Have any of you read any of his books?
Jesus christ, are they bad. How does this man dare to criticize anything?
Have any of you read any of his books?
Jesus christ, are they bad. How does this man dare to criticize anything?
Nope. What's bad about them?
You tell me.
>favourite modder stopped just before the end of a series to write books instead
>can't read French, so I can't even tell if the stories are good or not
Life is truly suffering.
I've definitely seen better, but I respect all writers, even the crappy ones. Putting together a book is no easy task, even though it may seem that way to an outside observer.
Yeah and Harold Bloom wrote the piece of shit that is Flight to Lucifer, people can make bad things but still be good critics. Or, to put it in terms you'll understand, you don't have to be a good cook to tell faeces from hamburgers.
t. guy who's never watched anything by this guy
Christ that is bad.
This reads like a teenager wrote this.
>How does this man dare to criticize anything?
You're right user. Everyone knows that critics are always and need to be excellent creators
You're acting like a retard
>generic shit.txt
Wow, I expected more.
The only people who say that are losers. ANY good critic is an expert of their field.
He writes his criticisms better than his books. Is that such a shock to you?
Also get off Sup Forums, Matosis.
>The Wizard Dragon
I got excited before seeing the "and the"
>Bloom cocksucking
Fuck off back to /lit/ and read more Greek faggotry
>Been writing a novel for years
>Not nearly done because I keep revising it trying to make it perfect
>Meanwhile terrible writers are getting their books published in droves
Feels absolutely aweful
Is his writing as long-winded, never to the point, tangential, and dull as his critiques?
Of course. But "expert of their field" doesn't mean "good at making the stuff of their field".
Also, doesn't this guy make vids about vidya? Making games would be more relevant.
Can't beat the Jewish cock, man.
>The starship...
>The two of us...
>The client...
>They had met...
>They had build...
>Their job on...
>The armory...
>Now, the battle...
>That protection...
He's a hack.
You know there's a difference between observing and creating, right?
His prose is eye-rending but let's not forget that the content is even worse.
>Have any of you ate any of the food he cooks?
>Jesus christ, it's bad. How does this man dare to criticize anything?
I know that feel. The worst part about being a writer is that you hate writing, but there's nothing else you enjoy more than it. It's fucking torturous.
Just remember to run that shit through an editor who checks for typos or you'll eat shit
This is really soul-less.
He's just describing shit.
Does he constantly mention his cooking in his videos?
He sounds like an autist, but his criticism is pretty spot on.
Just because something is hard doesn't mean it can't be shit, if you took 24 hours to shit a turd, it is still a turd.
>finally a book thread
>its a shitpost
>its neither about books nor video games
You fucked it all, OP!
I see a lot of people in this thread who don't have published books, shittalking someone smarter than any of them who does have published books
you guys are really pathetic and should go outside
or actually read more books (do people even read anymore in the first place? how rusty would your literary standards even be?)
stop pretending your time is valuable.
I thought OP's image was saying "The Wizard Dragon" and got excited for a moment.
>tfw have the opposite problem as paul anderson in that i'm far too verbatim
I respect that they're actually making something with passion in it. It's the market's job to decide if it's good or not, but books, most of the time, are huge labors of love.
They really are mentally draining. People who don't write don't realize this.
What are your favourite books, user? What are you reading right now? Have you been recommended anything good on Sup Forums?
Do any of them include video games?
Nice reddit spacing, you dork.
Please stop talking about that hack and instead talk about our glorious Mormon overlord. Oathbringer is only a few months away, meanwhile martinfags are collectively chewing their own fingers off.
Do you have published games?
Shit, i guess you can't shittalk games, then.
>implying Hbomberguy is good
He is only good when pointing out the obvious like that Sherlock is a shit series.
Of course not. But that doesn't mean you can't criticize something else.
I don't give a fuck about anyone but Kaladin's group. I only slightly care about Dalinar or whatever.
Shallan sucks. Her mentor was decent.
I'm a huge GRRM fan. Is Sanderson a good replacement while I endlessly wait for the WoW book?
Who is this guy and why should I care?
Very true, but it's made up for somewhat in the glorious feeling that rushes through your being when you can legitimately say... "BUY MY BOOK! BUY MY BOOK! BUY MY BOOK!"
by this reasoning, if he didn't write any books at all, his criticism would be more valid?
How are you expected to know what good writing looks like if you don't know shit about writing, bud?
More actiony than GRRM
Can somebody smart explain to me why this is so bad? I mean, I can tell that it's bad and that the sentences are weird but what exactly makes it bad?
>I respect that they're actually making something with passion in it
Again, you can shit a very passionate turd, it is still a turd
being long winded and never to the point makes him lose track of what his points are. if you read the prey critique, it never comes to a few strong, smart points. it sort of flounders around, saying things that sound nice, never actually saying anything with depth.
>I see a lot of people in this thread who don't have published books, shittalking someone smarter than any of them who does have published books
Is that why your mom loved you?
terrible taste, Sanderson is right up your alley
Mistborn is shit, The Stormlight Archive is alright. Worldbuilding is good
>How are you expected to know what good design is about if you don't know shit about game design, bud?
CAN HE RECOVER? (he can't)
Sanderson is a very different writer. More positive and exciting, with a big focus on action and a plot that builds up into an amazing climax. Check out Mistborn, and if Mistborn feels a little too YAish move on to Stormlight.
Definitely recommend at least giving him a try, if you end up liking it you're at least following a writing machine who loves his fans.
