Does it matter to you if a protagonist is attractive or not?

Does it matter to you if a protagonist is attractive or not?

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Videogame protagonists need to be aesthetic.

allright Sup Forums can i be honest and serious for a moment?

you have 3 cartoon porn board, 3 fucking cartoon porn board, why do you have to post a billion "would you fug this anime girl *cropped porn pic*"? go in one of the porn board!

To some degree, if the character is comically ugly I'm fine. I like Oddworld. Horizon Zero Dawn is trying to tell me that Aloy is attractive, but she isn't. So I don't like it.

... i know where that art is from

Surprising how some developers don't realize this.

Yes. I always enjoy games more if I can play as a cute girl.

Attractiveness isn't the issue.

Good characters need to be appealing in some way, otherwise you wouldn't be interested in that character. Physical beauty doesn't need to be that appealing characteristic.

enlighten me

This is Wario propaganda

When will he get another game. Fuck Mario, I want to gather treasure with Wario.

This is a good start, keep going.

If she's too sexy my dick will keep me distracted all the time.

What the 2nd poster said most of the time, with the exception of "make ur own character" games, which If I want to make them look good, and non of the options fit it, you can sure as heck bet it will make me either stop playing, or not give a sh*t about a blank slate character.

If its got some sort fo RPG "build character stats" im more inclined to pick characters that are aesthetically pleasing for the long grind.
If non of them are, I do find myself giving up the grind earlier than in games where they are visually pleasing to me.

Noticed this in Western vs Eastern RPGs back in the day, and going from FFXI to WoW, where characters were just too ugly for me to care about leveling my character in WoW.

it's western tentacle shit, don't bother

Can you give an example of an unattractive protagonist in an objectively good game?

Women need to be good looking
Men need to look like men
This guy gets it
Sorry but no one wants to play as an ugly woman

not OP, but whats attractive/objectively good are always going to be argued about on Sup Forums but quick example that comes to mind is Lisa, though i know plenty of ppl dislike it, and or think the burly manly man is visually attractive, despite me thinking otherwise.

No, I play games like whatever.

Papa Nier ain't much to look at in the beginning but his eyepatch makes him look cool.

thumbnail looks good enough to me. sauce a nig up. I aint getting anything on reverse

just look up "shantae english tentacle western" jesus fucking christ how retarded can you be?

Pharaoh Rebirth is a "hair whip" game that is far better game than any shantae game. It's god damn pathetic. All Wayforward has is dicktease.

Men don't necessarily need to be attractive because they can derive their worth from other things. You can have a cool ugly guy.

Women's worth is based on their attractiveness, so they need to look pretty.

Depends, honestly, I don't like being told a protagonist is attractive and having my face dragged through it when they obviously look average at best.

Beyond that it doesn't really matter to me.

The.protagnosit needs to be aesthetic but it doesnt need to be attractive. When they are designed for the purpose of being eye candy it detracts from the quality of the game.

A quality game does not rely on people masturbating to it to boost sales.

Consider drinking bleach

Not at all.

Most to least important:
>Ability progression
>Story relevance
>How much I want to fuck them

very important
even better if they look like this

>shilling your indieshit in another indieshit thread

don't spoonfeed me if you makes you so angry then, faggot

She's ugly af.

Not particularly, no.

That kind of thing is a bonus.


Shantae is perfection, user.

Videogames are escapism why the fuck would they not be attractive?

because muh morals


What games have protagonists that look like that?
Do said games allow the protagonist to get even bigger?

I tried to watch, but its soooooooo friggin bad.
Those constant calls mid jump would make me throw my damn keyboard across the room. And i actually like cutscenes/story.

fuck you
Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is / gif/ and /gif/ is /aco/

>Does it matter
Sure it does. I mean neutral protagonists are fine, but ugly and disgusting to look at protagonists are a clear minus. And attractive protagonists that are pleasant to look at are a clear bonus.
And that goes for both genders.

Humanity have always responded better towards better looking people.

you mean risky

Attractive can mean a lot of things. My favourite protagonists are all manly which is attractive to women. So yeah, I guess they do have to attractive but it's not the only thing that matters. They can't be black because then they wouldn't be attractive.

They don't have to be super attractive, but they can't be fucking ugly pieces of shit either.

