ITT: Pictures that describe Sup Forums/

ITT: Pictures that describe Sup Forums/

Other urls found in this thread:

Microsoft literally had a survey where half the questions were about Nintendo


Terrible thread

Swap Nintendo with Xbone and I'm with you.

>making a thread like this with a picture like that

the irony must be lost on you

The people that make edits to that image haven't watched Mad Men, and its painfully obvious.

Don actually really thought about Ginsberg a lot, and even screwed him over with his ad ideas, leaving the posters in the taxi fucking him over.


false flagging was the worst thing to happen to human existence

there we go


This moment was goat


If I gave enough of a damn, I'd edit it to have Europe in the first panel and the US in the second



SO, did some news hit that was favorable to nintendo?

Sony negroes seems to be shitting louder than usual

This. Nobody says that they feel sorry for anyone except PCbros

how does the tail go through
that's the least of the complaints really but i need something to latch on

It just got ANOTHER goty

A game came out for Switch, and apparently it's good. Sonigros don't have anything coming out for the next few months so they're going mad.

the irony of that picture is amazing.
Fucking soNi***ERs , damn.


This is actually correct

I thought they'd have been used to it by now. If rabbids(however good it may be) cause this i can only imagine oddyssey.


This is the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life.


Now someone do this one.

you're an asshole if you actually do this

some people just want to watch the world burn.

I'll never understand this picture because over here, M&M's have a very distinct shape and couldn't be possibly mistaken with Skittles.

And we got mario 2.

Still the best

but all we talk about in this fucking board IS nintendo

Console war false flagging is pathetic no matter which side you're on.

Well yeah, this is a board about videogames after all. Xbox belongs to /k/ and Sup Forums, and Sony to Sup Forums

There, solved for you

nintendo more like NONtendo


Hence all the triggered nintentoddlers in this thread.


holy shit this
whenever I actually try to discuss video games I get no replies at all
but then I see a post like "xcucks get btfo" with 400+ replies


The point is that you can't just grab a handful at a time without getting both. Skittles and M&M don't mix well.
Imagine the eating a lemon skittle (the worst flavor) then some chocolate, it'd be terrible.

You don't fucking microexamine individual candies in the bowl doofus.


Nobody in my circle likes Skittles anyway, so it'd never happen. Although that would make it all the better now that I think about it.

That is so disgusting for some reason.

Would bang that chick even with mouthful of ketchup though

This sounds like it might be tasty and worth trying, but then I'm not an emotionally labile spaz.


nice try drone, let me show you how its done



>tfw britfag so loli feet is as far as I'll go

What anime?

>mfw I actually have 3TB of hentai manga
>with 3TB more downloading as we speak
I have a problem.


Maybe but if it's not then you just wasted two whole bags of candy or worse forced a group of strangers to sift through a bowl and contaminate every piece of candy looking for at least a red skittle when all they wanted was an M&M.

>Not even saving lolis with hats
Damn, the queen really has your balls in a pie don't she?

sauce my man?

It's mummy may. The queen is okay I guess

Does it make me a furfag if I'm feeling suddenly aroused by this webm?

Oh my god why is this so cute? I'm now starting to see the appeal of moe and maybe even ponygirls pls help

I wanna fuck that ass

Guru Guru


Arigato user

I will literally kill anyone who watches this.



Would you fug a donkey loli?

Alas, such is the fate of a typical "triggered" sayer.

So, why do Ghouls from Fallout like Xbox, Nintendo and Steam?

>Fucking soNi***ERs
Is it me or are all anti-sonyfags underage kids?

Pssh, you'll have to catch me first, kid
*flash steps onto the top of a skyscraper*

Aren't you proving your own pic wrong? Isn't complaining about Nintendo thinking about Nintendo?

>Imagine the eating a lemon skittle (the worst flavor)
Do the individual skittles have different flavors? I've always just eaten the whole bag in one mouthful

better pick it up haha

Two nukes wasnt enough.

I agree.





If I was a cute girl I would probably spend all my alone time naked too tbqh


its literally the other way around

Are you serious? Of course they taste different, the aftertaste is similar but imho only the red ones taste good.


why boner

I want to take her home and and take care of her like a pet and breed her with an actual horse while I'm watching



I don't feel sorry for console plebs. They chose to play around in a pile of shit.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?


>le check my 5 xddd