Why do girls pretend to like video games?

Why do girls pretend to like video games?
Mods fuck off, it's more on topic than half the shit in the catalogue

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh shit he has trump hair

The mods are right for once.

Does it make you more comfortable to believe this?



You already know exactly why. They do it for attention.

This thread is completely pointless.

Mods did nothing wrong.

>Mods fuck off, it's more on topic than half the shit in the catalogue
No, it isn't. Take this shit to

Why do faggots like you pretend to want to talk about video games?

MEGA = 89%
You know who you are

why do cute girls like playing counter-strike and anno 1404?

his nose is ugly as hell

OP is a fag and mods are justified

good on you aus-user
truth be told, i've been stalking her since 2011 and never fapped to her

why are there threads up on Sup Forums and Sup Forums just like this?


Go look through the catalog and honestly tell me that half of those threads are about talking about video games
This is at least tangentially related which is more than you can say for most of the shit posted on this board

You "muh talkin bout vidya gaems" faggots are delusional as always

Why do all of her pics have shitty resolution?

>Why is OP pretending to not be underage?
Fixed for you.



are you a fag?

Replace music with vidya

I do not have that kind of self-control, I've got a girl from tinder coming over tomorrow and you better believe I'm gonna pretend that bitch is Rose while I cum, but I admire your pure commitment
We all appreciate our infatuations in different ways

>tfw no 5 foot 3 gf

Does anyone have the picture in the post in that picture?
She looks fucking amazing from a distance, I need to know if she's as hot in full size

>tfw no height gf

brah this is about you making absurd rationalizations about women because you dont get laid, like have you not made this thread like 4 or more times in the past hour, despite them being deleted every time

>post some eceleb shit
>thread hits limit
>post rose who does or did a similar thing with youtube
really thinks you make.


>We all appreciate our infatuations
true, but I never got sexual urges with rose. there's something about her face and videos that makes me more obsessed than aroused

Nah, I just made this one because I was having a good discussion in the original
Most of my girlfriends have enjoyed video games and about half of my female friends do, I know why they like video games, the same reason I do, because they're great

Why is s(he) dressed like a FFXV character?

>it's more on topic than half the shit in the catalogue

Objectively false, I see plenty of vidya threads. You just want to post your shitty waifu/fap bait.


a lot of girls do like video games.

>post not found (dead)

Sharing the love

Oh, ok user my bad.

I can't click on the links

she has weird dress sense

speaking of FF, rose always hated turn-based games and thought FF sucked dick


bait taken

That's fair, I've just always been a sexual person, it's why I was a massive manslut back in year 11/12
I hear she's a single mother now so if you tried hard enough you could probably twist her to crave your attention, from experience single moms are pretty easy to manipulate

100% downloaded, running virus scan and unpacking now


>rose always hated turn-based games and thought FF sucked dick

Infatuation cured. Thanks user, im deleting my Rose folder right now.

yeah it's been that fucking long since i linked a cross post i dont even remember how.
>>Sup Forums87169632
>>Sup Forums74894551

might have messed up which one was what dont give a fuck tho.

Why dont we ever see them in real life, though?


Literally no video games in this thread.

>other people are making shitty threads so I'm going to do it to

Thanks op

Guess you weren't around for the last few threads huh user?

You literally just link the full link and Sup Forums will automatically shorten it.

So if I wanted to link your post on another board, I would post a full link like this (minus the spaces):
https :// boards . Sup Forums . org Sup Forums thread/ 388939027 # p388940241

b-but user, she loved dodonpachi!

no, that is newfag style.

This chick is fucking disgusting. If you're going to post girls atleast make sure they are cute.

fuck off shitposter

You do all the time. They just keep their distance because you're a hateful creep.

>I hear she's a single mother now so if you tried hard enough you could probably twist her to crave your attention, from experience single moms are pretty easy to manipulate


wow you guys really need to get laid

what the fuck does that question even mean? Do you know, at a glance, how many men like to read fiction books? Can you tell within five seconds of meeting someone if they think the transformers movies are trash or not? Plenty of chicks like video games, they just don't talk about it, generally because it's not considered girly.

