I've read worse.

I chuckled a bit

Do they fug?

For anyone wondering it's a chicken nugget and he loves chicken nuggets 'cause he's fat and that's the joke every other comic

I thought it was like a hole in the pillow he was fucking or something at first


Who is the woman in Ron's comics?

Evacuate the children.

Agrias, his fictitious roommate.


That one's actually pretty good. Maybe it could've been better without the last panel though.

I actually kinda like these ones.

it's not funny because it's true

He's right.


It's funny because he is right

>J/O sessions with bros
>worries about watching chicks with dicks


I chuckled at this one

No, take it back.
That's just mean.


>J/O session between bros
>No crystals to recharge
What the fuck?

The fact that it's "Sniggers" always makes it a reach, when the other two candy bars were real.

>on the next episode: are traps gay?

What's he trying to say is gay, anons?


>artist intentionally draws them all naked while having a fucking retarded conversation about the viability of watching futa to almost distract from that

It's almost like ironic irony. Its pretty funny when you think about it.

>He does not have multiple Penii

Alright comic. Art is pretty good and stays consistent, no panels are redrawn etc.

Teetering on bad. Art is fine but the joke is just "haha the fat man LOVES chicken nuggets so much his pillow has them instead of naked anime characters".

Great comic. I like the art. The joke is dark but pretty funny. Last panel doesn't really need to be there but it doesn't detract from the joke anyways.

Abhorrent comic. The entire appeal is the nudity and the joke hinges on the nudity. The art itself is low quality and the characters themselves have bad design.

The art is very nice but there's no joke here. It's not funny, it's just a bit absurd (which I imagine is the appeal).

source ? this is unironically good


its just sad how all the people reading this stuff will never have any kids of their own

I unironically love this comic. If (when)
I have kids I'm gonna dress them up like this for Halloween. Can't wait :)

>It's gayer than straight porn because it becomes the object of attention unlike straight porn where the camera makes sure to have close up shots on the dick fucking girl's mouth/pussy
And they say futafags are making leaps of logic.

>The art is very nice but there's no joke here. It's not funny, it's just a bit absurd (which I imagine is the appeal).
not every comic is comedy

>The art is very nice but there's no joke here. It's not funny, it's just a bit absurd (which I imagine is the appeal).
It's Terry Pratchett you fucking philistines.

>see LOL thread, decide to check out thepbf
>New comic is up

It's a Terry Pratchett quote

The text is originally from one of the Discworld novels, DEATH is one of the best characters


>being so insecure with yourself and your sexuality you care about retarded labels like gay and straight
Beat off to what you like. Fuck what you like. If it's not hurting others then go wild. Why are you so intent on maintaining artificial boundaries for yourselves and shaming others for not maintaining theirs?

It's all gay.

Especially considering normal porn already has those along with zooming in on the dude's face and asshole.

This one has been out for a while.

fag spotted

This doesn't work at all since it's actually not called Sniggers

LOL threads are about posting comics meant to be funny that aren't funny you newfags

But what if I don't let it limit me and simply use it to describe the situation?
Futa is kinda gay.
When I fap to it, that's kinda gay. And that's kinda okay
You're the one taking issue with the label.


LOL hahahaha

>tumblrfaggot detected

Honestly, this isn't that bad.

This one's great.



see pic related

The point that people feel the need to even defend/attack what is and isn't gay is proof that people take issue with the labels

He left without buying his game

It's only an issue if you think gay is a bad label to have.


he didn't need to, he already won the game

fag spotted


Well that's like their problem.


t.retard who doesn't know what a trap is

what's this fag even trying to say lmfao



I'm going to shame anyone that brings out their sexuality unwarranted, even if they're 100% handholding vanilla.

I don't speak Speedy Gonzales, I can't read this.


Because some people are fine with being gay and liking things that are gay, and some don't want to be gay and don't want the things they like to be gay.
It is entirely personal preference.

lel, this one is good

I wish Doomguy was my uncle


And the point that people feel the need to call someone out on it like what you are doing right now makes you look like a faggot beta that will tumblr talk his way out of arguments, you need to go back.

i read every comic as it came out until bear went full retard and became a tranny

I thought he moved out. What happened?

>Trap is not feminine in the slightest
>example is clearly somewhat feminine
>from a comic where the other trap is even more feminine

>and some don't want to be gay and don't want the things they like to be gay
And that's fucking stupid.

>boards are primarily english based
>noone except enchilada men try to shoehorn their fucking language into everything

doomguy is the little girl's uncle

>wanting an anarchist utopia
fuck off

>complains about falsely appropriating gamers as being violent
>proceed to threaten people who think that way.

did buckley make an actual joke here or is he just stupid? based on previous experiences I'm inclined to believe the latter


>average dude has 3 foot long dick

>being comfortable with yourself = anarchy
Hellllllooooo, Reddit!

It's so sad that people can't admit to the things they like and must jump through a series of mental gymnastics to justify it.


lmao brainlet

what they dont teach spanish in america?
nobody is trying to get you out of your comfort zone burger, the comic was kinda self explanatory

People are allowed their opinions.
Some people are just completely straight, and some really really want to be.

*shifts out of this etheral plane*
*shifts back in but behind you*
*tramples you with my epic ass elephant*

Everyone who think futa is gay should be holocausted.

Sopa de Cyber Demonio. Uma Delicia

This one's pretty good

Is Discworld good?


I don't even speak spic but I understood this because of the Sup Forums meme with the monkey soup

>moralfagging this hard
>on Sup Forums