Empire At War Updated

So Petroglyph has just updated Star Wars: Empire At War, adding multiplayer support, workshop support and fixes. This is the first update in like a decade.

Post your favourite mods.

Mine's is Thrawn's Revenge.

Other urls found in this thread:


According to the head of Petroglyph

>We have received a huge number of requests to restore the multiplayer functionality to Star Wars: Empire at War. The game's fan base has only increased with time and the user concurrency rates remain very strong, so we really felt like this was something we needed to do for all the loyal fans

>it's real
holy shit

>kotor 2 updated
>empire at war updated
What's next? I hope it's Battlefront 2.

>Battlefront 2 steam multiplayer support and workshop support

Don't user. I've already fapped today.

So, can you now actually save your game without having to run some random .exe files as admin first? That was such a stupid bug.

Wait seriously?

Did they break anything?

This is amazing, I hope it comes in today's humble monthly so I can play it with my friends.

Doubt they'd do that, EAFront would be DOA.

Are we under going a renaissance fair?

>every time I've tried to play this I just go back to Galactic Battleground
3rd time's the charm, right?

Vanilla sucks. Play it with mods.

I'd be happy if any of my friends actually played this game.

I liked the ground battles more so than the space battles.


First time I entered the game's promo website, I fell in love with all the demo videos of all the ground units and environments, the AT-AT's specifically.
It just looked fucking rad and I loved it when I actually got to play it.

no way they would fix BF2's multiplayer. but if they did.....

Galactic Battlegrounds HD Edition when?

I don't think I would ever play another multiplayer game again.

I don't know but I know the Steam version just updated to work with Windows 10, along with a lot of other compatibility issues with modern systems. Meanwhile gog version is still pretty much broken.

The account that released the news/announcement is named "Disney". They might have pushed Petroglyph to update it or bring back multiplayer.

great can I fucking issues orders while the game is paused now? is there an option to have the executor's squadron summoning ability set to auto cast? will the scum faction stop fucking corrupting the entire goddamn galaxy the moment I look away from the monitor?

It's weird looking at a Steam workshop with no mods in it. I wonder what the first upload will be.

And what mods would make the game good?
Will never happen because of EAFront.
What's the difference between GoG and Steam version?

>check the account
>they have all the star wars games on it

Could this be a list of games they want to update?... Could we be getting a Kotor 1 update soon?

Thrawn's Revenge is the best

Probably thrawns revenge or RaW.

>what mods would make the game good?

Pick your poison. Thrawn's Revenge is probably the best. Awakening of the Rebellion is good. Republic at War is up there as a great Clone Wars mod. Rise of the Mandalorians is a good one. The EaW Remake mod looks set to be pretty good.


So will they update Republic Commando for lost content restoration or what?

>What's the difference between GoG and Steam version?

Steam version works.

lol steam level 2, disney is a scrub shit

>That veering Star Destroyer
Holy fuck what

>lost content restoration
what's missing?

the gunplay

What's the reasoning though? Do they want to hype up the SW universe for the new battlefront?

Looking forward to this one desu.


Fuck the haters.

>Petroglyph only brought MP back because Disney wants more marketing for their upcoming games/movie

NJO is the best era

From what I remember, there were supposed to be a few other weapons, items, key scenes and such that got cut from the main game due to time constraints. You can see the rush a bit more clearly in how they designed Kashyyyk and how the game ended, but there's quite a bit of cut content that could be put back into the game if they wanted to. Probably wouldn't be worth it though

holy fucking SHIT

i have no words




>*corrupts your planet*






NJO is the worst era fuck you

since its on sale should i get KOTOR 1 and 2 on steam or just buy them on the og xbox, which is better?

Get them on Steam. Seriously. KOTOR 2 in particular deserves it for the Restored Content mod and widescreen etc.

PC versions are better because mods

Stay mad. The entire franchise should have ended with The Unifying Force.



>jedi knight and kotor games are on sale
>already own them but love them so much I have the urge to buy them again
Do other people ever feel this way about games or am I just a consumerist cuck?

You only say that because Mara dies afterwards

Give them to me

Too bad it gets so boring after a while.
Also some variety would be nice.
Like, imperials have like 4 different star destroyers for their capships and nothing else.

Already exists.

