>Game takes place all in one night
Game takes place all in one night
>thread is just a bunch of random irrelevant statements with random wacky reaction images
>game dosen't take place at all
>game takes place in a night
>has 24+ hours of gameplay
>game is like real life because you don't want to play it
>game takes place in a night
>you can rent a room at an inn to restore health
>Game is shit
>game was in your head all along
name 2401 games that do this
Psychonauts takes place in one day.
>game takes place in one night
>you're at the north pole
>game takes place over the course of 400 years
I am genuinely interested in a game that does this.
Until Dawn did this pretty well.
Are there any games where the whole thing takes place in real time?
from amateur robot pilot to savior of mankind in one night
>game takes
How long does Sweet Home last? Is that a day in game?
Ghost Trick.
>your character continually grows stubble and his clothes get ragged during the night
All the Bamhams.
Hotel Dusk
all in the title
an endless night is a bit different
crusader kings, europa universalis, and many other strategy games just to name a few
>endless night
>except the night ends
One of my fave tropes, it always makes me beat the game in one sitting
well I mean a long, long night that doesn't span 12ish hours
Ghost Trick
>game takes place over multiple days
>the nights are spooky as fuck
>girl gets kidnapped
>go all the way into outer space to save her
>all within one night
>game has a day/night cycle
>things are normal during the day
>spooky shit goes down during the night
Not all strictly in one "night" but whatever
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 1&2
Silent Hill
Arkham Asylum
Devil May Cry
What a horrible night to have a curse
>not beating bloodborne in 12 hours or roleplay and immerse yourself that the night is realistic
>you end up beating the game in 3 hours
>tfw playing Bloodborne with the hud off
>implying that the pacing of the changes in the world don't reflect that the night has gone on longer than your playtrough time
>tfw watching the simpsons.jpg
Give me a quick rundown on this person
>finish game
>look outside
>the sun is rising
Dead Space (2)
someone post it
Any Arkham game
The warriors
Was that really one night?
Persona 5 sort of.
>game takes place in one night
>is mostly indoors
It takes place over a couple of months. Years if you count flashback missions.
>30 minutes unskippable cinematics
Cry of Fear
Outlast maybe, however the PC gets knocked out a few times so it's kinda ambiguous.
luigi's mansion.
Resident Evil 4 takes place over the span of like, a day and a half.
It was, but they stretched it out so long you could hardly tell.
Half Life 1
>game takes place in 3 days
>you get an extra day by doing certain shit
Majora's Mask; if you don't count the days reversed.
Hotel Dusk
>game's story covers a single night but its been going on for 10+ years
Arkham city
>game takes place over several days
>it's night the entire time
>everyone looks up at the sky
shit gave me nightmares
Not really. Most of the game is framed as the interrogation, but it still goes on a few months past that.
I hate it
Arkham games spring to mind.
SWAT 4 or it's expansion's Campaign supposedly take place all in one night.
>game is a game
>game is