What's the greatest 2D platformer of all time?

What's the greatest 2D platformer of all time?

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Yoshis Island or DKC2 are acceptable answers.

Sonic 3


Sonic 2

Umihara Kawase or its sequels

Sonic 1


Sonic 0

SMB3 or Dustforce

Sonic -1

DK has shit music and Yoshi's Island is annoying.

Sonic -2

>Yoshi's Island is annoying.
git gud

Rayman 1 is the only correct choice.

origins and legends are far superior

Sonic 5

legends is so fucking boring, it plays like an iphone runner game


This. World's good but it felt unfinished compared to how robust 3 was.


Sonic α




This is the perfect example of a wrong opinion.

That's barely a platformer, I'd call it more of a janitor-like.

donkey kong country tropical freeze

Sonic -3

damn daddy, that looks tough

None of the Wii DK games are good. They're a cinematic mess of a platformer than uses theatrics and cheap gimmicks to keep the casual player from getting bored. In addition, they didn't even bring back the solid physics of the snes games and instead replaced it with a shitty inertia system that ruined the fun of platforming for the sake of floatiness and "realism".

>do everything as the designer intended or die
Those types of maps suck. Might as well play rhythm games.

Good thing Tropical Freeze is on the Wii U then

Super Mario Bros. for the NES. None of the 2D platformers mentioned in this thread would be a thing if it wasn't for that game.

Tropical Freeze turned that problem up by 11 and sucked even more.

>hey, remember Dixie and Cranky! This surely will bring you back to the past right?!

No, no one at Retro knows why DKC was good, which is why their game missed the mark hard. Not even David Wise was at his full potential. His soundtrack was too orchestrated to where tunes aren't memorable anymore, and he didn't have other musicians to balance out all the jazzy shit he throws into his games.

Btw, his rendition of the DKC3 GBA soundtrack was worse than the snes soundtrack.

The funny part is no game in the last two decades has even touched the SMB nes series in solid gameplay and skill level. Everything has been entirely a gimmick.

Now this is nostalgiafagging.


Mischief Makers is an honorable mention

umihara kawase
>physics not dependent on visual throwup like sonic where you just run in a straight line for 30 seconds to hit a single obstacle, jump over and run in another straight line to watch flashy pretty colors

Nothing is annoying about Yoshi''s Story

If I was nostalgia fagging, I wouldn't have gave you details and reasons why the current games fall on their head, so yeah you can fuck off newfag.

K-klonoa Door to Phantomile...

Now that's some nonsense right there

No 2D platformer has surpassed SMB. No one has took it and refined it. Not even Nintendo has been able to do it.


That level is a bad example of the game. It's a custom level made by autists. Only like 40 people can even beat it. Look up the normal game, it's very fun and well made

SMB(Super Meat Boy)

I dunno. They are pretty equal. SMB 3 is the best thing NES though. Smw is just one of many greats on SNES.

Yeah except many have done their own thing and ended up being better games as a result, even on the same system you have games like Gimmick!

>shit music
What did he mean by this???

Gimmick is an underdeveloped game that has a good idea but never expands on it. It's too simple to be considered SMB tier.

How is too simple? It has SMB's basic movement but also more indepth momentum and the amazing gem of a mechanic that is star riding.

>no one at Retro knows why DKC was good
Which is?

The game lacks a complex world to use his skills in, and also lacks a way to expand on those skills in the form of powers or something to give him different ways to change his "gimmick." The game is good as a short burst of fun, but it lacks the polish necessary to put it on the same level.

>ctrl f "mega man"
>No matches found
Wow shit taste itt


Dustforce has the highest skill ceiling of any platformer, bar none. There's hundreds of levels, a level editor, great music to keep you calm and collected, four unique characters with gameplay differences, speedrun attempts, and online multiplayer. it is a steal on steam for 10$.

super mario world

No it doesn't, the world is designed with a lot of crevices and curves to encourage star riding and trying to smoothly run through levels highlights this. No idea what you're even trying to say with the "powers" comment. The star is pretty much Gimmick's core mechanic with a ton of depth. Adding some situational powers would be gimmicky on the other hand.

Best 2D platformer coming through

Yes I'll read your blogpost on why you're autistic.

