>not playing as a human and killing all different races
>not causing a major genocide making the human race the only one left
>not targeting any class with magic affinity next
>not turning the Fantasy world setting into a realistic setting
Not playing as a human and killing all different races
>doing that wile having a lesbian hair cut
Name 3 games where you can do this.
Hard mode: No undying NPCs.
Pillars of Eternity lets you kill everyone who isn't Human on sight.
>relying on a shitty small-scale RPG game to do this
Sword of the Stars is great for this.
Killing or at least trying to kill all magic life in a fantasy world is a nice way to simply end the world with nothing alive or in the worst case scenario you get all gods pissed and get your race wiped out for being faggots
olny hummanz alloud in dis thredd lol
Genocide is maybe a bit much. I'm all for keeping the xenos down, though.
this, why are humans always the biggest most annoying niggers in fantasy games?
Its not about humans, any race that tries to start shit would get shitstomped by the gods of that world or would destroy the ecosystem of the world that evolved over the eons to support all the life currently there
>implying humans would stand a chance against a race like that
If they have the same technology/more or less same intelligence and the same numbers then their sheer size and strength would fuck us over, imagine fighting an army of smart, armored bears.
except for marry sue elves
It was only a matter of time until the you name a particular fantasy race and of course it's elves. You little egdy fucks.
>you get all gods pissed
Those fags need to go too.
humans only advantage is intelligence,
physically it doesnt take much to kill us.
This. Anything that is sentient and more powerful than humans must be killed because one day it could try to destroy us.
>playing as humans when given the option to play as something else
>wanting a realistic setting in the end
This sounds dumb.
Video games are a way to escape reality into whole new worlds. Why would you want to recreate the life we already live?
Its never really shown how intelligent humans are in comparison to other races though and if they can create complex armour, language, build cities etc then were just splitting hairs, especially when it comes to medieval combat.
Because escapism isn't healthy!
>Be Human
>Envious that the Elven girl has a bigger penis than me
>Project my insecurities in a thread about how superior I am, on the Temporal Basket Weaving manasphere.
Fuck off Marche
>not playing orc/ lizardman master race
>not genociding human menace
It's like you don't even want to have fun!
>not playing as an android sex worker