Fps on controllers

>fps on controllers

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>fps at all

what a shitter. I'm better at call of shooty games on xbox than I am on PC

>I'm better at games with autoaim

Nice cherry picking. Guarantee I can win a game of siege against pc players using a controller

just get a xim4, bro


There is no auto aim on siege

You know how the internet has ruined the word "cringe" over the past few years?

These console fps webms actually do make me cringe, I'm not being figurative. That was painful.

Gut gud

fucking this

Name one new fps worth a shit these days.

Its always panicked shooting in these webms. Tends to happen when you lose your cool and mash the stick too hard. Just another way it takes more skill to play on console than on PC

PC users need to admit they're not as good at fps games as they thought

First pcfags claim it's harder to aim with controllers, then that it's easier.
PC fags are retarded and this is why you have to beg for ports


The point is that consoles need aim-assist in the first place since joysticks are such garbage.

>aim assist
Pick one

>console "gamers"

plebs and fps, never not funny

Like playing FPS games with a fucking controller is supposed to make you better at a game that in essence is designed to be played with a keyboard and mouse. For every one example of a consolebabby being good at an FPS there are 100 examples of PC users being better.

This is just what happens when you take away the training wheels of aim assist.

Is this from the Polygon review?

sure you can bud

>cucksoles "players"

>Here is a player who is bad at aiming with a controller therefore they are all bad at aiming with a controller


Is the gun firing that slowly or can these characters dodge bullets?

>esports pro
>bad player

>console kill montage
>you see him constantly miss shots and only hit after he gets close enough for aim assist to kick in`

Maybe against some extreme beginners but not against decent players and I'm not talking about pros.

>in essence is designed to be played with a mouse and keyboard


It's pretty sad.


>can't aim properly
>60 fov
>input lag

Once again PCfags prove they're not only bad at games, but at banter too

PC players are some of the slowest morons out there.

Holy shit this game had a console version? Was it any good?

it's in slow motion

Let's see those bad PC aim webms

>watch csgo global elite player complain about no mkb for halo
>"i wish this on pc"
>can't even get diamond when everyone who can aim automatically gets placed plat which he was forever hardstuck

>Was it any good?
Well you can see how good it is in the webm.

>ez mode physics send enemies flying, sword kills them almost instantly

lol pc gaymers can't handle shit

What does your post or their post proof

You worked for it

Does anyone have the video of the console player challenging a PC player to a Quake match because he wanted to prove how superior controllers are?

>offline play on pc


case in point. he thought I was talking about moving speed.

you really are slow.

prove it you monkey, takes 1 second to plug a controller into a PC

>Call of Shooty
Pick one, kiddos. It's why every webm of Siege console plebs is so hilarious. And before one of you claims to be that guy, you're full of shit unless you provide proof of your claim.


he was clearly talking about COD


I started using a Xim4 on my PS4. Made Rainbow Six Siege the easiest fucking game ever.


Not good enough to go against people on an even playing field?


somebody post it


Too poor to buy a Xim? I guess paying for online gets expensive.

>Download game from Steam
>Install crack
I guess it's too advance for someone who voluntarily buys games on inferior systems.


who would make a webm of this bad of play, i dont get it

it was fixed by based sega
master race tm wins as usual

are these players journalists?

>has to pay for both a second online subscription and keyboard/mouse adapter just to avoid playing with people using the same input method as you
Do you only play Basketball with people shorter than you too?

>Sonic Mania

No, I just like to play first person shooters, and first person shooters are not made for controllers. My PC is also garbage.

Makes you wonder why PC can use any controller they want, but you can't on consoles.

Oblivious guy gets bashed in the head and his only response is to jump and throw a grenade. that is Halo for sure.

Wait, you can still shoot grenades midflight in 5? Thought they took that out.

Just look for them, I'm sure they're everywhere. Why the fuck would I save them? I'm not petty like you fags.


Pretty much ruined Overwatch on Consoles imo

You could in the beta.

This was meant
For This

Lol no one's posted a single webm of a decent console play. If it's cherrypicking then show us the good side of console shooters. No auto aim challenge.

I remember when 3arch didn't let you play Blops 1 multiplayer if you were using M&K back in the 360, tears were rolling

>spending hundreds of dollars to cheat on console games
>not saving the money to play fair on PC

>fps on pc

>he doesn't control the analog sticks with his feet and closes his eyes to play
No skill get on my level.

what is this game? it looks great

The funny part is the melee doesn't even connect.

>overwatch in consoles
People always used M&K in consoles, but it wasn't so frowned upon like today,

that's a good joke user, you should do standup

Is this acceptable in "competitive" gaming?

google Nickmercs on twitch
Call of duty 2v2s money matches
a lot of good stuff going on

Show me one fps with cross-platform capabilities, where the PC gamers doesn't stomp the console gamers.
The only fps I've heard about with cross-platform gaming is Shadowrun, and console niggas got raped hard.

>in the last 5 seconds he kills 2 guys without problem
Nigga, do u even b80

> implying that consolefags are any better


Why do most console games do not have keyboard and mouse support if there is a PC version? I mean, you see the PC version support controllers. You don't get called a cheater on PC when you use a controller, you just get called retarded.

>"Hold on, I got a text"

it had different levels and instead of picking your own skills you picked a class (warrior rogue mage) and gained skill approperiate to your level. Its...different

thanks user, gonna try this out


These people must be shit at using controllers or are not used to using them because if you've ever played FPS games on console, you're not gonna be this bad. This is like me using M+KB. I've only just started playing PC games and I can't aim for shit because it's just so different to a controller

>OP webm is literally me playing siege on PC
>still manage to have 4.0 k/d in comp

Because no one wants to record decent console play. It's not good shitposting material if it's decent after all.

Why are you using a controller on PC?