Everyone keeps talking about how awful the combat and stealth is in Vampire Bloodlines

>Everyone keeps talking about how awful the combat and stealth is in Vampire Bloodlines.
>Finally play it
>It's actually pretty fun

So what's up? It has a bunch of cool abilities, simple but functional stealth, satisfying sound effects and animations; as far as western ARPG's go this is not even close to bad.

Are people just shitters who can't handle stuff like RNG shooting mechanics? Because they make perfect sense in this kind of game.

Other urls found in this thread:



Melee combat could be much better, I guess most people just dragged their fire axe through the whole game. Maxing firearms and going John Wick on everyone's asses, on the other hand, was fun as shit.

Both of those things can be true

It's fun in pieces, but quite a lot of the quests in the second half are combat gauntlets, and by then it gets shitty and annoying.

Bloodlines has the most satisfying necksnap sound effect ever.

I wish this game didn't want to crash and break so much

why is she so hot

wait a minute that image..

Fan the hammer colt is the most fun i've had in a while.

>Everyone keeps talking about how awful the combat and stealth is in Vampire Bloodlines
No they don't.
Bloodlines gets a ton of praise on here. I've seen a thread nearly every day for the past three months.

>max unarmed
>Bloodbuff up
>maxed protean ON

You can't convince me NOT to play Gangrel. Even if Potency+melee+jinto is stronger.

Depends on which class you play as. Pretty sure Gangrels are the hardest to use

The combat isn't shit. It's shit because there's combat, meaning your charismatic faglord runs for his life in the sewers because he never bothered putting a lot of points in guns.

You missed the criticism.
They talk about how awful the stealth and diplomacy mechanics are, because while it's really cool to go around sneaking or talking your way past any fights the game decides to drop you into continuous unavoiable combat sections later on.

It's really easy to make a shitty build, or a build you aren't good at, or don't have fun with. People today are used to games like Skyrim where you don't have to manage a complex character sheet and can't accidentally run your character into the ground by basing your points on what sounds cool.

>You can't convince me NOT to play Gangrel.
Tattoos and dreadlocks were the dealbreaker for me. I made a fem, melee, Brujah instead.

>Are people just shitters

the femgangrel is cute as a button though, but yeah, now I wanna mod the gangrel model to not have dreads.

>tats and dreads
>not playing as cute grill

One really bad thing about combat system is that supernaturals have nearly complete immunity for your powers, getting damaged for a piss poor damage instead. While some debuffs still work, it takes away a lot of fun you could have with them otherwise.

>Still can't get Honey Select to work.
It just feels so bad, y'know?

Where my Gangrel brethren at?

i only played bloodlines because i saw jeanette in some gameplay video and my dick instantly fell in lust

Malkavians. Not even once.

Brujah is cute enough. I need to do a Malkavian playthrough, though.
>select all squares with street signs

Never had a problem with combat, but then again I mainly played as a Tremere which basically turns you into vampire wizard Jesus two points into Thaumatergy

Well, we have to shit on something.
Have fun in the sewers.

>use blood boil on anything but humans or absolute shit-tier supernaturals
>instead of exploding they just take as much damage as one pistol shot
some mighty wizard you are

I wouldn't say VTMB has good combat, but it's serviceable. Really fun with shit like Celerity.

Then again maybe I am not a good judge, I thought the combat in The Witcher 1 was okay too.

If only it had a party in the game system meant to be played with a party to cover any weaknesses and allow for more specialized characters instead of having a solo jack of all trades (or forced master of combat).

>party system
You stay away from my game.

somewhat related but i found out recently theres unused dialogue for Yuki helping you fight the kuei jin at the end. would have been nice

sweater puppies are the BEST!
i wish i could cuddle with them, warm them up and have a nice sleep on them!

Don't lewd Therese.

Give me one good reason why Gary and VV aren't the best characters in the game.

I liked the combat too.

Neither of them get enough screentime.

Toreador sluts.

The combat is very jarring when you've spent your point in stealth and just ghosted the game until that point. It has that Action RPG feel to it which is hard to do right.

Because the best girl is, and always has been, Nines.

how tf can anything 9mm kill a vampire to begin with, that's why nines got his deagle

Susan is a thot, she tries to act like she thinks you're special when you already saw her blowing kisses to Mr. Clean in the beginning

>Using Blood Boil on anything but trash mobs of humans
Supernaturals are what machine gunning Blood Strike is for

If you want women acting like in VMB then honey select wont satisfy you

True Faith.

