People looked forward to these

>people looked forward to these


Other urls found in this thread:

Yooka Laylee was fun

The not-castlevania isn't even out yet nigger

How is A Hat in Time coming again?


this one of the worst analogies to ever come out of Sup Forums

I found Yooka Laylee fun to play. Which game is that in the middle though?

>Shits on games that nobody cares about
>Actually shitposts on 4chin about it
>Got another thread deleted
>Everybody won't care enough to SAGE

dumb jojoposter

There is nothing from what we've seen from Bloodstained that points to it being bad.

Comparing it to MN9 is retarded and only makes you come off as some idiot trying to force the idea that every single game is the next TORtanic.


Where's my demo Iga?


>There is nothing from what we've seen from Bloodstained that points to it being bad.
Other than Inti Create being literally too shit to make the game so Iga has had to delay the game a year to find other studios make the game for them.

Anyone have the blanket edit?

I love that one.

You're making assumptions based on ignorant speculation.
I repeat, nothing we've seen points to it being bad so far.

Name ONE (1) where this is true.

Crash HD

The man himself fully admitted it though, so believe your delusion all you want.

>The man himself fully admitted it though

He admitted that the game will be bad because
>Inti Create being literally too shit to make the game so Iga has had to delay the game a year to find other studios make the game for them

Or him trying to find more compentent devs to help him make the best game he can translates to it being another MN9?
No wait, don't bother replying. I can already picture your stupid-ass post in my head.

Kek you wish nintendiaper.

>He doesn't know
No one tell him

Just three years ago, Kenji Inafune was on top of the world. Entire audiences would hang on his every word. He was credited with creating series like Mega Man, Onimusha and Dead Rising.

Now he's a forgotten middle manager making mobile games. Gaming is a cruel mistress.


The only actual trainwreck in that picture is MN9 though. Yooka-Laylee was just a flawed average collectathon platformer. They've been patching a lot of the issues as well, it's shaping up to be a solid 7, maybe even an 8. Bloodstained looks fine and plays exactly how it should, there has been nothing showing that it will be bad, just the same tired doomsayers who shit on every Kickstarter game hoping it'll be a trainwreck even though it never is.