If Solid Snake was a girl, what would be her code name, Sup Forums?

If Solid Snake was a girl, what would be her code name, Sup Forums?

Wet pussycat.

liquid clam

Fluffy Pussy.

Solid Snake

Microwaved Grapefruit

snake eater

Thicc Booty.

Best thread on v in years

Newest fag on "v" in years

Simply fucking epic.


easiest bait of my career
>t. newfag cuck from reddit
lurk more or kill yourself

The Boss

This, children, is what we call "Trying your very hardest" too bad it didn't work out for this newfag.

Stinky whore

double baited
9gag might be more your speed kiddo



How do you know I'm not the one baiting you? And that this very post I am writing right now and that you're reading right now is not just another piece of bait? How do we know our very existance is not just bait?

Big Boobers

sneaky snake, because girls are sneaky

>implying any threads are good.

holy fuck
>mfw scored a triple bait

Dick muncher

No, YOU just scored ME a triple bait,.

Bow chicka bow wow.

Slippery clam

Blacked Widow

>hhnngg, Boss harder!


What ever you autistic perfer

fuck i can't believe I got tricked
fuck you user


seconding this

>lurk more
It's lurk moar, you fucking newfag.

>t. redditor cuck who is under 25

The ruseman wins again

>under 25
My 26th birthday was yesterday

Dat Ass

Sorry, but Solid Snake still has the better ass.

Don't fuck with me boy.

Gaseous Donkey


Squish Mitten

moist oyster

kill yourself

Solid slit

Solid Nut

Hard Python


Solid Clit
Which would mean The Boss would have been a male and therefore the Clit Commander.

Gaseous Warthog

Vicious Viper

6th post best post

Revolver Ocelotte

Ash since the world would have been nuked a long ass time ago.

>chicks in skintight outfits

yes pls

snake solidifier

soft pussy

I love 9gag!

Thicc Snek

Soft inverted snake

>those bangs

have fun trying to see what the fuck you're shooting at ever


If snake was a girl this series would set sales records

Solid Snake