Nah, I just wanted to make waifus for people.
I also like the way they look.



sweet jesus

What other games are vampire kino

PFFF, how did that catch me so off guard, the text equivalent to that fucking stuffed velociraptor fuck that thing

I played a Malk and squeezed through most combat encounters on luck and melee alone..that is until I had to fight the giant African

Aside from stuff like Castlevania, none that I've found. It's really depressing

>very few RPGs have a modern day setting
>even fewer involve vampires
VTMB was a perfect game to discover.

feels terrible that Vampyr's coming out soon and knowing with full certainty that it will be shit

Few games pull off vampires well enough.

Stealth is fun until you reach the point in the game where there are unavoidable boss fights against extremely strong enemies.

If you ONLY built for stealth and don't have combat stuff leveled up, it can be a big problem.

>can barely take out 10% of her health before I'm dying
>start trying out a bunch of different shit
>all of them suck
>finally try the jin-to or whatever it's called
>foward+attack has few startup frames, few active frames, few recovery frames as long as I don't combo it into the next moves, ok-ish damage
>woosh, woosh, dodge, woosh, woosh, dodge
>chase clones before they grow (jesus christ what were they thinking)
>repeat ad nauseum for OVER 30 MINUTES
nobody can say I didn't git gud at this fucking game, and while at first I fucking hated it, in the end it felt like I mastered some weird, hidden minigame of 3rd person combat

there used to be a comic about this exact scenario years ago

Yeah, but many RPGs with stealth elements have this problem.

The key to making a good RPG where you can go stealth or combat, is to have stealth characters have a back up weapon that is expensive to use, but effective at killing one or two things, including bosses, but not hoards of enemies.

>raid kuejin base
>door has wooden plank over it
>game won't let me move it while in stealth
>standing up immediately causes guards in corner of room to aggro
>they respawn infinitely

That's the point where I said fuck stealth, although it was late game.

I found on my Gangrel that I could just rip and tear the clones to death in a few seconds, so they weren't an issue, just a distraction from the main enemy. I just slowly beat her to death while occasionally using a blood pack.


in Desu Equis Hoomin Revelations you should level up the Typhoon thing if you're going social/stealth/hacking, that way you can 'bypass' bosses

actually, I think the Director's Cut version of the game gives you some different approaches for bosses so that might not be that fucking useful anymore

I think that even if I used the blood packs I had on me I'd die to her, she took way too little damage and the clawing attacks took way too long so I'd get hit by her attacks, which dealt a fair amount of damage. And you absolutely cannot ignore the clones, lest they grow into things as powerful as the boss itself in the span of seconds.


Lacroix tower raid was fucking amazing. Those Ventrue agents using the disciplines on you


>someone actually makes a nines genderbending pic

>wait a minute that card
you had one job

Just got to this bimbo for the first time today. I just wailed on her with the broadsword (which seems too good) while chugging blood bags and keeping celerity and potency up.

Bloodlust Shadowhunter is decent enough, it's an RPG/dungeon crawler inspired by VtMB. Has a few issues and it's not top notch in the graphics or animations but still fun.

The "Blade" movie is decent if you want to watch something though, has a lot of similarities to VtMB with the setting and characters.

it's bretty fun moving around with your obfuscate as malkavian and executing people with your katana. he was a ninja before he was embraced you know

Getting burrowing beetle from level 2 animalism makes boss fights a lot faster, not that Gangrel has any problem with the previous ones, but being able to spam that while hitting with melee attacks does a lot of damage.

Ming just has way too much HP though, it's not so bad on repeated playthroughs because you know how to deal with her better but it still has stopped multiple new players from finishing the game without cheats.

>I thought the combat in The Witcher 1 was okay too.
Better than 2. A lot better.

It's the same people complaining about Deus Ex and Morrowind combat.

Respawning guards is the main reason I stopped using the True Patch and used the Unofficial Patch instead. I don't even know if the original devs intended for them to keep respawning like that or if it was just something they never fixed up, but it really makes that part of the game not fun. Even as a combat character.

Its hard to find any character that is "bad"

>stealth as usual
>le crossing/T section
>ALWAYS go left looking right, then look left
>nothing to the right
>turning left
>this fucking shit pops in my face
>I freeze on the spot, complete panic mode
>thousands thoughts crossing my mind
>oh dear god a velociraptor
>what the fuck
>how is it so silent
>oh dear god it's ready to attack
>what is it doing here
>wait is this like a Tremere construct? fucking degenerates
>oh dear what the fuck do I do
>how strong is it
>I'm fucked
>shit what do I do? run? try to fight it?
>it's just a game, just a game
>2 seconds later, confused as fuck, start to back off
>slowly back in again
>it's like a stage set piece
>start coming to Sup Forumsasquerade threads, full of other anons with the same reactions

how did the devs manage this? what the fuck

The skills are cool, it's just the last couple sections of the game that suck. They're poorly designed murder corridors without any options for approaching them. Even with maxed Blood Magic I found it entirely unenjoyable.

