Now that the new season has begun, here's a few things on how to make Winston viable:

Now that the new season has begun, here's a few things on how to make Winston viable:

Increase Tesla Cannon damage from 60 to 63 per second
Buff his bubble from 600 to 800, decrease cool down from 13 to 11 seconds
Decrease cool down of jump pack from 6 to 4 seconds
Increase knock back of primal rage by 15%
Invisibility frames while entering primal rage

There, I just made him pickable. In his current state he's vastly underpowered and underrepresented.

le monke


>competitive Overmeme

Winston doesn't need any buffs but maybe a slight dmg one. He can't kill tanks for shit with his weakshit tesla cannon. Also I believe he can't even kill a mercy with the recent buff during her ult.


I often get all golds with winston playing hyper aggressively ( jump in + shield, and hump the healers), zennyata + bastion + reaper counter him really well, but he is so amazing at just buttfucking most mercy players.

>is in every single match
>literally doesn't have to aim
>can jump across the map every 2 milliseconds
>makes characters like widow, soldier, genji, hanzo etc completely useless (provided he's got a decent healer, but that applies to all)

You suck OP.

>is in every single match

Reinhard and get picked over him, every single match.

>literally doesn't have to aim

His weapon does shit damage and he's the squishiest tank.

>can jump across the map every 2 milliseconds

Blatantly false

>makes characters like widow, soldier, genji, hanzo etc completely useless (provided he's got a decent healer, but that applies to all)

He only hard counters genji. He gets shit on by hanzo and his scatters.

But he's already viable and in almost every attack comp.

This would maybe have been relevant 6 months ago.

You're obviously low gold. Winston gets hardly picked in diamond and above.

Winston is my name irl so I like to pretend these threads are about me haha

what the fuck, dive is THE team composition and winston's a huge part of it
the comp scene's pretty shit but you can't sit here and tell me they're all silvers

Probably console players.

>hard counters
what a shitty feature to balance on
they cant even do it
i bet most counters are by accident

>It's yet another "Sup Forums is fucking trash at video games thread".

Winston is amazing, especially in the hands of someone with game sense. Git gud faggots.

>buffing the most used tank in high mm/pro games
>these buffs are insane, even if he wasn't that played
stay in whatever shitter bracket you're in pal

Post a screenshot of your rank now. Winston is in almost every game in GM.

>almost 100% pick rate in tournaments
>not viable
git gud

>invisibility frames

>this many people falling for the bait
well done OP
you're still a faggot

>salty low SR casuals

Uma delicia

>almost 100% pick rate
>lol let's buff him!
typical Sup Forumseddit retard

>see monkey assfucking our healer
>change to reaper
>easy ult feed until he's forced to change to another hero
every time, i fucking hate that monkey, hopefully he'll be picked less and less with the changes

>Increase Tesla Cannon damage from 60 to 63 per second

Every fucking time you post this thread I'll never understand this change. 3 damage is literally fucking nothing.

Glad someone else saw it.

>Necroing this dogshit thread

Kys marketer.

>Increase Tesla Cannon damage from 60 to 63 per second
literally why
does that bump it over some threshold?

Wow, PC shit eaters start shitposting again.

>Winston doesn't need any buffs but maybe a slight dmg one. He can't kill tanks for shit with his weakshit tesla cannon

That's good because he's tank not DPS?

He's OP as is. 60 damage a second while being super tanky, having a shield to dance around a six second engagement/escape plus a second life that further reduces his jump's cooldown. How do squishies possibly compete.

He make up his low damage for autoaim. He's melting down Genji or Tracer much faster than D.Va despite having lower dps.

Balancing the game for platinum is retarded. Balance it for unranked and stop trying to force it as an esport.

Yes because unlike the average casual/gold and below shitter, Winston is actually really good in the hands of competent people. It's still risky to use him considering how squishy he is. Ana and symmtra who has shield gen up and running are his worst nightmare.

On top of that, mercy's who have line of sight of her team to just Fuck off, zen obliterates him In a 1v1. DPS hero's like Tracer, soldier, mccree can either last longer in a 1v1 thanks to health abilities or output enough burst damage to overcome his own damage. Sombra shuts him down, Doomfist is actually effective of countering his diving capabilities and dive comp in general.

Basically, TLDR, it takes a bit more to be great with Winston and not simply die after diving in after the support.

>for platinum

plat is literally average