Worth $60?
Worth $60?
lol no. $20 at best, and only if you have hight tolerance for flawed JRPGs.
It's not even worth $6.
It's even worse than most generic JRPGs which is saying a lot. Just go jerk your tiny virgin penis to that incredibly poorly-design witch bitch and call it a day.
Fuck no.
If you really like JRPGs. It's not bad necessarily. Just very, very, very, very generic. If you were to write a list of generic JRPGs this one would be the headliner. I got it at Gaystop for $17 used and it's probably only worth about that much.
My friend got it for $5 and he even regrets that. Worst part is he hasn't even opened it.
That's the same reason I quit zesteria.
Only worthwhile thing in this game.
Remember when this game was good though?
Ask myself this everyday
Star Ocean is a literal one hit wonder series, Second Story is excellent but that's about it.
Yeah no. The steelbook version looks very cool though. Some retailers offer that even cheaper than the regular version. Go figure.
Sure, when SO3 was released
At least then the game was big af, had amazing gameplay, lots of extras
SO1 is extremely forgottable
SO2 has trash tier gameplay since it ain't even full 3D and spells will stop all the action
The story and characters are equally as shit as that of all other SO games.
Where the fuck is this game still selling for $60?
I'd pick it up for $15 for that alone. I won't, but I would/
PSN store for freaks like me who don't leave the house
Get an amazon account?
It looks beautiful, the story is not bad, just generic.
If you like JRPGs you'll enjoy it.
As a person who paid full for it, absolutely not.
I even managed to enjoy myself and Fiore's ass is top tier but its not worth it man.
>It's not bad necessarily
I'd say it's pretty bad.
>flawed jrpgs
are their any other kind?
It's a shame this series is as mediocre outside of 2 as it is because its premise is really great
I bought the PS4 3 rerelease and it was like playing a stillbirth
tfw partners spells are op but I have to turn them off because they interrupt the gameplay so damn much
Im pretty sure everything after second story is utter shit in the series
Horrible difficulty spikes abound, the lack of any camera direction ruins "cutscenes" despite the fact they still fully animated the characters' interactions, and its just not very interesting, play anything else
Why did tri-Ace go to absolute shit?
Is it Hrist's curse for not making her game?
I got that shit for $40 a day before release date, and it still wasn't worth it.