Dokkan battle thread

Do you guys think it worth to have my LR goku SPA to lvl 20 ,I have 18 elder kai to do that
So what do you guys think?
Btw fuck dokkan events,50 sta for 1 medal my ass

10 free kais

Just pulled the new str ult gohan
>No kais and no team to run him on

When are we going to get a str banner. I need to finish my first team

So, the reds are suppose to be the heavy hitters right?
Got a SS4 Goku, Gogeta and a whole bunch of STR SS3'S.

user I hope you have LR Trunks and Gohan if not you should have skipped that banner.

STR and TEQ, red/green are the heaviest hitters because they have free level 5 critical hit.

How hard is the highest difficulty of the ssj4 goku banner compared to say the zhard 40 Stam difficulty of the Ssj2 gogeta banner

You mean compared to the Z-hard Gogeta event? If so, much harder.

But I will be wasting m 8 kai because my LR goku SPA is lvl 2.
So I shouldn't do it right?

user you are aware LR Goku has a farmable super attack correct?


farm to sa 10, then kais
I thought you had that much at least

Don't bother with two LRs, you wont make it in time without hating yourself

advice for how to make this team good? am I on the right track? how to git good I'm only a week in

Also when should I be able to do dokkan events? right now they take up the majority of my stamina and I get 1 shot but i wanna upgrade my ss4 gokku and that ss3 gokou

I know that so you want me to reverse him because he's already a LR

What's a good modding site? Want to change to jap and a few other things

200 stones on cooler banner and now I'm broke. Only got Phy sealtenks.

So what should I do now? I'm still getting booty blasted in everyone's events apart from super Gogeta

just started playing because of all the shill threads. it seems like it takes forever to get aawakening medals. also is it true i should awaken training fodder first before getting rid of them? i read that somewhere

Thats what im asking myself too...i got some pretty good units but i dont see where the next path is. I was thinking of using my main agl team to farm medals characters that have str events so that i could awaken those characters and so on. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the game i made with that in i guess just bash your head in events until you get what you need? Just awakening strong characters is not the solution thats for certain

How often do they bust out events like the 3x exp or the half dokkan cost? Having both expire has really taken a toll on my motivation to play this game.

I ran out of quests how to get dragon stones

yeah you want to z-awaken your N cards for training. It only takes 7500xp and a few easy awakening medals but in return you get ~45k training xp

1) $$$
2)Login Bonuses
3)Story events (Tree of Might, Future Trunks Saga, etc.)
4)World Tounaments

shouldnt you have a team with every color instead of one all the same?

is LR zamas goku black available in global yet? is he far off?

Focus on acquiring Kai's and orbs for your Goku.

He's far off


Next banner on Global is going to be SSJ3 Angel Goku and Masked Saiyan Bardock.
It is normal banner like Cooler (no discount/bonus)


After that there will be INT Gogeta/STR Janemba Dual Dokkanfets (3+1 bonus) and BOTH are featured cards on the banners.

The current Meta is all about Super/Extreme Mono or Category leaders (category leaders is similar to rainbow except requiring particular units.)

Thanks mane

should I just keep saving stones till I know what I'm doing and use them when I eventually know what I want? pic related is what I have, just working through hard and zhard quests now

Goku Jr event coming next week (best F2P card, same vein as Bulma event).

Your best bet is to play a Super STAR team with Goku as a leader, focus on a single team and type and build your team around him. The only time I'd suggest pulling on a different banner is when it's a very good value banner, as this kind anonymous mentioned.

Nigga you Blue Vegito, SS4 goku, SS Black, SSGSS goku, Fusion zamasu, SS3 Vegeta, SS3 GT goku and kid buu. Start saving up.

Either that or. Heroes team with Bluegito however super STAR with better units will be a superior team.

I'm guessing this is one of those 'trap banners' I've heard about?

Yes, Cooler is one too.

IMO you should save stones unless
-Dual Dokkanfest
-Elder Kais Ritual

Any idea when we'll get Rising Dragon Carnival on global?

>Dump all stones onto good banners
>Get garbage
>Single pull on trap banner
>Featured unit

I really do hate my luck sometimes...

>finally did omega on super2 with no continues
Shit wasnt easy

You're better off doing that than wasting 8 extra kais. You already fucked up, but you can mitigate the effects of said fuckup.

I'm assuming you've already made a Vegito Blue team? That can beat the vast majority of events in the game right now. Although you should try to get a Super Vegito if you can, too, as he's a godlike tank/counter character.