What the hell happened to fighting games?

what the hell happened to fighting games?

member when fighting game characters actually looked like martial artists ?

skip the bullshit, just post the webms

I miss it


>this is my ""fighting "" stance

No, there's always just around 3 characters that look like actual martial artists in pretty much all old fighting games, unless you count shit like ninja clones.

I yield, you can do whatever you want to me

the LolSoRandom audience won, get with the times gramps


then get killed by my killer belly dance i guess nyaa~

you have knocked me out, but awakened a force of this universe, my dick

good luck with it

Now show me one with Laura, and i'll be set.

>still waiting on Juri or Chun swaps

come on champs

What fighting games do you ppl play besides sfv?
i'm waiting on a steam sale for T7

play better ones, like blaz blue

What is this furry shit

Kokopuffs second best girl.

did they put the last BB on pc already or it's an outdated version?

I just play whatever interests me.

Then I take a break from it for a while.

>play better ones, like blaz blue

makato isnt a furry


Everybody just shut the fuck up and post more lewd fighting game girls

this guy has historically only done cammy swaps

if you want others, you'll have to do 'em yourself

I don't give fucks about Cammy, I like Chun Li better anyway.

Now show me Laura webms

this is your Laura for today

same here, that's why i need get actually good in any fighting game.

>4 cammies

I wonder who's this guys waifu.


it's a mystery

>skeleton legs


>tfw you'll never smash that Sadira ass while licking her feet
why live, bros?

how come i've never seen her model for blender/xps.

Footfags need to be gassed along with furfags.

t. vanillafag

We've reached the point that semi-ahegaos are standard animations

Central Fiction has been on PC for a while, but it doesn't have the latest patch that consoles have. Then again, neither do EU versions of the game since they decided to wait until Monday to release it instead of at the same time as everywhere else

less then half of the sf2 characters looked like actual martial artists and pretty much every SF kept this ratio except maybe for SF3 which kind of went overboard with the oddball characters

>implying you still wouldn't fuck

she can be an assessory to my dick

wait, isn't it "accessory"? what the fuck

>no one ever posts karin
( ._.)

>tastless bikini shit
>high heels
>cammy's giant man-hands ruining it


SFV Karin is an abomination and would do well with being wiped from the franchise.

the rest of the cast didn't look like standard martial artists but they were fighting and using martial arts, besides Dhalsim and maybe Blanka.nowadays it's way more common to see characters that are doing anything besides fighting and it's just magic

Hakumen and Susan are pretty rad, but that's it



Japan lives in a culture where violence has been almost completely eradicated.
They no longer know what is a fight, or what drives a person to do it.
The new generations just think mechanically and copy the memes of old games.
Just as Kojima sent all the devs to try military weapons when developing metal gear, so must devs fight for real and study martial arts mythology to make a game that can resurrect fighting games.

>he doesn't like brown busty retarded cat

Every girl has biigger hands in sfv, Cammy and Menat are amongst the smaller ones but they are still bigger than normal lol you again user


I'm just saying, I think it'd be alot sexier in her regular costume, or hell even this mod is far sexier than a bikini.

Can't wait to see Chun Li and Juri body swaps though.

So cammy is just a turbo slut in SFV now??? Shame, she was one of my favorite SF characters.

I like the miniskirt physics better desu


>Cummy thinking she's got anything on Menat.
Sad. SAD!

That costume is a mod. Not that her default leotard is the pinnacle of modesty.


Yeah, I agree that one is good too. Cammy really is something.

I think at this point we can all agree SFV is just good for getting our dicks hard right?

Cammy makes my dick diamonds.


That's a mod costume you dummy

>Project Justice characters in the background

goddammit Capcom, you fucking faggots

that's not exactly true tho

Even characters like Ed who's using psycho magic powers is basically just boxing, or Laura is still using jiu jitsu just with electricity.

The only ones who mainly use magic based moveset are Kolin and Menat.


Don't play SFV but man this is my favorite Cammy costume.

>Tiffany with her huge juggs doesn't even get a proper jiggle animation
one job capcom

why are her breasts so small tho?

Avarage western women have bigger breasts than that yet I can completely imagine the outrage it would cause if they made them bigger.

This is a mod, right?

The only positive thing I can ever say about Street Fighter V is Chun Li and Cammy have never looked so god damn sexy. They're bodies are works of art and are the female form perfected.

thisfuck off

it's the backpack, it looks like she's on her way to take some diving lessons

I disagree. The giant hands and feet look bad.

SJWs and the alt-left lost the culture war

all thanks to gamergate and Trump

Well yeah, aside from that. But their thighs, their butts, their legs, their breasts., and their hips It's all so perfect.

>Those massive calves

PC wins again



any webms of chun li battle costume swapped for menat

It's more than just the packpack. It's everything. I even think the goggles on her is sexy.

>modders have to make other girls thicker when porting them to sfv
at least one thing they got right

that's still nothing impressive tho, just look at the actual curve of her breasts

I still like Menat on her own intro




now she looks like powergirl

I don't understand how Japan hasn't created a Cammy sex doll yet, It would be sold out instantly.

Same, Cammy is still an Aryan sex goddess though.

her bishoujo statue was the first to go out of stock

>pixiv works
>requires an account

>he doesn't have a pixiv account
Also, that shitty art is r-18, so that's why you need an account

I'll bother myself to making one later, but
>liking having to make an account to see an image
c'mon now

it's just because the art is 18+ dude and it's not like making an account takes more than 2 mins

user, you're still defending making an account on a website to be able to view an image, and there's plenty of other hentai/etc websites that don't require an account

wait a minute, are you some sort of owner of that website? or a content creator there or something? nobody would defend this bullshit

Fucking tinfoil fag. Don't gain access to one of the main sources of Japanese art then.

I just said I'm going to make an account later, but now I know that you're not a shill, just a fucking retard.