Other urls found in this thread:
>Play Pathologic
>Choose Bachelor
>Talk to birdy and nigger
>Go to backyard
>Talk to ugly monster
>He kills me
>Uninstall game
Think I'll just wait for the remake.
Those kidneys and liver are out of proportion
someone post the FAQ
and also convince me to keep playing past Day 2 this shit is already too spooky like that fucking odongh beat me to death and I was trying to do a mission for Eva that wasn't going anywhere and I hadn't even figured out what the mission of the day was
>and also convince me to keep playing past Day 2 this shit is already too spooky
You haven't even seen the plague, have you?
How different is this game supposed to be than the original? I'm skeptical of the "2" label.
The devs say it's very different, enough so that completing the original wouldn't spoil the new one.
What is up with the "Sign up for alpha" button on the main page?
I assume that the alpha was only for higher tier backers but it seems like anyone can sign up here
How're my steppe-bros today?
When do we get news on the pax west booth?
I'm wondering if this is due to the publisher; community testing?
this, looks off
I have seen someone in robes shoot a pestilence cloud at me, yeah
Also the heart and cerebellum looks bigger. As a med student it kind of triggers me
Looks like this is being played from Artemy's perspective.
Wonder what Clara will be like.
For anyone who was wondering if all 3 characters would still be playable, I google translated the description on the Russian version of the game's page and it confirms that all 3 are still in the game.
Hopefully. I'm just wary of it being truncated so that there is one playthrough that crosses the three healers.
One of the missing sections that was on the older version of the site covered the expected time to play through the game.
I played through Knock-knock, but can't manage more than 45 minutes of Pathologic.
What was it that put you off?
*blocks your path*
You'll get to have an interesting perspective to play the game from. Must be a bit weird?
They seem to be eager to refer to it so I'd imagine pretty quickly, if they like what they learn from pax.
The 2 label doesn't make much sense to me either. As far as we know it isn't a direct continuance, but more of a reboot. They titled Doom "3" when it was a reboot of the first. Maybe this is just a marketing thing? I'd have preferred a subtitle like we got with Marble Nest. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I'm ready.
>Announcement Trailer
>it's just gameplay footage
I mean, I don't mind that, but it's still kinda incorrect.
Looks more like a "reimagining", than just a (rather worthless) remake.
And I wouldn't be surprised if IPL decided to change a few things up significantly so even players of the original/HD version will be surprised
The sooner we get some clarification from IPL the better.
That's exactly what they've been saying they're doing since the kickstarter. I have no idea why this is called an announcement trailer when they've already released a playable version of the game.
Release in 2018, Alpha later this year, seems to be the state of things.
It kinda fits perfectly for IPL though, no?
When they released Classic HD it received a pretty good trailer that set the mood and used some interesting new music. Maybe it's a case of this new publisher trying to get up to speed and not really "knowing" Pathologic.
tfw no void 2
But user... The Void was already Turgor 2
Could be interesting to see what happens next after ascension. Or even descent of a sister.
I love the soundtrack, but I've really failed to get into The Void.I give up within the first 1-2 hours of gameplay.
Pathologic, however, I had no problems with.
What do?
I recently beat The Void and I'm interested in trying out Pathologic.
Should I try the HD version of the original or wait for the remake/sequel?
It is a remake despite the 2 in the title right?
Use the easier difficulty patch if you're not already. Once you get up to the pangolin it gets a lot more interesting. The start is really slow. Just try and push through it.
Don't wait, Pathologic Classic HD goes for like $2.50 in a GOG sale and comes with the soundtrack. Pick it up sometime and play the Bachelor, also avoid these threads on the rare occasion they pop up.
I heard that the easy difficulty patch makes the late game outright impossible to beat.
Am I mistaken or something?
Pathologic, SMT and Yume Nikki threads are the only reason to go to Sup Forums anymore.
First there was Pathologic (really bad English translation)
Then there was Pathologic (remake) announced and had its kickstarter.
During the Pathologic (remake) development IPL decided to preserve the original Pathologic for posterity and Classic HD was released with compatibility and graphic fixes, an improved translation and some other tweaks.
The Pathologic (remake) continued development and an early demonstration build that was shown at trade shows was decided to be released "Marble Nest".
The Pathologic (remake) is still in development - has been oddly titled "2" and that brings us to now.
Your best bet is to play Classic HD and try Marble Nest (free to download and play).
This question pops up several times in every thread, I'm seriously considering making some kind of infographic to provide answers.
In the meantime, here's what I wrote earlier today :
The short answer is, we don't know. Nobody knows.
The long answer is : original Pathologic will ALWAYS be worth playing. However, it's not easy to get into, and has its fair share of flaws. Our collective hope is that the new Pathologic (I refuse to call it Pathologic 2) will not only improve on those shortcomings, but also retain everything that made the old game so unique. If that hapens, then the old pathologic will effectively be made redundant, and we safely say "just play the remake".