They need to be interesting and fun. An attractive but boring/unlikeable protagonist is just as awful as an ugly one.

>The.protagnosit needs to be aesthetic but it doesnt need to be attractive.
>When they are designed for the purpose of being eye candy it detracts from the quality of the game.
What? Unless its a horror game, this is incorrect. Its possible to be improperly dressed for a given role/situation, in the case of a more "take it serious" type of story. But its not the eye candy thats at fault, any type of inappropriate atire is bad for that. (example, bunny suit for the mayor or something) The games quality isnt affected by attractiveness/eye candy otherwise.

>A quality game does not rely on people masturbating to it to boost sales.
Correct most of the time.

Yea I will play a mediocre game if the protagonist is cute/cool and has different outfits to dress up in. Examples, Batman Arkham Knight and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

If the gameplay is great, then it's fine. Tho I still prefer eyecandy than ugly shit 100% of the time.

>My favourite protagonists are all manly
>They can't be black

Correct. A good leading man is equal parts handsome and intelligent. I don't think niggers qualify for either but that's just my opinion.

Mah nigga. I barely hear anyone talk about this game.

They're only frequent in the beginning of the game. The game is pretty damn good. and it even has a Jojo reference.

Serious Sam has never had an attractive character model or interesting design in any way. They tried to spice things up by giving him a torn up shirt but he still looked ugly because of the low quality model and uninteresting design. But each entry is amazing.

Which Risky is the best?

matters to my dick

>the way her tits rest on the ground


>ywn get a private belly dance from this Shantae

I know, it's so grand

>you will never make shantae make this face

I prefer main characters who are attractive or ugly to ones that look just bland (unless being bland plays into their character, then its just as fine)

Which girl in the Shantae series takes the best shits. Also describe the bowel movements of each girl.

The fuck is wrong with shante fags ?
Who the hell play that shit?
I bet you guys are ninten/virgin/no-life/fatty kind.


Shantae: She eats lots of meat so hers are thick and long

Risky: Probably eats lots of greens and shits like a rabbit

Sky: Probably softer shits with corn

Rottytops: I don't think she shits

just so long as they're visually distinctive

even that constraint can be waived if they're meant to be some rank-and-file mook or salaryman

she was never a protagonist

As long as they're a little girl, they're always cute.

Prove me wrong.


Rotty's whole body is shit.

Fat fetishists should be round up and shot.

The best protagonists are cute, sexy AND attractive.

>hips overflowing pants
that's it mang

Name a game where the protag is not really attractive, nor ugly. Just completely and totally plain, and where while party members get complimented on their looks, the MC is left out on that.

You can't, as average doesn't work for video games.

I prefer making my own protagonists.

Deadly Premonition?

Super Mari Brothers

But that's just Elsa with big titties.

I want to play as attractive characters.

Anything else is SJW propaganda, Fat/LGBT acceptance, or racial tension-related.

>But that's just literal perfection

I agree

Fuck, something about all the different outfits in the Arkham games just does it for me. Arkham Knight has that endless (well, as long as you can last) predator challenge that I played so often just because I liked doing it in different costumes.

York is conventionally attractive--the model in game is just bizarre to fit the game's aesthetics.

Not only do you not have party members nor do NPCs interact with you in Super Mario Bros, but any and all Mario RPG games constantly suck Mario's dick. Try again.

Anything is better with big titties.

Not big enough.

Never about his looks. He's a overweight italian manlet.

If you find a character hot and/or cute, you have an immediate connection with him or her.
That's why developers that aren't idiots try to make characters appealing.
I'll never understand how most western devs don't get that.

Anyone else read that image in Trump's voice?

t. life

We're talking about protagonists, not side characters. If the protag of DKC was candy kong the game wouldnt be as good

Every now and then I see this gif come up but I don't know what it's from.

I don't care how attractive the protagonist is as long as they're fucking stacked.

Turn around

where can i find them separate?

MS Paint

Every head this artist makes looks dented

Only if they're women desu. I could care less if the guys I'm playing as are good looking.

Jesus fucking christ. How would you have this character in your game of The Sims without turning it into The Dick.

but they're all fucking stacked

I have seen higher resolution ones.
There must be higher resolutions of this.