This is gonna be shit isn't it?
This is gonna be shit isn't it?
Of course.
If you couldn't tell from the first fucking trailer you're an idiot.
Yeah, but that applies to every videogame ever
You mean every videogame ever is shit?
Yes. It's just a stylized boss rush. It costs $20 and will last you maybe 3 hours.
They should've just released it years ago when it was a boss rush game and actually had some hype for it. The devs themselves made it clear they have no fucking idea how to make a platforming game hence why they needed to put the game on hiatus for another 2 years.
I hope it's good. I want a new run n gun game to play.
3 hours for a playthrough would suck though. These games need to be an hour tops.
>it's a boss rush so it sucks
I seriously wonder what these people were looking for in the first place, do they want it to be some RPG or something?
>those shitty platforming sections
>shitty bulletsponge bosses
>chromatic aberration
>tumblr art style
People will unironically defend this shit.
It initially looked good, but the recent PAX footage doesn't look as fun. Lazy platforming with bullet sponge enemies. It's like it takes the worst of a bullet hell and a platformer and combines them. At least the bosses and animations still look good and charming.
I really hope there's more than 2 weapons. I also hope you can change firing modes like in Contra Hard Corps and Alien Soldier.
Then why are you on this board if you dont like videogames?
i wish they went with boss rush only, as originally intended. game looks fun, but those sidescrolling sections are going to be ass.
>tumblr artstyle
Literally fucking hang yourself.
What's so bad about the sidescrolling levels? And don't give me some beta answer like "it's boring". How do you even know they're going to be bad when they've only shown off one level?
Yeah I think it was a really misguided idea to add platforming sections when in the end people if that part is poorly made is not going to broad the appeal
still gonna get it, even though it isn't a boss rush game anymore.
im a sucker for cartoons and great animation.
>boss rush bullshit
No thanks.
>release game as is with the sidescrolling levels
>patch in a boss rush mode later
>everybody wins
I want run n gun games to have levels so I'm cool with it.
Only your first complaint actually has an validity. And judging from your last complaint, you are severely underage. Why are you posting during class?
not an argument
Found the shills.
also not an argument. i don't see how asking a perfectly reasonable question is even remotely shilling.
Fuck off shill.
>Tfw one of favourite games ever is Gunstar Heroes
>Naturally get hyped for Cuphead because fuck yeah Boss Rush
>See Cuphead thread
>It's just another one of Sup Forums's "A game that has hype is coming out so naturally we need to turn against it" threads.
I don't know why I didn't see this coming.
NoT aN aRgUmEnT
How much are they paying you?
It's weird that this game isn't going to be at anymore Xbox E3 conferences after it was in the last three. What will they use to brush up their indie credentials in 2018?
>PC/Xbox only
it could be the greatest game ever made and this board will still hate it for obvious reasons
So is the 50s Disney artstyle rip off intentional or....
Nigga everyone here hates vidyas, we are here only to share our autism or the occasional bants, you newfag
Didn't they just announce it for switch?
yes user?
Reddit detected
>posting shadman's caveman spingebill
>tumblr art style
fucking what?
Im not getting it becasu of chromatic dogshit
Nah. A game can't be shit if it never comes out.
it is shit. It is nothing more than a shitty indie side scroller game on steam.
If it wouldn't have those graphics noone would even notice this shit.
Huh. I guess Tumblr owns an art style that predates it by nearly a century.
Go figure
>he still unironically plays indie games
My sides.
>30 bosses
I like to complain about people who like video games
Of course. It's not a Nintendo game
is that bad?
Passable at best and that's ONLY because they dropped the whole boss rush thing and added more content.
On a boss rush, anything below 80 is not worth the fucking money, especially a shitty sidescroller.
It could have been good if they stuck with the original idea of making it a boss rush game, since that's what they actually wanted. Because of the normies complaining, we are going to get a shit Mario clone instead.
>30 bosses
Source? Where did they confirm this.
Cuphead and Mugman is like a girl playing football.
Looks good, but plays like shit.
just curious, what are some shoot em ups with 80+ bosses?
Are you joking? 30 is a shit ton considering all the animation that goes into each one.
>tumblr art style
Underage b8 plz go
if it had 32 it would literally have the world record for most bosses in a video game.
possibly. most games that keep getting delayed and saved by some big publisher usally tends to be not so great.
why did he shove a stick of butter up his ass?
I don't believe that.
Whats the holder and whats considered a boss?
>why did he shove a stick of butter up his ass?
It's art style is its gimmick. Only selling point.
DaS2 has more than that.
No. It's gonna be GOTY. Don't believe me? Just wait and see.
how many does it have?
>how much are the 2 people that make the game paying you
This isn't a AAA game dumb ass, they don't have the shackles required to pay internet shills. Think of another argument, I'm sure you have some.
With the DLC I'm pretty sure it's like 40.
>this isn't a AAA game
>published my microsoft
Really fires up my neurons.
This game reminds me of electroswing and I want nothing to do with it
what do you think AAA means?
Besides, you STILL haven't brought up a decent reason as to why it looks shit
>Previous record for bosses in a run 'n gun goes to Alien Soldier, a boss rush-style game with under thirty bosses.
>Cuphead will be the new record holder with its number of bosses.
muh chromatic aberration that can be turned off
Are you retarded?
I feel like it's going to be a slightly easier Metal Slug.
It looks good ,and for now microsoft indie are always been good
More than likely
I'll accept that as a reason, as weak as it is. I played it at PAX last year and you'd have to be a literal bat if it actually hinders your gameplay.
Why are you shitposting during class?
>tumblr art style
did u just assume his age? how dare you, ageism is worse than homophobia
>Posting normie memes
>tumblr art style
t. PS4babby
>>tumblr art style
you're that special kind of retard that gets mad at "reddit spacing"
It looks good it's $20 and it isn't even out yet you fucks can complain about anything
take your fedoras back to r e d d i t
come back to Sup Forums when you have an argument.
>quasi intellectual bullshit regurgitated for the umpteenth time over
I've heard it all before, yawn