But nobody knows if that will happen. Nobody knows what the new Pathologic will be like.
So, until release day, I can only tell you this : play the old pathologic; if you can't get into it, try the demo for the new pathologic.
On top of all that, while both games share the same setting, the story will - supposedly - be different enough to warrant playing both games.
And of course, if you decide to play old Pathologic, don't actually play the original 2005 release. Play "Pathologic : classic HD"
That's surprising to hear... I was able to complete the game fine with the patch, it was pangolin that was the difficulty spike for me.
>I'm seriously considering making some kind of infographic
do it
more OC is always good OC
From the blog update (written by the publisher, not IPL) :
>Being Kickstarter backers, soon you will receive the first Alpha build of Pathologic 2. The build will have a slightly smaller town and a few systems in place to demonstrate the atmosphere and some of the upcoming gameplay mechanics. We will gather feedback from fans, and adjust the direction of development based on this feedback.
>[..]If the reception of the PAXWest demo is positive, that’ll be the first alpha we release to you guys.
That was pretty much the plan since the beggining. And anyone who backed enough for alpha access would presumably be quite interested and invested in Pathologic already.
But now, there's pic related on the front page : literally anybody can sign up for alpha access. This might give the game more exposure, which is probably a good thing.
But I'm scared shitless that now, anyone with no prior knowledge of the game/of IPL can influence the publisher. I'm already seeing the feedback :
>walking speed is too slow pls fix
>why no multiplayer
>I skipped all dialogue and now I don't know where to go, wtf ?
>game is too hard
Just imagine what would happen if a 'popular' streamer got his hands on pathologic.
We'll use spoiler tags. These are some of the best threads on this shit hole. The more people that want to be in them the better.
If they add new metaphorical or different levels to the story it'll be a pleasant surprise hopefully.
I know the translation of the first release was awful (completed all three routes) but if you can get into the right frame of mind it does have its own value. It's like fever dream poetry.
Pathologic threads tend to be actual, serious discussions unlike a lot of other shit on this board.
What I specifically heard was that realm damage became insane in the endgame with the patch installed. Might be nothing at all, but I'll find out soon since I'll be installing the patch for another run-through of the game.
*fingers crossed*
huh, I only preordered the game off their website last year so I don't think I would get alpha access but I'll sign up on this and see what happens
Who am I kidding? If I don't get the alpha I'll probably find a torrent of it just like I did for the Marble Nest when it first came out
Speaking of translation differences, I heard that there are some rather significant differences between the original Russian version of the Void and the English translation.
Anyone know anything about that?
Hope it works out ok for you. Tyrant was tough and there were some pretty desperate moments but it was doable to complete the game and ascend. It might be a different story if you're looking to ascend a sister.
Slav is a dirty fucking language
How would you describe your feelings after you first completed Pathologic 1/HD?
How long did it take for you to finish it?
Talking about hours spent playing the game vs irl days when you started and finished.
Which sequel will we get first?
Pathologic 2, La-Mulana 2 or Mount & Blade 2?
A bad translation job on a japanese game gives you incoherent engrish.
A bad translation job on a french game gives you some of the best memes in existence (see EYE).
A bad translation job on a russian game, seemingly, gives you a surrealist fever dream experience that transcends the soul.
I heard about differences in the poems. The German and Polish translations are meant to be excellent. The English version sounded pretty good but I can understand there being a missing "something" to it.
Let me tell you user, Slavic languages are fucking hard to clearly translate into English. Sure it's not that hard but you can loose some detail along the way when trying to find how to properly translate it.
And luckily for us it produced a gem of a game.
Confused. I was still playing with the original translation but I managed to gleam SOME meaning through basically re-translating it back to Polish in my head and comparing it to Russian. But the ending was lost on me until I read up on it.
I clapped like a retarded sealion when I learnt the twists and hidden parts of the story (original translation). Playing Classic HD was strange. I was able to understand more and make better connections but it got a wry smile, instead of the retarded sealion - well, maybe a little. Took about 25 - 30 hours I think.
What I heard about the differences between the various versions of the Void was that the Sisters had more lines in the original compared to the English version.
There is also that "Master Color" or whatever is name is which wasn't in the original and explains everything going on with a unbiased perspective.
>A bad translation job on a french game
What are you, some dirty Jian? Get outta here and let me gain Brozouf in peace.
I hope your legs are okay though.
I still only completed Bachelor's story. Took about 40 hours across four of five days.
I don't know about differences in script but the voice overs were good in the English version.
The guy that helped with the (apparently really good) German version is helping with the Pathologic remake.
Clara should go by pretty quickly for you.
