your favorite pokemon is not as cool as gengar
Dat nigga
Least it didnt get a shitty mega evolution which makes it look like a pile of fluff.
nothing after gen 3 or 4 is pokemon
But gengar is my favorite Pokémon. I haven't even played as any other character in pokken
But then you're missing out on this rad dood.
Gengar ruined Haunter.
ahh yes the glory of nu-pokemon design
haunter is a temporary blemish before you get your gengar
I suppose, but it's definitely cuter.
>gengar is not cool as gengar
I don't understand
She's much cooler the Gengar.
Alright that made me bust a gut.
A man of good tastes.
Wow such a cool looking Pokemon
Every gen has good pokemon.
he's not even the coolest in his own evolution line
haunter is better than that fatass
started off iffy, but now this guy is my bro
I want gengar to fuck me in the ass
Step aside, plebs.
Nice cursed body faggot
Me too
I also wanna suck his ghost cock
I actually kinda liked Xuriky. The design is simple and dumb and thats why I like it.
I always mention Excadrill is my second favorite
>Literally everyone thinks Gengar is badass
Nice gimmick LOSER
bUt WhAt iF mY FaVoRiTe PoKeMon iS gEnGaR?
Out of the way losers!
Based arcanine. Who with me ?
>Not choosing the best Pokemon of all time.
bitch plz flygon is bae
>Tfw I'm the only person who unironically loves Slowbro
How come there aren't any more gen 6 picks?
Step aside losers.
Feral if att isn't a close second.
Holy fuck autocorrect. Feraligatr is a close second.
Nice favourite pokemon scrub, check this out
Allahkazam is the best
>Outspeeds you and Infiltrates behind you
heh... nothing personnel kiddo
You are not, good sir.
>Trick Room
nothing personelli chump
The Serperior choice for sure
BUT gengar is one of my favourites. The first actually. So is gengar cooler than gengar?
*sucker punches behind you*
heh.... nothin personal kid...
that's untrue, he's at least as cool as gengar.
>life orb shedinja
Back to your containment board
Fucking this: Haunter is perfection.
>forced encounter in multiple gens
>undisputed king of Gen II
>used by highest-leveled NPC trainer in the franchise
Step aside.
That's not even a pokemon though
Do you lads have a moment to listen to the word of the House of Golurk?
Well, I think he is. I may be the only one but that doesn't matter to me.
Please don't talk like that lol
no good pokes in that gen. or gen 7.
looks like a yugioh
Please don't bully my favorite
But alolan muk is way cooler.
Gengar is my fav pokemon too, but it probably has to do with the fact that being a ghost type was really special in gen 1. That means that you and and me just wanna be special snowflakes.
>anything after gen 5
I love punchboi
We talking about favorite but lets change gears, post Pokemon you hate the most, out of design or gameplay wise
I'll start
I love this fabulous plant
My favorite Pokemon IS Gengar
She was my first shiny and she'll always be my mega.
I'm not a furfag though I swear
Sure, I guess
tfw no shadow sneak
the Unovan regional rat, not even gonna bother with posting an image
i love incineroar!
>evolves by trade
I'll bet you do.
Yeah he is
i love him sexually
I figured.
that's were you wrong, OP
My favorite pokemon is cooler than Gengar and there is nothing you can't do to change my opinion although Gengar is also cool but I respect your taste
>he doesn't exclusively emulate with the universal randomizer fixing impossible evos
mah nigga
>gengar is not as as cool as gengar
Raichu. Still the best. Still Numero Uno.
>ITT post your favorite pokemon
Your argument has never been more invalid.
My dude
neither is jynx and buttduck
Wingull's entire line is cancer incarnate.
>Gengar is just an edgy Clefairy
>nerfed normal gengar
why the FUCK these games are not even closed to balanced
>mega rayquazas behind you
Yeah but your favorite pokemon is not as cute as wooper
I don't think so fag.
Ghost is best type.
>spams aerial ace and makes you perma-flinch
jesus fuck
Satou Shouji but you can find his work on Gelbooru. This is the only one that's exceptional in my opinion.