As anecdotal evidence I've met 5 women online who were avid gamers (dota, counter strike, MMOs) and then met them IRL. Girl gamers absolutely exist and they come in all shapes and sizes and play all different genres. This thread is stupid and ill informed.

Hoooo-leeeee fuck this is a complete list
I'm not one to judge and feel free to ignore me but you either need to meet her and make her yours through charm or force or you need to get help
I mean absolutely no offence but this level of unfulfilled desire isn't healthy and I only want the best for you RoseAnon

>that dick

>Rose is 30 years old
Holy shit i wasted my life fighting about video games on the internet

no I wasn't. it's a clickbait OP right? or is he just a virgin that's become a misogynist because he hasn't discovered deodorant and showering yet?

>All those mp3s and shit

I have no real idea as to the veracity of the claim but someone said it in one of the previous threads so you might wanna check it out
If this revelation leads to rape/murder make sure to video it and make it available

was it autism?


whats that brown stuff in her mouth?
that better not be teeth


I'm the OP, I just made this one to be the same as the last ones that got deleted to attract the guy I was talking to because I wanted to keep talking to him
No idea why the original OP made the thread

Who is she
It's just the shadow of her mouth darkening her teeth

>complete list
you mean the mega?

you should've seen the 2012-era Sup Forums rose threads. that mega was compiled a long time ago

>how paranoid and weird can you get

its called shadow you dumbass

That girl has street whore levels of makeup on, she's not cute, she's a liar

maybe start using a trip then

So with your thread over half the catalogue is off-topic? Thanks OP

Nah, I'm not a faggot, just wanted to continue a conversation
If you know a better way to find a specific user let me know

>I hear she's a single mother now
God i hope she has a daughter

that's the best way I can think of, sorry.

Post a girl who's attractive without makeup. Literally impossible

shadows dont do that

>tfw my archive is 44.7 gigs, mostly from archive /rose/ threads

Only if its with rose butthole

I hear this question asked a lot, but I think you are asking the wrong question.

The question isn't why do GIRLS pretend to like video games. The question is why do people pretend to care about games in general. Contrary to what Sup Forums believes, just as many guys pretend to be care about video games as girls do. Who do you think is eating up all this Destiny/GTA/The Last of Us crap?

The answer is, of course, a desire to fit in among the crowd despite your own interests. Do you recall when you were younger how people would shit on anyone who dared to prefer Nintendo consoles over the ''''''mature''''' competition in spite of the fact that Nintendo is and always has been better? Same general concept.

Fake Gamer guys are just as bad as gamer girls, but you fucks don't acknowledge it because you would be forced to admit that you are just as bad as they are.

Why are virgins like you upset that women rather play bing bing wahoo then have sex with you?

This is the same misguided line of reasoning that led to "virtue signalling" becoming a buzzword. If everyone is just pretending, why the fuck are they pretending?

Because that's what they're supposed to do. It's the same reason everyone hypes up all these generic super hero movies. It's not because the films themselves are any good, it's because they get the experience of talking about them with their friends.

AAA gaming is no different. There's a good reason no one talks about games like L.A Noire or Bioshock Infinite years after launch, despite being huge deals when they first came out. They failed to leave a lasting impression on people the way that good games do.

>tfw most of her articles on ready-up has been removed


>make sure to video it and make it available
Why do you think I would share something so intimate


Because you care about your fellow Rose lovers that will never get to feel your sublime joy first hand
You aren't selfish are you user?

>user, why do you have a 5 gig archive of me on your computer?

This thread is Sup Forums baiting. The OP has no desire whatsoever to talk about video games and it's pathetic to pretend otherwise.

How did you get the tape off your mouth?
Back in your box or I activate the shock collar again

>Because that's what they're supposed to do.
Why? There's a step missing in the argument here. How does something get to be the thing you're supposed to do because everyone does it, if everyone is doing it because everyone does it? How did it ever get to the point where everyone does it in the first place?

Okay real talk guys, does anyone know where abouts she lives, if we really try we can push her to porn I know it

Fuck off rose is pure