>Hotline miami confirmed
>Shovel Knight confirmed
>Mighty No. 9
>Gone Home
Strikes back into the trash lmao
Hotline miami confirmed
Other urls found in this thread:
>60$ each
>NMH comes back
>buts its just a huge indieshit crossover
Monkey's paw
Nah Im hoping for maybe gunvolt
>>Gone Home
Wait what? For real?
Well that's almost hilarious. I don't even think I mind.
source on these wild claims? I saw the Shovel Knight shirt but what's the rest of this shit
Man you people are really easy to deceive by low tier shitposting
Are you saying this is not what gonna happen? Can you name more popular and critically acclaimed indie games? Doubt.
is asking for user to provide proof of what he's saying the same as being deceived now
I didn't realize
>Confirmed for the same 3D action
>Confirmed to have Suda51 directing
>Confirmed to be M rated
>Confirmed to have two great games involved
Bayonetta 2 again
Down to the sony friends begging and screaming
>Can you name more popular and critically acclaimed indie games?
Super Meat Boy? Blinding of Isaac? Runner? Axiom Verge? And that's off the top of my head. Just admit you're just shitposting for the sake of it.
Suda actually directing is probably the hypest part. That man whores his brand out like no tomorrow but the last game he properly directed was NMH.
undertale. maybe, but nobody want's to have anything to do with MN9 inti creates aside and what the fuck are you going to do with gone home when doesn't even have characters.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Why are you posting a NMH image but talking about indie games?
Was there a direct i missed?
Cave Story? Stardew Valley? Gone Home is a fucking footnote in the indie scene.
>they release no more heroes 1 and 2 for switch
can't wait for this.
i will triple dip to make sure this happens
And how do you imagine NMH SMB crossover?
>axiom verge
>or critically acclaimed
I didn't ask games you like. Barely any people heard about these. Try again.
Newest NMH has Travis stuck in a game console and has to travel through indie games. Game play is the same, the levels are just stylized depending on the indie games they choose.
Undertale would actually be funny. Travis would immediate pick the genocide route with zero hesitation.
>Stardew Valley
>Travis doing farming minigames
Could be cool.
It's not a popularity contest. Suda picks what he likes.
>Travis assuring Undyne anime is real
>No More Heroes being used for console war shitposting
Runner is popular you moron. Why the fuck do you think it has a trophy in fucking sm4sh? Christ, you aren't even trying anymore.
Cave story is the elephant in the room and will be one of the 6. It's the most popular indie game in Japan ever, of course Suda won't miss the chance.
Serious Sam is likely because of Devolver's relationship with it and how well it would fit with NMH.
Then Shante is another candidate that's likely because of their close relationship with Nintendo
The last one is kinda up in the air. Maybe Undertale because of its recent popularity
it's literally only going to be devolver games, how are any of you this deluded
Except they announced Shovel Knight last night.
>Know little to nothing about Travis Strikes Again
>Read OP's post and panic
>Do some research to learn more about this
>It's directed by Suda 51
>It's going to have classic NMH gameplay
>Indie games confirmed so far are Hotline Miami (great choice) and Shovel Knight (respectable)
Bruh, this shit sounds fun. I can imagine these indie games being NMH levels. Could you imagine a level based on Furi? It'd be perfect.
>It's only Devolver games
>Saying this after shovel Knight confirmed
It's any indie games you retard.
Hotline Miami also means they don't necessarily have to be on Nintendo systems either
sounds fun, looking forward to playing it.
>he calls Commander Vidya a Runner
Yeah, who is the real moron here.
Shovel Knight already announced, DanGanRonPa hinted at ages ago.
I'll bet any of you motherfuckers $500 there is going to be an OFF level. Screenshot this post for when I'm proved right.
>ports of last gen games
>2 gen late port of gone homo
>one actual game worth buying
yeah still not paying 300+ to play it, hopefully heroes gets ported to ps4
Are you having a stroke or something?
Anyone know the trailer song? It sounds familiar but i can't place a name.
I'd love it because lots of qts, but I need a source here.
I think it's also extremely likely that hotline Miami and any other indie games featured will get switch ports because NMH is like free advertising for them.
It's gonna be awfully awkward when we go around Shantae killing everyone.
Toby Fox will never make another game. Undertale took all his ideas.
It's a remix of the NMH theme.
I'm personally hoping this will also spark a NMH and NMH 2 enhanced ports to Switch.
Shitposts have gotten so bad that it's making users worry about their physical health.
So we finally got news for this and we're getting news for Octopath Traveler, when are we getting SMTV news?
>NMH with Hotline Miami soundtrack
Oh Mah Gahd
You think it won't be awkward beheading Shovel Knight or Black Knight?
Because we're probably going to behead one of them. Might as well go all out.
>It has a name and has been credited but it's not anywhere atm
Come on Suda
Oh definitely. I wonder how much 4th wall humor I can stomach because this game is gonna filled to the brim with it. Also since the game is a normal 3d hack-n-slash NMH game, does that mean the worlds are also going to be 3d? Like what the fuck.
