Why is 3 always the best one?

Why is 3 always the best one?

Because 3, it's the magic number!

Silent Hill 2 and The Witcher 2 are better.



Dead Space 3?

Literlly no one of this is the best in their respective series, some one is actually the worst

>Some are the worst
Like what?


>drakengard 3
Muh niggah

Not many 3's on that list.

where's Ape Escape 3?

>The Last Guardian over Shadow of the Colossus
I love TLG but dude, come on now

UT2k4 technically counts.

>Witcher 3
>Dark Souls 3
>Silent Hill 3
>Crash Bandicoot 3


you shouldn't look only at the PC list maybe

>the orange box

why is this included with a rating when all it is is just a few games sold together as a package?

>implying that Dark Souls III is better than Bloodborne
>implying that Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald are better than Platinum

>Reddit of the Colossus better than Ico
You have to go back.

Nice meme.

>The Last Guardian
>Better than Ico or Shadow of the Colossus
No cigar

Check this 2 for OP being a faggot

Add Super Smash Bros. Brawl to that list

The only ones on that list that are right are Ace Attorney, Witcher and Last Guardian

>Zero Time Dilemma

Back to redit

Sonic 2 is better