Which one is better?

Which one is better?

DaS > BB > DeS > DaS3 >>> DaS2
Dark Souls 3 was only fun for the first playthrough.

BB and DaS3 are the most combat focused so I'd say BB because it had great weapon movesets.

this nigga gets it

Personally I think BB > DaS but the rest rest is solid

Bloodborne is an overall more refined and original feeling game. Dark Souls III was just lazy shit in comparison.

Objectively speaking?

DaS > DaS2 > DeS > BB >>>>>> DaS3


BB easily. But DaS3 has some if my favorite bosses and I can finally look like Guts so:
BB > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2 > DeS

DkS1 > DeS > BB >>>>>>>>>>> DkS3 = DkS2

Well in terms of polish and a completed package, BB > DaS, but personally I just loved Dark Souls so much and the ability to be a cunt twink made the game infinitely more humorous.
I twinked a little in Bloodborne, but it's not as fuck and not as many interesting things happen. Mostly since it has to be lvl 30+ to be invaded, a bell maiden needs to be present and still alive.

this desu

>make "Guts"
>first souls game to make player characters names the default
>see hundreds of "Guts" running around
The only thing that's worse is "Artorias" or "Ornstein"

DS3 = BB > every other shitty Dark Souls game that i don't care about because they are fucking shit and only praised because MUH FIRST > cancer > DeS

There are only two good Souls games and they are in OP's picture and i fucking mean it

The only decent post itt

Didn't like either much, but Bloodborne was much better.

is this a joke op?
bloodborne takes the cake

DeS > BB > DaS > DaS2 > DaS3


>frog phoneposter posting such shitty opinions they have to be bait
Nothing to see here folks, move along.

BB, but I've played DaS3 more purely because it's the most active.

it's actually difficult for me to go back to 1 or 2 because of how unresponsive and clunky they are compared to BB and 3.


Any souls game is better than Bloodborne, including DkS2. BB is still a good game tho.

I mean cosplay wise. You can make both pre-eclipse and black swordsman 1:1.

Glad to see there is someone over 18 left on this board

I had fun invading with this "cosplay"

Your objectively would get you slapped by Ayn Rand. That is the worst attempt I have ever witnessed.

>BB is still a good game tho

You fell for the shilling

>shilling Jews

switch DaS3 and DeS and then you will be correct.

BB = DeS > Das1 > Das3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Das2

I finished BB and I'm going to buy Dark Souls III now without having played any of the previous ones. Hate me I don't give a shit

You have to go back

Which one has better enemy variety?

What's your patrician opinion, lad?

To somewhere where people have better taste? You're right, see ya.

but Dark Souls II had the best PvP, ya bozo

why not just play the first one though? its like top 5 games ever made, you're gonna like it

smart frogposter

Anyone who puts DaS3 as last has genuinely terrible taste in gaming.

My friend people are going to call you (and me probably) out on it but that is the proper way to do it. Just pretend III is an ambigious IP and don't even look back. The controls and gameplay mechanics in Dark Souls and especially II are beyond frustrating. You're good to go

Bloodborne. DS3's are either reskinned BB enemies with BB movesets or reskinned versions of other Dark Souls enemies. It's sad.

DaS2 SotfS is easily the best one tho

>No mendicant staff
>Not using the sorcerer hat aka Yamaka

>the game with soul memory has the best PvP
>he plays these games for PvP

I personally hate BB's camera. It shifts in and out and unlocks whenever it feels like it.

you're making the right choice

DaS is fine for the first half, the game becomes quite unbearable after Anor Londo. Also DaS is wayyyy easier than ds3 because of how much slower paced it is

DeS > SotFS > BB > DS3 > DS2 (release) > DS1
DeS is a masterpiece, SotFS and BB are great, DS3 is above average, vanilla DS2 kinda sucked and DS1 is fucking garbage in my personal opinion.

I never got this meme
the only PvP you could get was either against some tryhard rapier/scimitar dual wielding or quad buffing twinswords, both of which would smoke your ass if you didn't have some meta aids build.

kill yourselves

>DaS2 ranked PvP
>involving Soul Memery in any way, shape or form
Just keep playing Roll Souls 3 and enjoy your ignorance.

Okay Mr. contrarian. Explain to me in detail why DaS2 has the best pvp.

DaS3 because it has better enemy variety.

>best build variety (objective)
>best netcode (objective)
>best poise (objective)
>high stamina costs and lack of hornet ring make it the most tactical 1v1, especially compared to Lagstab Souls 1 and Rollspam/Parryfishing Souls 3 (subjective)
Considering DS2's PvP the best isn't contrarian. It's clearly a huge step forward from DS1 and in many ways (builds, netcode and especially poise) DS3 was a large step back.

Soul Memory only counts for invasions and co-op, not real PvP.

Bloodborne is the best souls game, only people who haven't played it say otherwise.

BB is objectively better
the only downside is not being on PC

BB is the second-worst game for invasions, only staying out of last place from how dead DeS is.

>best netcode
in DS2 whenever any other player swings their weapon you have to roll. Doesn't matter if you're just outside their range or halfway across the room, you roll or you magically get hit. High ping, low ping, doesn't matter. I played hours and hours of this shit and the only way to not die is to assume that every weapon longer than a shortsword has infinite range, and to dodge even if your enemy is facing the opposite direction.
I figured this was just how DS netcode is until I played 3 and suddenly I could reliably sidestep attacks, use zoning and step between their swings.
The idea that DS2 has the best PVP is absolutely fucking retarded. The netcode is bad even by series standards, and you need to farm red orbs to invade. It does have the best build variety (although 90% of players are identical anyway) but it's wasted on a completely dogshit system.

Dark Souls 3.