Whenever atlus feels like it.
Remember when we waited a year for persona 5 news without so much as even a confirmation it was still coming out?
They do their own streams and almost never show up at TGS or E3
I wish, but it ain't happening. Lisa's more likely, and I don't think that's for great chances, either.
That's something I don't get at the moment
Why have and highlight Hotline Miami if it's not on the Switch?
Hopefully that will change
They always show up at TGS with something. It's E3 they historically haven't cared about.
Suda is a genius when it comes to gameplay based story telling, humor, and immersion.
He is what everyone describes Taro as being, and he's what everyone in Grasshopper tries to be, but no one comes close.
He'll pull it off, and it'll be goty easily, even if it only sells 50k copies like all Suda games.
How about yume nikki
What are the odds on Postal?
I mean I think a switch port is inevitable.
It's on PS4, and it's not hard to run, so it just seems obvious.
But probably not a top priority and they're waiting til 2018 to ride off the NMH free advertising.
>He is what everyone describes Taro as being
Suda and Taro are completely different, what are you talking about?
OFF's creator is a shut in. Never contacts or responds to anyone
Big if true.
>be travis
>mini game of finding trying to find fap material ensues in some lesbos bedroom
>her sister comes home
The game is a stealth game to hide from the older sister while snagging lesbian porn. That would actually be really funny.
Considering the two games revealed so far are actually good games, I'd expect the next 4 to be good to, so 0% chance
Postal would, I think, be too similar in style to NMH so I kinda doubt it.
Hopefully he still has that ability to write pretty decent set-ups. I loved the end with Jean and how it pretty much shit on all games "but here's the true villain!". Hopefully we don't get called "GAMER" too much and the rated E indies don't have too many "oh my god, he's so violent!!!" lines.
They tend to announce games too early. People are still salty about SMTxFE, even though the end product was a good game.
Suda is a big Hotline Miami fanboy so he'd collaborate with them either way. Both 1 and 2 were his GOTY for their respective years.
Both are emphasized as being masters of the craft in gameplay based story telling and narrative deconstruction of video games.
But taro is overly serious while suda has fun with it. NMH and Killer 7 go beyond anything Taro has done
Google "Suda51" "Monokuma" or something.
Does Suda speak English? If not, then anything not translated into Japanese is probably out
user, they'd have shown more indie devs names in the NMH trailer if it wasn't Devolver publishing it.
>Hotline Miami
>Serious Sam
>Shadow Warrior
>Hatoful Boyfriend
>No More Heroes as the final level to have The Bad and Bad Girl as a tag-team fight
I honestly to god forgot what No more Heroes was, wasn't it some sort of GTA with light sabers or some shit like this for the WII?
you're delusional, like legitimately retarded if you think the gone home mongs would be up for this seeing how tight assed they are
Shovel Knight was already confirmed.
>Female interviewer
>First thing Suda does is call her "Female Travis"
>Then does a jacking off motion making everyone doing it
This just what Nintendo needs
Based madman
Shovel Knight is the whore of the indie scene, really. Although if they do the level Deadpool style like the "Low-Budget" section of that game, it'd be alright.
I completely expect Smash Bros to be featured but not as a world.
Like, Travis will try to enter the Smash Bros world, but Sakurai will stop him and he'll rent at Sakurai for "not letting him in Smash"
shit boy, that game in DGR2 was based off an old series Suda wrote? I might actually play those games now, i never knew.
guise what if NMH x VA-11-HALL-A????
Travis confirmed DLC for Smash Switch?
la mulana would be neat, it's pretty recognizable in japan too
They probably will
>NMH and Killer 7 go beyond anything Taro has done
nah, they're about on par with each other and their respective intention in developing what they've developed, to pretend like taro is just riding coat tails or some shit is severe blasphemy son
>tfw you like the devs you like and don't power rank them in some quest for validation because you recognize each is respectable for different reasons
get on my level youngbuck
>travis kills everyone, stops by for a drink in Hall A
>not an actual sequel and is just an indie showcase fest
Please tell me this isn't true.
It is an actual sequel. Think of it like Kingdom Hearts with Indie titles instead of Disney films.
>Wanted to make a smaller game
>Just started collaborating with shovel knight and still looking for more people
I don't know about you guys but that's definitely a bit worrying.
it's crazy that for all the variety NMH has it hasn't had a Twinstick shooter level yet
Furi'd be perfect for that
Travis being stuck in a walking simulator sounds hilarious.
This probably into the HD rumble functionality somehow.
>Travis vs Shovel Knight in a 3D boss fight
But that doesn't make sense. What about Sylvia and Henry and all the other characters?
Seems really not No More Heroes like.
>Travis still isn't in Smash
but literally who FE swordsman #37 will get in no questions asked
More like a midquel
>new sword
>new jacket
>that power gauntlet shit
Travis is fucking STYLIN in this game
already know to ignore your opinion