Name a better videogame main character. Go on, I'll wait

Name a better videogame main character. Go on, I'll wait.

I-I c-can't. :(

Nobody expected you to user-kun.

why is he the best vg main character? he's just generic adventure man.



I will

Fuck nathan and his brother, give me an UC game with best character

Fuck you master chief is better

Who is that?

Urist McDragonslayer


>boring as fuck le charisma action hero man IS DA BEST
Do the world a favor and don't reproduce

Donte the Demon Slayer

The Nameless One

I won't



It should be against the rules for an opinion to be this goddamn terrific

Literally all of them.


defend you point, or is this the best you can do to argue the most obvious point to be made against such a generic character?
