What is the manbun of video games

What is the manbun of video games


Owning a Wii U

Troy Baker


creation club

The only people who look down on man-buns / top-knots are balding nu-males with no manly facial features to work long hair.

hope you all realize that us ladies think man buns are cute as fuck!



>thinking we care about what you think is cute
>you're not really a guy anyways

>butt-pirate bun

>not man braiding

>I'm here for the job interview

Honestly, I hate seeing them on women a lot more. I don't know why.

lmao go back to the edo period

It's video games in general. Westerners can't pull it off

trannies aren’t women

braids are unironically better than leaving your hair out or tying it up



>trendy shit
>every other shitlord wants in but it only looks good on 1% of them

Streaming/Vlogging without a doubt.

Short hair>Long Hair>buzzed/shaved/bald>POWER GAP>buns/ponytails


Man-buns fill me with an immeasurable primal revulsion I just can't explain

The Nintendo Switch

don't worry user, none of them are looking at you anyway

The ps4 and console gaming in general besides the switch because it's a handheld.

dude wears a scarf indoors i dont trust him

A sensible ponytail looks better than most hairstyles.

tits or gtfo

It's literally just a convenient and practical way of wearing long hair when it's windy out/you can't be fucked. If this makes you really angry I think you're going to have a hard time going forward in life.

Guys my hairdresser said a manbun would work great for my face. Should i do it, will everyone judge me?

nobody cares except autists on Sup Forums. Do you care what autists on Sup Forums think?

I'm surrounded by people like this. I just want to nuke my city from orbit.

Tying your hair up is actually really bad for your hair. I forgot the actual term but it can cause a receeding hairline. I plan on keeping my hair into old age and so far I'm doing fine. All you people who don't give a shit can do whatever you want with your hair, though.



Speak for yourself, dumb ho.