This is why the gaming industry sucks today

>P-Please use Mixer you g-guys

Fucking LOL

PUBG is popular because you can make mad dosh on the marketplace, and alpha kids have never given a fuck when it games to gaming, only social status, and streaming and making money gives you social status.
Incidentally, the games where you can make money faster and be seen by streaming faggots the most are DOTA, CS:GO and PUBG, the most played games on PC.
It's not a coincidence.

>just want to play some matches online and have a good time
>it's being recorded and broadcasted to thousands upon thousands from multiple different angles from different people
>every time
>if you upset any one of them for whatever the reason then their rabid fanbase and or administration behind the game itself, will come after you and make sure you have a very poor time
Fuck this. It wasn't meant to be like this.
What if I just want to play some games for a couple of hours without sharing it with the rest of the entire fucking world while having it recorded?

You're exaggerating like a drama queen. People arent focusing on your faggot ass in a multiplayer game stream. Online games with a hundred people aren't private and again, no one gives a fuck about you.

you're missing the best part where he used the money to fund his hair transplant

>You're exaggerating like a drama queen.
I wouldn't say that. It's not as if you run into shit every time or anything like that. Far from it.
But with one to multiple streamers in every damn lobby. If you play every day you'll eventually run into shit. It's inevitable. And it's awful.

I seriously doubt anything has happened to you as a result of a streamer. And even if it did, no one fucking cares.