Sup Forums tells you a game is shit

>Sup Forums tells you a game is shit
>it's actually great
What's her name?


Musou games, DBZ games.

fallout 4

DotA 2
Although I can definitely understand why Sup Forums hates them, and I believe they should still be shunned here, I enjoy them.

did you had any crash issues? I managed to complete the game but it was a real pain to deal with all the crashes

You're either new or have amnesia.
Pretty much everyone here who's played Deadly Premonition states that the game is great for its atmosphere, character and story but its bogged down by it's whole gameplay aspect.


Only a few. dpfix my man.

Lawbreakers, ESO, Gigantic, Sword Coast Legends, Fallout 4, Halo 5, PUBG, Oxenfree, Until Dawn, Pic related, and many others.

bioshock infinite
>great fast-paced gunplay
>amazing plot and envirmoments
this board is full of cucks

I had dpfix but the game was still crashing all the time ;_;

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Did anyone played the defenitive edition of recore, is it good ?

It's worth $20 bucks. I don't know what it's going for. Top tier OST tho, that's what surprised me the most about the game was the awesome OST. I'm going to wait to play it when I get my Scorpio.

SOMA which is a walking simulator, but a good walking simulator with great story that can be told only through video game medium

Dota 2 if you play it with friends and don't give a fuck about winning meaningless matches

The Last of Us which unlike Sup Forums likes to lie about has legit gameplay with real difficulty

Metal Gear Solid 2 which is arguably the best MGS game (debatable if it's not MGS1)

Final Fantasy X with great story and good gameplay if we ignore X-2 and Tidus dies after kicking a blitzball bomb

>fallout 4
>halo 5
sorry bud, looks like you should be going to 9gag.

The Witcher 2

pic related

Just about every "laugh at Lawbreakers" thread I've seen has been focused on Clifford B, game itself looks solid desu.

Nice try Bobandy

Come on, story aside the gameplay is fucking awful

Gameplay is completely fine. More clunky re/sh

Combat is awful but completely optional. Driving is top tier comfiness though