days

Only for kiddies

Better than him looking like a generic NTR fag

That was the entire point, Yaldy was just a hypocrite with god-like power, which is why he loses in the end. He had no faith, which is why he rigged his own game from the start.

The Phantom Thieves changed fuck all.
>Teenagers think taking down a perverted teacher, shit artist, fat cunt, teenage NEET, angsty prosecutor and one national politician will change the entire world.
>While they revel in their "victory", warlords in Liberia are eating children alive, globalists are conspiring to derail entire nations with destabilizing amounts of mass immigration and the destruction of traditional values and mass consumerism ruining human relationships.

In P4, it was just a bunch of teenagers chasing around murder suspects in the middle of nowhere. The P3 protagonist trumps both of them by practically becoming Emo Jesus.

I swear to fuck P6 better revolve around adults. Teens are cunts. There is so much untapped potential for a Persona game revolving around adults.

As evidenced by those thread, Persona is mostly aimed and liked by teens so they probably won't do that.

They saved the world from Yaldy thought

>Forgets that Joker kills Yaldy, releasing humanity from their 'prison'
Don't remember what defeating Izanami did though.