i think its time to admit that 95% of the games from this gen are now unplayable garbage.
I think its time to admit that 95% of the games from this gen are now unplayable garbage
I say that 95 percent of them are better then the hand holding garbage now a days.
>rose tinted glasses
>this trash is better than this trash
great argument.
>being this assravaged you weren't around to play them when the came out
Can't be helped, I suppose.
Kill yourself, underaged faggot. Even the average games from that era are dozens of times better than all the casualshit people consider GOTY now. It was a golden era, never to be surpassed.
This. There are some amazing games from that gen that hold up perfectly (Silent Hill, Mario 64) but my god there is some fucking awful shite in the 5th gen. A weird kind of awfulness that makes you feel physically sick looking at it.
i want gamecube babies to die
Mario Party 3 is still the best they made to this date.
Almost all of them have aged horribly.
5th gen even at its worst is still better than all the casualized SJW diarrhea that vidya is now in this decade.
>golden era, never to be surpassed
Woah buddy, calm down there.
it's time to admit OP sucks cocks
95% of them were unplayable garbage when they first came out
Maybe just really ugly, the gameplay is mostly the same
He's right though. The Golden Era of games was 1998-2007, which ended specifically around the time when Portal 1 was released. That's not to say that Portal 1 was a bad game, just that it's release attracted a lot of people to gaming that ultimately started to drag it down due to companies trying to capitalize on the Portal craze.
>I only play shit modern games so all modern games are shit
perhaps the same could be said of all gens
>emulated Crash 2 and PM64 yesterday
>still some of the best games ever made
nah you just a bitch
Your words are as empty as your vidya taste.
It could be said that those 2 clearly belong to the timeless 5%.
Nostalgia fags will say they have better gameplay than the current gen.
I think we can all agree that the death of the collect-a-ton platformer genre after this generation was a good think.
Not really. A lot of them were PC and Arcade ports so their library just become outdated.
But the 5th gen classics, with the exception of exclusive N64 FPSs, are still good.
95% of games from every gen are unplayable garbage.
I feel that way about the saturn, the kids in my town only had 64s and playstations.
Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 have aged like milk.
Most N64 games wouldn't have aged that bad if it wasn't for this absolute meme of a controller.
>meme controller
>only one thumbstick
>in that fucking position
>the trigger
>the C-Pad
Hot garbage
no but the handholding thing is true. games are so retarded with over explanation and bullshit that there is no exploration. its fun not knowing where to go and have to ask npcs and hope one of them points you in the right direction.
That other 5% still vastly outnumbers playable games from all other generations combined
turn off the hud then
>its fun not knowing where to go and have to ask npcs and hope one of them points you in the right direction
That's only fun when it's done correctly and you aren't lost just because poor game design.
And it was almost everytime poor game design.
>imfuckingplying PD doesn't hold up
>this gen
>blurry due to heavy post-processing AA
>painfully slow framerates
>bad controller
>lots of good games were never localized
>clearly not meant for 3d, least impressive of the three
>hard to program for, even a lot of 2d games have issues (Castlevania)
>loading times
>shit launch controller, dualshock fixed a lot of issues though
>aliasing out the ass
>infamous texture warping
>loading times
5th gen definitely aged the worst, although there are a lot of great games still. 6th gen definitely refined 3D graphics a lot more.
Are you implying skyrim on the N64 is garbage? I had it with you ungrateful kids these fucking days, enjoy Bethesda viruses on your playstation 4 and switch you little shit. Wont be talking shit when you lost all your saves to your weebcrap you little snots play these days.
The N64 was extremely ambitious with FPS games but they're hard to return to with the poor framerates and controls. Goldeneye and PD are still really fun in emulators though.