Basically Forgotten Empires equivalent for SWGB.
Adds widescreen, high res and 60 FPS support (base game was locked at 30 FPS)

I don't give a shit mate, I still give 0 fucks about Disney's nuWars, all I care is the game I love got updated and had one of very VERY critical bugs fixed:

>•Bug fix for creating units that are non-selectable in very long duration galactic mode games (makes save games unplayable past a certain point)

>•Bug fix for creating units that are non-selectable in very long duration galactic mode games (makes save games unplayable past a certain point)

>•Bug fix for creating units that are non-selectable in very long duration galactic mode games (makes save games unplayable past a certain point)

This is amazing news since it means the Defreezing Utility is no longer needed to uncorrupt saves in large mods.


As far as I'm concerned, Star Wars begins with Old Republic and ends with peace treaty with Palleon.

Does the update work with retail versions of Gold Pack?

*zergs your station*

Now they need to release the TFU2 Endor DLC and bugfix that as well as update KotOR1.

PC, better controls, better visuals, cut content restoration and bugfix mods in addition to many other mods.

no of course not

Wait so it has Steam Workshop support for mods?

Are you dumb?

Maybe a little bit. Please just confirm.

>Empire at War got updated before HL3 came out
best timeline

>OP literally says it adds workshop support
holy shit just fucking kill yourself you goddamn retard

Half Life 3 literally died for this and the new Hokuto no Ken game



Republic at War > Thrawn's Revenge

Also which mod does the best graphical updates? Was it Ultimate Empire at War, Republic at War, etc...?

M-maybe we can save Sev

Absolute Corruption I think was one of the best classic ones before Thrawn's Revenge and Republic at War and maybe Clone Wars.

>Restoring multiplayer, adding steam workshop and updating Battlefront 2 to fix those graphical bug.
A man can dream. EAfront would be blown the fuck out.
Why EA has exclusivity for Star Wars vidya reeeeeeeee. Why can't Star Wars license work like Warhammer Fantasy or 40k one.

Chill yourself, EA has only like 2023. And considering it takes them over two years per game release, they'll only get maybe two more games out after Battlefront 2 EA.

>implying they wont try to retain exclusivity

star wars vidya is dead man, let it go

Now if Capcom would port Lost Planet 2 to Steamworks, I'm fine with not buying any other game on Steam ever again

What kind of a multiplayer support? A battle or an actual campaign?

shut the fuck up

Considering the backlash with Battlefront EA, DLC prices, the constant price slashing within like half a year of the first game coming out, I really don't think if the same situation repeats that Disney will let EA keep that exclusivity contract again. In fact I think the only experience has been an eye opener to Disney that they need to diversify Star Wars game development and production among other publishers besides just EA.

Literally same terrible mechanics of vanilla EaW.
Clutter of shit that serves no purpose
Completely unbalanced mess
Blatantly cheating AI


That's fair, old EU had a lot of on/off points for people

why are you a faggot

Loved these guys
Fucking barrage of lasers

For me the only "off" points of old EU within the GCW/Imperial Remnant period are Trioculus, Ssi-ruuvi and Dark Empire (conceptually great, but executed terribly)

He asked for graphics though.

Fuck off Bantamfag. You can say you have an issue with NJO but pre-Del Rey EU had awful crap like Children of the Jedi, KJA's entire Jedi Academy trilogy, Crystal Star (where Luke is completely OoC the whole story), etc...

Steam or GoG?

For Skirmish and Galactic Conquest, probably

WE WUZ KANGZ for Galactic Battlegrounds

DE was great.


How many units can you guess spoke those exact lines in that exact same order?

is there hope for republic commando

Holy shit that's awesome.

>ends with peace treaty with Palleon.

NJO is far better than the awful shit that was Crystal Star, Darksaber, Dark Empire etc.

Dude clones lmao
Dude Death Star laser built into Executor-sized ship
Dude Luke is pretending to be dark side but falls to it
Dude Palpatine lmao

Conceptually it had good ideas, but execution was absolutely stupid levels of sheer POWERCREEP that was dumb beyond belief.
It was the same kind of dumb powercreep that (((Didney))) had in Farce Awakens, with DUDE DEATH STAR BUT NOW IT CAN FIRE AT MULTIPLE TARGETS ACROSS WHOLE GALAXY THROUGH HYPERSPACE LMAO


Oh yeah, I forgot about that too.

kek, I thought Starkiller base was so ridiculous. Almost as bad if not worse than the suncrusher.