Megaman ZX

The powers would enhance the breadth of abilities and player choice he can utilize. The game right now is as simple as super meat boy and other "physics abusing" games that cares less for the entire construction as a platformer and more about wowing the player by letting them believe that just because they can alter their jumping with the throwing out of a star, it makes the game seem better. It's an unfinished concept, and its name was likely because devs knew it themselves.

>asks why
>tell him to read
>throws away his question so he could remain stubborn


Funny thing is that you didn't say anything at all. You think you did, but you didn't.

Super Mario World (or 3)
Shovel Knight

Great game that will plow your ass throughout the whole second half. Fucking Fly Hard and Funny Angry.

You only talked about the fucking music you dumb fuck. You didn't even elaborate on anything regarding Dixie and Cranky. How about you read your own post and actually give me a good argument other than "muh music" and "it's not like the original."

>The powers would enhance the breadth of abilities and player choice he can utilize
Pointless for a game where the core mechanics are as deep as they are in Gimmick, it'd just be quantity over quality. The physics by themselves are already deeper than the ones in SMB, but star riding is very complex and has a lot of variance on top of that. The game isn't better "because you can throw out a star", it's better because that star throwing is a great movement mechanic that can be used in many different ways to traverse the levels. Play the game.

Cave Story

>Pointless for a game where the core mechanics are as deep as they are in Gimmick
There's nothing deep about Gimmick. His possible actions aren't as big as you think, and he doesn't have much to really go against to show the weakness of that mechanic.


Not sure, but they're both incredible.


His possible actions are absolutely massive by NES platformer standards. There are some later platformers that have more depth of course but compared to SMB it's pretty damn impressive. Also the second half of your post is nonsense, you can ride a star directly into a pit from making a tiny mistake when throwing it

Then to you, being able to roll jump in DKC makes it a better game than SMB. Which is entirely wrong because a game isn't just about its physics abuse, which is why games like dustforce and super meat boy are gimmick games.

I haven't read opinions this bad in years

>when you lose the argument

Backtracking on your "nothing deep about Gimmick" statement, I assume? Framing it as "physics abuse" is silly because it's the result of the game mechanics working normally, the mechanics are just so deep that you can pull off a lot of cool tricks. There's more to platformers than their mechanics sure, but Gimmick is all around a good game with mostly well made unique levels, beautiful graphics and god-tier music. Also I think you need to learn what a gimmick is, because it's definitely not the natural result of several core mechanics working together.

I'm not the user you were arguing with. I'm not here to debate, but to insult you

>Backtracking on your "nothing deep about Gimmick" statement, I assume
There's no fucking backtracking going on. I swear most of the people on this board are fucking dyslexic, autistic, or both.

Mega Man 9. The game is flawless and fun as fuck. Even all the weapons are good.

Takes one to know one. only a autistic dyslexic could believe that Gimmick! is an incomplete game

Instead of pushing on the game's apparently lack of depth you instead chose a different angle of attack and framed it as "physics abuse" which I take as admission that you don't really have much to say when it comes to the game's depth. SMB and Dustforce aren't about physics abuse btw, they're not even remotely comparable to it.

is he really sick or is this just a meme

>" which I take as admission
Stop living in your confirmation bias state of mind and learn to read and reason. Maybe then you wouldn't be a loser neet who cries that the world doesnt pay enough attention to him.

This is the correct answer. I personally preferred world, but I accept that 3 is the better game.

>Maybe then you wouldn't be a loser neet who cries that the world doesnt pay enough attention to him.
wtf where did this comment come from? you ok user?

Says the desperate faggot who started the whole thing by deliberately making provocative statements in hopes of getting (You)'s

>OP asks for the greatest 2D platformers of all time
>Post two of the most overrated 2D platformers ever made that are no better than 5/10s

Is this 1-up glitch in mario games "physics abuse"?

Eighteenth post, best post.

Yes, and don't even get me started on pipe corner jumping

the entire movement strategy is physics abuse. total gimmick game

9 is the best Megaman game
but Mibibli's Quest is the best megaman clone

It's the best classic mega man at least.


>Going in expecting to be the only one to say Rayman
>Posted within the first 15 replies


good game but at this scope and size i wouldn't call it the greatest


That's fair. It was a very subjective choice because it was THE game of my childhood I guess

>They're a cinematic mess of a platformer than uses theatrics and cheap gimmicks to keep the casual player from getting bored.

The originals were precisely like this too you know.