Nier Automata has an exclusive real-time skin drying system
Nier Automata has an exclusive real-time skin drying system
Okay. It still doesn't make it a good game though.
That's a bloody great game.
A2 is best girl
Ya... not really looking at the "drying" there buddy.
>sexualising cute androids
this needs to be stopped
She's an android so your starring at a row-butt. A PAWG row-butt.
Who ever designed her is a man of class and elegance
Akihiko Yoshida
His answer when asked about why 2B's design is so blatantly sexy was "I just really like girls."
How can a robot have skin?
synthetic flesh
which is nothing new or amazing just like the PS3 graphics the game has
It also has Denuvo.
I don't get it. What am I looking at?
What is this, 5 months ago?
An ass left out to dry.
Fuck, I'm retarded, I read the OP as "real time skin dying system". Thanks for the clarification.
Truly the words of a wise sage.
if men in video games can be buff Adonises hand chiseled from marble, i don't see why women cant be sexy too
>that hair
At least that's more honest than "she breathes through her skin that's why she needs to be half naked while fighting bad guys".
ew you stole this comment from reddit
Honestly, I wouldn't mind Kojima's pervy attidue if he'd at least admit to it. Otherwise some of his 'ideas' come across as genuinely creepy. I'm not even talking about Quiet here either.
>this comment
well, since this whole thread is from reddit
Is that a skin mod or can you unlock that skin?
like 5000 games already have it dumbass
nice hair lmao
unity is still king graphically apart from lod issues. Syndicate felt like a massive step down
fuck Unity was a pretty game
all those fancy polygons came at the expense of lighting. that game had almost no advanced lighting the world overall looked very flat and dull because of it.
its looks pretty with the baked lighting
meanwhile Nier still looks like an early PS3 game
Holy shit, that's what Unity looked like?
Are you talking about The Boss's scrapped boob tattoo of a snake that would laugh when she fired her patriot?
>9S not only has light charged moves, but heavy charged too
Right? anyone who finds this arousing need to get their head out of the gutter
He also wanted someone to zip up 2B butts since collecting them individually and passing them around was a pain.
When will this game go on sale?
The PC version is free
but my pc is poop
Also is the DLC worth it?
Who gives a shit uncharted did it 10 years ago.
All Unity had going for it was the graphics. Fuck off autist.
Woah I legit thought that was a real actress the first time it played
just like your moms pussy
it's too bad they couldn't render faces properly half the time
Nice game where you have lots of moves but are useless because you can win 99% in the game by spamming the same one.
But there's an actual interesting reason behind the sorceress being all sexy and busty, too.
you kind of need to be a redditor to know that buddy
9s has a completely unique unarmed moveset as well, with a stun projectile and a fucking aoe ground smash, it's cool as shit
>what is a shader
His unarmed heavy charge attack also produces some sort of a blast, it's a shame i can't test what it does right now, probably stuns everything in aoe.
this game feels so empty omg look at the vastness of nothing on that map it looks like a survivor zombie pre alpha
Yoshida is a god
He loves legs
do you people google every post here to see if they're from reddit
or are you just from reddit
He just has autism
>Bumping literal reddit threads
Why is this game so boring
There is, but also it's because he likes big tits.
That's the thing that makes Kamitani's art great. He references literature, fairy tales, folklore or whatever is topical to the game, while also having his own style and it being sexy as fuck (both the men and women).
Literally normalfag game
>Low key 2B ass worship thread #126472
Exceptional discussion
Too bad a way around it was found months ago
Antipiratefags just can't stop getting cucked by bald men and fit girls
blow yourself up and she will blow her dress and walk like that
self-destruction doesn't actually kill you, leaves you with 1 hp and her clothes are blown off and you can walk like that once she recovers until the next loading screen or cutscene
except that has been around since tomb raider underworld.
Dude, even wind waker had a drying system and it was released in 2003. And if we dig further I bet we can find something even before that.
What's impressive is that 2B's butt has more polygons than OoT as a whole.
Define "reddit threads"
I unironically liked her design with the tiny skirt on more than without.
is there any other action rpg with combat similar to nier automata other than kingdom hearts? I'm craving the combat ever since I finished it. Is Final Fantasy XV similar? Maybe Dragon's Dogma?
What about some non rpgs with similar battle system? Metal Gear Rising?
same, makes her butt look way bigger and panty shots are always great
why would androids, when presented the opportunity to design other androids, made them so slutty? Because the ones humans made are not slutty at all
>nier autoundertale
Thankfully it's supposed to be empty. This isn't a very populated world you're in. All that's left on earth are killer robots and some androids scattered. If you want a screen full of this, play a Musou game.
Is there a problem, officer?
Ditto. I makes looking at the ass more of an achievement. Probably why I liked clothed sex more than straight nudity. Gives a mystique to it.
If you want discussion you should've gone to /vg/ when the threads were still alive
Sup Forums has been nothing but waifu shit and shitpostting ever since the PC version came out, mostly from people that never played the game
So just like 90% of threads on Sup Forums
You can win every game with combat by just mashing the basic attack button
I beat the game on hard and got all endings 'cept E and Emil's lvl 99 wankery since i can't be arsed to grind for that
now if only it had an exclusive real time not mind numbingly boring combat system
Yeah there is
I'd rather there be no discussion at all than have a daily "ugggh yeah 2B is so thicc route B sucks!" thread
I remember seeing this for the first time and the process of my thoughts going from "dat ass" to "holy shit that technology"
Can you do the same but on 9S?
Have you considered playing above easy?
Friendly reminder
This. The brief flashes of skin are majestic.
That's why i hate japs
Let's waste resources on fanservice instead of making actual gameplay complex and interesting.
>didnt get e
pirate detected
Difficulty settings in this game don't add new mechanics for player to learn, it only increases mechanical difficulty.
you're right, it makes it a great game, it was already a good one
i don't get this meme have gears near their vaginas/buttholes
just like anor londo!