The same way I can taste food and know it's good or play a game and know it's good, I don't need to know culinary arts or game design to know I enjoyed something well done. The mind set that ONLY been able to do the same thing you criticizes is snobbish and very retarded.
Because it's easier than ever to publish a book, you can just go online and self-publish on Amazon. If Empty fucking Hero can put out a book then so can you.
>tfw shit writers still live while based Pterry died
He had his remaining unfinished works flattened by an old steamroller, the absolute mad lad.
But it's hard to publish a good book.
Whoa! What a comeback, no argument, just a personal attack, I guess you are projecting like a motherfucker since you can't refute what I said.
It's genre fiction. It's never gonna be a masterpiece and it doesn't read any worse than Rowling or Martin
Critics are worthless parasites. Basically jews.
>Being this shitter shattered.
Do any anons have experience publishing a book? I'm looking to get mine published but I don't know where/how I should start or what the do's and don'ts of the process are.
This is meant for
Do you feel the same towards vidya devs?
>He had his remaining unfinished works flattened by an old steamroller
At least no one will ruin his work trying to continue it for profit.
now on reflection i realize that separating each quote looks reddit, to avoid being reddit you need to cluster everything together. the concept of indentation, paragraphs, or coherence is REDDIT. boy howdy if people are gonna make
holy fuck that is terrible
If you self-publish you are basically giving yourself a black-mark that will forever bar you from traditional publishing. Publishers can look you up on the ISBN index and when they see you have previous works, they'll check them out. When they see they're self-published, 99% of the time, they assume you were either too bad to make it, or the the whole thing was a vanity project and then they write off your submission.
Unless you intend to self-publish all the way it's bad juju man.
>Author name is nearly the size of the title
This always triggered me. Sometimes the name is even bigger than the title. Like just let the work speak for itself
Start with Amazon e-books and shill them hard. If you manage to sell a good amount talk with a publisher.
>all these replies over a tiny excerpt
I mean I'm sure the rest of the book is shit but how can you judge an entire story over such a tiny part
his "critiques" were always superficial trash so it doesn't surprise me that his writing is also trash
Buying the book is basically a donation to his youtube channel
Nah, you been a giant defender of talentless hacks makes you reddit, the spacing helps to identify you tho.
most of the time, yes
I make an exception for EA and the like, however
Not the same guy, but:
You can't compare them.
Vidya devs are usually a big team doing the work together, with a budget.
The exception being indie devs, those of which i respect.
Are you sure established publishing houses won't frown upon it like mentioned with self-publishing? Or is it different?
And should I be concerned about copyright stuff?
Or your self published works are under a pen-name retard.
Mediocrity principle.
It does by a lot you deluded fag.
>tfw poetry writer
>poetry is fucking dead nowadays
what is up with people writing books nowadays? is it a fad?
Learn English you fucking idiot.
Best part is you aren't considered a real writer in most writing communities
well yeah. If you play a lot of games you figure out whats good. But to know good writing you have to do a lot of reading. Not like reading youtube comments, but reading literature.
This seems okay. Not great but readable. What's with the replies?
>Finally decide to watch his documentary on assisted death
>Get on the feels train really hard
>He dies one month later I watched the documentary
Fucking hell
He's talking out of his ass. Publishers don't give a fuck about you or what you do or did. They care for sales. Show that that your shit sells and they'll print it.
I just bought ursula le guin earthsea collection. Am I in for a good read? I got it without thinking.
>being this assblastes about someones game critique that you have to shit on their other work which is totally unrelated
t. Game of Thrones Redditor
>tfw this hack gets national book award nominations and macarthur fellowships and you will never get into a low tier poetry school
Poetry is really hit and miss, you either love it or hate it.
Sadly, most people either hate it or don't spend any time reading it due to being "boring".
Help me get into appreciating poetry, user.
It's bad in a lot of ways, but an easy one to clarify is to think about the old writing cliche, "show, don't tell." This is one of the most common pieces of advice any aspiring writer will hear and one of the most important, and Anderson apparently either never heard it or never understood it. Everything you find out here about these bounty hunters and their job is just straight up told to you.
A good writer would have delivered information like who the bounty hunters are, what planet their ship was orbiting, what their job was, and what the one knew that the other didn't naturally through the conversations and actions of the characters, instead of just having the narrator spit it out in plain language.
It is definitely bad compared to writers like Rowling and Martin in that regard. They're not great either, but they're not this bad.
>Tfw I'm not a hack like Christopher Paolini and I wasn't born with parents that can publish my book
All I want is for people to read the novelization of this great dnd campaign I had but it won't reach anyone if I self-publish.
Yeah if you sell a shitton of copies it'll be fine, but if you self-publish and it doesn't move, you're screwed.
It's so bland and uninteresting in every aspect there's not really anything to say. It's like a plain wall painted beige. It's not exactly wrong, but I'm not going to stare at it for entertainment
Theres a difference between being a critic and just calling something shit because you don't like it. The point of being a critic is being able to tell others why you may or may not like it and give an Idea of what someone may be in for if they decide to look into it themselves. As always opinions are subjective but as a critic its your job to back up those opinions with facts. Saying something tastes great may do it for you but I want to know why it tastes great.
>tfw I didn't even read the except but criticised it in multiple posts
Wouldn't want his daughter to continue it anyway, she wrote the shitty Overlord and Tomb Raider reboot stories.
If you're serious about, go out and buy a copy of the Writer's Market. They've got complete listings for publishers and agents. You'll probably need one of the latter. The book itself will give you examples of query letters and how to format submissions.