You weren't retarded enough to spend $20 on a shitty sonic fangame,, were you?

You weren't retarded enough to spend $20 on a shitty sonic fangame,, were you?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, 2D Sonic fundamentally sucks as much as 3D

I wonder how many are gonna take this bait.

>implying sonic adventure wasnt the best sonic game

if you had to spoiler it, then it's not worth it.
Just saying. And I bought the collectors edition. It's a good game.

I didn't buy it. The gameplay videos make it look like something created with a Sonic CD level editor. The fact that all these stages from other Sonic games are shoehorned into it doesn't make it any more appealing; there's a huge clash between the level designs.

This. It's a shit rehash romhack that only shills hype up. Sup Forums is finally waking up to this games laziness and it feels good man.

t. Sonicattle
We hate your game, shills. End of story. Back to red dit with ye!

Sonic Rehashia is the Reddit Knight of 2017.

I think if they'd chosen to emulate Sonic 3 & Knuckles rather than Sonic CD it'd be a far better game
at least then the zones would feel less awkward and the music would be actually good

Pokeybarneyfag, is that you again?

>nobody debating this post
Even shills know he's right. Taxman is a hack.

I bought it and if they release a physical version the price of a regular game I'll buy it again

Or, ya know, no one read it?

nigger i've been here before your apparent favorite website was a thing. piss off

God why the fuck do people unironically think Rehashia's music is fucking good? It baffles me.

What a fucking scam game.

Sorry sweetiepie, your boogeyman isn't here. Just accept the fact that your meme game is getting more and more hate here by the second.

no, of course i wasn't.

I paid 60 for the collector's edition, duh.

waiting for a torrent, yeah

literally looks like i can it in a genesis emulator, not dumb enough to pay for this shit.

$20 isnt that much money at all. I spend 3x that a day

Torrent went?


Off yourself you degenerate fag

i bought it and it was worth every penny
i've been waiting over 20 years for this game and it lived up to my expectations

Enjoying that rehashed level design, lack of originality, and weakass shit music?

Rehashia is literally half a Sonic game.

Tell that to the cattle who unironically enjoyed Reahashia. That'll trigger 'em.



I spent $44

And it's still better than any of the sonic games since CD. Enjoy your "3D" sonic automatic corridor simulators

Sonic was never good nigger.

>Hurr hurr everyone who liek game iz retard my gaems r mastur race

>Implying Sonic Adventure wasn't a buggy, nearly unplayable mess that people only liked it and its sequel because it had chao breeding

i've played 12 hours of it and i regret exactly 0 of those hours
still need some achievements, haven't even done a tails run yet

And thus Sup Forums hates another game that's popular. Really makes you think

No,but that is because i'm poor.

It's an insanely good value for $20.

Hook line and sinker

who is "We", like all of 2 people in this thread baiting?

I spent $70.

only good post in this thread

>implying the SC bugs were that annoying.
>implying that sonic stages arent the best thing ever
>implying chao breeding is bad.
just because YOU don't like it does not make it bad,user.
>my opinion is LAW
no,it isn't.

>Another Sup Forums hates something now because it's popular with normies episode

This is why we can only discuss weeb games now . I hope you all are happy.

shit,if these fuckers opinion actually reflected on my personal choices,i would not be able to enjoy anything.
good thing i don't care.

I don't buy games with Denuvo
so, there's a mod loader now
it hooks itself into Mania loading DirectX
this has the benefit of not requiring a full, extracted Data folder, since the Retro Engine has a built-in way to load those

the issue with the above is that we don't know all the filenames, which are required to extract files, and so it's pretty glitchy just extracting all we have and loading that
this sidesteps that whole issue by only replacing files we do know the names of, and keeps mod size down by only distributing what's been changed

we still need tools to edit sprite mappings, but you can totally just edit the sprites as-is
IIRC, palettes are fixed and I dunno where they're stored, so you're still limited to the same colors right now (but that's fixable and will certainly happen within the month if not hte week) will let you extract the files from your copy of Sonic Mania
you'll need these filenames to unpack them (this isn't a full list, but it's got loads of them)
save it as filelist.txt and put it in with retrun and your Data.rsdk file
use retrun x Data.rsdk -M -L=filelist.txt to extract everything

t. cuck
not adventurecuck or boostcuck, just a cuck


>red dit
fucking lel

Did they get rid of devuno already?