This is one of the few games where I actually enjoyed playing a stealth character because of obfuscate. I know it's probably considered stealth-lite by people who really like stealth games but I think it was done well in VtMB.

it's pretty obvious the quality drop, probably because of Activision shenanigans, the game will never be 100% of what it could have been given more time and moni


Has Sup Forums finally realized that Therese was the hotter sister?

They were just awesome at creating an atmosphere that made you paranoid. They were talented and you can tell they really cared about what they were creating. Doing something like that almost makes it feel like they were popping into the game and saying they hope you're having fun.


I've always said that. Jeanette is for shits and giggles, Therese is for the thinking man's needs.

>tfw to smart to fall for the duckling meme

Wait, what? I don't think there are any infinite enemies. I remember thinking that in the second level in the kuei jin temple with all the spike traps etc. There was a ridiculous number of enemies that would aggro from the other side of the level and home in on you.

Then I remember using Auspex to check if they were really spawning out of thin air but I don't think there was anything like that, they all came from somewhere. There's just too many enemies in that level, and it's also gigantic.


VTMB is too good for this world

I'm not sure if it's through the entire level, but they definitely respawn. A speedrunner named "lurkchan" said that there's a certain hidden guard that if you hit the trigger to make him jump out from his hiding place in the false wall, the next part of the level has respawning guards. It's strange how it works and I'm not sure if it was intended because of how odd it is. You might've just not hit that trigger, because I know that in the part where you collect the statues I've literally killed everyone near me and then turned around to see a guard suddenly appear from thin air.

I dont know if it was from the community patches or the base game but on my most recent playthrough i took my time doing as many quests as i could. That one quest that took you into the serial kiler's house... holy shit. When I was young and would play the game I always thought "oh damn you can't get in there haha". I always felt like that little staircase down to his apartment felt safe. NOT ANYMORE WHAT THE FUCK.

Might have to reinstall now

Was that in the internet cafe?

I remember a "AWP NOOB" scratching on the wall of the Ground Zero internet cafe in Hollywood pointing downwards to a computer. Funnily enough, it was the computer that Isaac played on and sent you to retrieve that e-mail.

fucking delete this

Interesting, I'll have to check that again then. Really strange though, because no other part of the game has respawning enemies, and why would that random level has them? There was nothing like that in the Venture Tower even though the enemies were faceless SWAT. They could've easily kept them spawning infinitely from helicopters but they didn't. May be a bug?

If you're talking about the place in Santa Monica, that's how it was for me too, just this little brightly lit place with a mostly friendly sounding voice asking "May I help you?"

Then you get in and find a blood pack in the refrigerator.

I always keep a clean backup of the game installed so I can quickly copy and patch it if there's a new version of the Unofficial Patch.

I'm pretty sure it was AWP WHORE but I can only check it at home, as google is giving me nothing

yeah that was in the base game, you probably missed it

you can check the list of side quests online to see if you've missed anything more, there's not that many of them but all of them are good

Shit game.

In the blood bank in Santa Monica if you kill the security guard another one respawns outside of the door, but just one. Not sure if they wanted to make it like it was just another security guard in the building coming there because of the gunshot/fighting noises or if it's another bug because it's the only other instance of that happening that I can think of.

But yeah I think it must be a bug since it's the only place it really happens like you said. I talked to the creator of the True Patch about it, and he said that the devs probably had them respawn there to make it feel more intense and overwhelming but my stance is still that it just doesn't seem to fit and makes the levels tedious.

I think thats the place. It's near your starting apartment. The quest involves going down and down into his kill-house seeing multiple torture rooms and shit. You end up saving a guy that worked for the bail bonds guy

>there's not that many of them but all of them are good
I can't really play an open world games anymore because of this. VtMB might have a few issues but it did a lot of things so much better than even what new AAA games are doing now.

wait a minute that card.....

Yeah I remember the blood bank thing. If you're talking about the security guard on the upper level, he doesn't respawn, it's a different guard. I remember that when I aggro'd the guard inside the locked door hallways another guard would pop from outside the door and shoot me. So he spawns in cases of violence I think. Don't know if that was intended or not, but they can both be at the same place.