It produced a boring shit walking simulator
The most notable differences are that the english version cut/changed some dialogues and the poems, along with some minor gameplay changes. Also, Montgolfier is bald for some reason. The translation itself has no issues, but the script has been modified from the original russian.
The Polish version, as far as I know, is like the russian in that regard.
Best sister coming through.
>The Polish version, as far as I know, is like the russian in that regard.
Can confirm, I've talked with a Russian friend of mine and we compared some dialogue.
Also, I've posted this in some previous thread but weirdly enough the Polish release was super souped-up with a soundtrack and a small poetry tome. And weirdly enough it was named "Tension" instead of "The Void" or the original "Turgor".
I fucking love Pathologic; it's such a tiring game to play but it's one of my absolute favourites.
They're all after your lucky charms!
There was someone on last night talking about how it was released by a book publisher who put in extra effort with the presentation.
>I go into threads of games I don't enjoy for the sole purpose of shitposting
Well, more power to you, oynon.
Huan did nothing wrong. Don't be a mindless puppet to a commander that would send you to your death.
I always suspected there's some overlap between EYE and Pathologic threads.
>genki girl secretly wasn't genki all along
>Eye fan too
whoops, this is not the right thread, just pretend I'm talking about Anna
pathologic is a great game though, still have to finish Clara's route
Figured I'll ask here instead of making a new thread for it. Can I play The Void without a walkthrough? I heard that you can easily kill a save with the most minor fuckups that you won't even be aware of. Do I really have to make twenty save slots and savescum?
That was me if you can believe that. I also was half-right, the game was published by Techland but a book company they're affiliated with kind of pressured them to do it
I wouldn't be surprised about the overlap. Both games are probably the prime example of a confusing story that actually makes sense in the end I guess.
>Same game with three different names
>Devs decide to throw in a 2 in the remake of Pathologic even though its not a sequel
>Both games are probably the prime example of a confusing story that actually makes sense in the end I guess.
The EYE still doesn't make sense to me to this very day.
>The EYE still doesn't make sense to me to this very day.
Did you see the hidden ending? It clears up some stuff, but even the basic one gives you SOME idea as to what's going on.
>his sister doesn't even have a name
absolutely, don't use a walkthrough. just save often, twenty slots is an exaggeration. once a cycle and once before every major fight is fine. be stingy with your color except when giving to trees, and try to always use gold and violet when giving as it pays better dividends. play smart, play safe, and don't be a stickler about reloading if you take a major hit to your reserves as it's not always possible to come back from those.
oh and always set traps if you've got a nice garden growing.
so what the fuck do I do, I was holding out for the remake, now it's a sequel but still a remake..
Best sister right there.
>IPL-0 on the blimp
The nameless sister does have a name.
She just doesn't particularly like it.
You should be able to yes. No reason not to save at the start of a cycle. Rest comes down to self discipline.
Good to have you back again tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing what IPL produce for the bonus extras.
Turgor is Tension though.
It's Tutorial
nothing. nothing's changed except a new publisher making some questionable rebranding decisions. it's still the same game they were always making.
This is actually what I wanted, but not Tinybuild games, now I don't know how to feel about this, I spent more than $200 on this game.
You can play the HD re-release of the original.
I still regret not being able to back the game on Kickstarter but back then I had zero income and now backing is closed if I remember correctly. But if there is an edition with goodies, I think I'm gonna splurge and throw my money at IPL.
I was talking about the fact that it used an English title in Poland then used a completely DIFFERENT title in Germany and International releases.
Also Turgor is 'tension' but it's a very specific type of tension found in plants. It's also crucial to the plot.
>so what the fuck do I do
There's only one thing to do : wait, like the rest of us.
If you haven't already, play The Marble Nest.
If you feel like it, play the old pathologic.
If you're on the fence, wait and see what is said by IPL after pax in regards to the direction things are going to take. Things are a bit up in the air at the moment it seems.
I think they're going to open up a small store to sell some of the extras. I vaguely remember something about that in a newsletter.
They mentioned something like an online store where the goodies that were up for backers would be made available.
>At some point in the future, we’re planning to launch a shop that will sell some of these items—not as rewards, but simply as merchendise. But the plans are not set, so we’re can’t tell you when it happens and which particular items will be available, so if something on the Backer Portal has caught your eye already, do consider ordering it right now while the option is still there.
Shit, I'm not sure if I should play Classic HD.
On the one hand I have played the original already, on the other hand P2 will be an even fresher experience if I don't play Classic since I don't remember shit anyway.
Wat do.
>tfw played the Marble Nest 5 times since it came out last December
Does anything special happen if you manage to find all 4 pieces of the Executor costume? I've never been able to do it.
Is there any guide image for The Void? Because I have no idea what I'm doing.