How do you design a good female character, Sup Forums?
Most of them are just walking ass/boobs or a princess that needs saving by a man.
How do you design a good female character, Sup Forums?
Most of them are just walking ass/boobs or a princess that needs saving by a man.
>Most of them are just walking ass/boobs
That's what normal heterosexual male likes
The most distinctive feature of the female frame is the hip to waist ratio. Start with a set of hips that appear wider than her waist. Everything else is variable.
Make them a walking ass/boobs.
make it a tomboy
Ubisoft should have left it buried since they don't know good female character if checked their privilege.
but woman are nothing more than that
>just walking ass/boobs
There you go.
Make them have a jiggling gut to go with their asses and boobs
Make her cute if she's a protagonist and sexy if she's an antagonist.
You start by designing a good character.
Then you make it female.
>How do you design a good female character, Sup Forums?
Make them a pair of walking ass/boobs in a princess gown that needs saving by a male protagonist.
>You start by designing a good character.
>Then you make it female.
But that invalidates the first part.
just make a character who's in an occupation and just happens to be a woman
It depends on the game. But some general pointers
>bitchy woman, allow faceslapping
>lolis are not allowed boobs, so just give them thick thighs, this somehow always passes scrutiny
>if a girl is flat, always give her a nice butt
>except for the token flat girl and loli give everyone decent boobs, from handful to plentiful
>careful with jiggle, if it looks like pudding you fucked up
>if you make a brown girl make sure to add elf ears and white hair
Simply ebin, my fellow MGTOW. See you on /r/TheRedPill XD
my dick on the left
How can one man understand everything in life. I'm astonished.
do you want to sell your game? then make her walking ass/boobs
>if it looks like pudding you did it right
Start off by being a good writer. That's the step where most video game developers fail.
That covers physical design pretty well. How about personality and such?
>write a boy
>then draw a girl and ctrl+f replace every instance of "he" in your script to "she"
Make her attractive first then add on. If she isn't attractive then she's worthless. There's a reason why everybody used Miranda in ME2 and nobody used Jacob. Attractiveness is like the initial hurdle for people selecting party members.
>waifufags unironically believe this
>unironically calling people waifufags
hello, reddit
just write them how you would any other character in a way that their gender/sexuality isn't their defining characteristic.
>unironically calling someone Reddit
hello NeoGAF
>Most of them are just walking ass/boobs or a princess that needs saving by a man.
Haven't you played a single game since the NES era or something? That's just completely untrue
Yeah, I'm a redditor. I browse /r/The_Donald daily. So what?
If you don't, then you're a liberal cuck.
Kat is just a girl that wants to do the right thing.
She is also a stinky bum and a big dummy!
Any redditor that supports Trump is an ex-liberal cuck who jumped off a sinking ship and swam to the winning side.
>How do you design a good male character, Sup Forums?
>Most of them are just walking muscles or a man that needs to save a princess.
It's true. I'd never pick a party member that was ugly as shit unless they were required for something good.
just take a female mythological archetype, then make it look good/sexy (not the same thing, necessarily)
examples: evil crone, maiden, mother, evil seductress, priestess, monster, huntress/amazon, etc
I think this is more interesting than whatever retarded hollywood archetypes are in circulation these days
Depends on physical design.
Loli is cute and bubbly. Bitch woman or new-tsundere flat with butt and slapping possibilities. Classic tsundere blonde hair, ZR (if logical in universe) handful of boobs (for dere dere insecurity about chestsize but still enough to have fun) and decent butt. Dandere/bookworm decent chest but small butt. Experienced woman/mentor woman/milf type big chest and childbearing hips, becomes sultry if necessary. High/white elf haughty at first but more amicable later, decent but not too big chest, long slender legs are important! Brown elf either evil first, turned good by dick. Or insecure because corrupted elf.
Other general pointers:
>cute is more important than sexy, sexy has its place
>sluts are always better when pure sluts
>strng womyn hurr just sucks, dont do it
>bro woman is very good but hard to do
>cute or innocent or naive (or a mix) princess is good, vanilla is still a flavor
>just because a woman is strong and capable doesnt mean she doesnt want to be hugged by her love interest, making her bitch about being treated like a woman is a red flag, abort writing immediately
You're an idiot. Stop with the template designs. We need new, innovative archetypes.
I bet you like tsunderes too, faggot.
How is it I can tell the blue haired girl is cuter and I can't even see her.
>lolis are not allowed boobs
I'd attack you
blond hair a shit is why
Has there been a female protagonist who actually asks for help at some point?
Isn't admitting weakness a form of strength?
Fuck you
I love to slap tsunderes.
And those pwr girls follow templates as well, but I rather have them use the templates I like than those.
Ive served in the oppai wars in 2010 and ive see enough bloodshed. Oppai loli can exist but thick thigh loli works for more people. If you include oppai loli you at least need to have a flat loli as lightning rod for lolifags that hate boobs.
>Pure white skin
>Beautiful hair
How do you top that?
>female character design thread is immediately bombarded with suggestions about "oppai lolis" and "delicious brown"
By not looking like a hideous midget, worse looking than those dwarves in League of Legends that get posted everywhere
dunno. have a Joule
How is asking for help showing weakness? Geralt from The Witcher will ask his friends for help because he knows that some fights are unwinnable otherwise. That makes him a good character because he isn't invincible. Regis, his vampire friend is stronger than him and could kill him easily but they're good friends so there's no reason to fight.
Somebody who never asks for help is probably a mary sue who can defeat gods and whatnot on their own.
Give her more of a belly and we'll be golden
Why does midna remind me of the moomins so much?
They're called Yordles, you man with no taste
by being
>beautiful tail
>beautiful cat ears
>can turn into a shota
Give em Scorpion Claws and Tail.
Start with an aesthetic. Write them from their appearance. Then, follow-through giving them a personality.
That's basically it unless you want a college level lecture on character writing.
I think user just wants to see a female character have some humility, which will probably never happen
Kitty Cat Katarina > Eve.
Make her overpowered
If the female character is in a leading role then she's probably a strong womyn who don't need no man which is why she isn't asking for help. That's why men should be the main character and women sidekicks.
>walking ass/boobs or a princess that needs saving by a man
Because that's what they are
Better. Tomboy that ain't afraid of breaking someone's bones. Bonus if she's also big sister model.
>Most of them are just walking ass/boobs or a princess that needs saving by a man.
so just like real life, then?
Oppai loli is king.
king plebeian
A man of culture has appeared.
by hitting the random gene button a couple of times if you want the Triple A design
Are they fighting eachother or doing some weird Scorpion mating shit?
by them being actual good characters, like Maya Amano.
To me it's like the design of any characters not just females ones. I like when their personality/voice and backstory are well represented in their looks.
this, maya a best
>everyone used miranda
nigga if you didn't go garrus mordin then you're retarded
Does it count if it's their job to recruit help like Lenneth?
I could try to help but it would only dissolve into a discussion on character creation theory and honestly I am not some pro at creating characters so any advice I would give would probably be pointless. I have my own way of doing things so I am very picky about my female OCs. Honestly I wouldn't care about anyone's opinion if I were you. Just do what feels right to you. Create a character by giving them dreams, hopes and ambitions, and if the story services them more by being a female character then make them a female if you want to. Writing girls is probably the same as writing guys. If you wanna do it right in my eyes then you should give them personality first and then worry about all the features that make them look sexy after the fact. Good looking people exist in our world too but they are more than just something nice to look at. They still have dreams and ambitions and even some insecurities too. Simply put, just design the character around the backstory you want to give them instead of straight up creating something sexy or cute and then give it a personality as an afterthought.