Why would post this here? No one in Sup Forums is gonna use it, since that would take actual effort and isn't shitposting.

tails would have been better as a girl

you contradict yourself

Once there reaches a critcal mass of anti-mainstream shitposting Sup Forums becomes incapable of actually discussing a game ever again.

Look what happened to threads about every Bethesda game except Morrowind after normies started playing Skyrim.


not gonna lie, thought I was in the not-shit Mania thread

>buy game on day 1
>enjoying it
>find out it secretly had denuvo added and can't do offline play
>try to get steam refund
>denied because played more than 2 hours


i don't know about you but i take everything here with a grain of salt.
but in the end we can always walk away.

OP is right. Mania fucking sucks dick and people with half a fucking brain could tell. You're all fucking braindead and don't know what a real good Sonic game is. Fucking kill yourselves. Pieces of shit

Has it been cracked yet?

Sega has made one video game series in their entire existence, yakuza, and even those are only good after being remastered.

Idiot nostalgia sonic fans keep this shit company afloat


how is so succeful with normies and tards loving it?

Yes, I bought it and I'm having a blast playing it.

Wow, people have different opinions! Who knew?

I was. massive buyers remorse desu.


>b-but le shrimp meme
Take your fishfucking elsewhere, creep.

Im waiting for the crack. I've already waited this long.

>buy the game
>play for 2 hours
>tickle the desire for nostalgia
>realise that nostalgia aside I'm not actually having fun
>refund the game

What should I spend the refund money on anons - I'm thinking about Rock of Ages 2

Just waiting on a torrent

taxman touched OP inappropriately at PAX

Where is the crack?

Good to know IGNfags shitpost here now too.

honestly, 2d sonic was never good.

>go really fast then BING hit a spring or BWONG hit an enemy without any opportunity to see it coming
>the rest is just bullshit boring platforming
>level design feels like a kid with ADD designed the stages, no direction
>cluttered pixel art, detail for the sake of detail with not thought for how easy it is to read the gameplay

it's honestly terrible and I'm amazed people still like it

I did, best sonic game since 3&K

>im not good at it
>game sucks

>dat pic
How dare you post NSFW imagery on 9gag 2.0?

that's not hard considering 2d sonic is trash

ITT: Poverty.

>paying for single-player games
You mean intelligence.

If 2d had a proper field of view it'd be fine.

Its not our fault you're a fucking right-wing capitalist. kys you fucking porky


>Sonic Adventure
>nearly unplayable
it lacked a bit of polish, sure, but even as a kid i rinsed that shit plenty of times. Don't overreact. Also the PC ports are absolute shit. Dreamcast or Gamecube only for ports that aren't broken.

(You) the thread

haha epik comrade! I too choose to not have a job because of oppressive pig system, not because I am a lazy faggot looking for excuses mind you :^)

If you don't work, you don't eat, comrade.

(You) is in every thread.

And it's better than any official game. Well worth the money if you have good taste.

>lolol communism never works
fuck off back to pol

>B-But its Sonic! Sonic was never good guys! Our strict rating system for other games proves it! - IGN

So far it hasn't.

Anyway, on topic, who's your favourite Hard Boiled Heavy?

Blatant baitposting should be a bannable offense.

Socialism isn't free gibs you moron. You need to contribute to the state or else you are going to get shot in the head.

Fact is you are a rich educated loser who hasn't worked a day in his life, and would be the first up against the wall ina revolution.

T. Wearing my steel toe work boots

I played it and liked it.
Stay mad nerds ahahahahaha!

Shinobi, Magician, or King. I really thought Heavy King was gonna be the boss of Titanic Monarch.

I'm not dumb enough to spend 20$ on a game that doesn't have a platinum trophy

shiiieeet this is gonna be good and speaking of that.

Does anyone remember during the Mania reveal they had the crowd scream SEGA for this game? Where does that exactly happen in Mania? I've been thinking it has something to do with getting all 7s in the Gallop Lotto section. Unless they dicked everyone over and didn't do it.


Is it wrong that I want to grab child megan by the head and facefuck her until she is crying and screaming while she chokes on my child rod?

I don't buy digital only game.

Yes, get help

Of course not. I only spent $18.

Okay Dan

Sam > Carly


Torrent when?