I need to get 3 of these. I have 1. How fucked am I?

I need to get 3 of these. I have 1. How fucked am I?


why would you need 3 things that can be emulated on literally anything? How stupid are you?


What for?

>be rich white cis male
>have plenty of disposable income due to working hard everday
>have amazon prime

Yea im just gunna prime now that shit first thing at midnight. I got a switch and a NES classic that way. poorfags cant compete with wage cucks.

Holiday shopping for brother, one of my best friends, and one for a co-worker

>the fucking face when my cousin is the regional manager of Walmart in a big metro city and has assured me and my brother that he will stash at least 40 of them away for me to purchase then flip on eBay


When the Wal-Mart pre-orders came up I snagged 10 of them and put them on eBay. By the time Wal-Mart decided to fuck me over by cancelling my pre-orders, I already sold 3 of them on eBay.

I managed to snag one for real when they came up on Best Buy but now I need to get two more. I already spent the money I got from those 3 eBay orders so if I can't find two more on time I'm fucked.

Fuck Wal-Mart honestly

Depends on if you have $2000 and an account on Ebay or not.

Do like this

No, fuck you honestly for being a scalping cunt.

I work for walmart. Thought it was hilarious when they cancelled them.

You know I think there's a lesson in here somewhere...

You can cancel the eBay orders. It's really not a big deal, just refund them.

Unless you already spent the money in which case you're a really dumb cunt.


I also work for Walmart. Worse comes to worse I at least know when we get them.

Hilarious if true

You deserve everything you get.

Visiting my parents in shitty ass Florida and and working with a bunch of retarded ass Chinamen the last few days for my job. First thing that's made me smile in days user.


Kill yourself

>turning $80 into $300 with literally no effort

You're literally throwing money away by NOT scalping, idiot.

You can tenfold your money investing in crypto.
You're literally throwing money away by NOT investing in crypto, idiot.

they are all dumb for the same reason i just stated

teach those mongoloids how to emulate

Normally I hate scalpers. Especially those that scalp tickets for shows that only a certain amount of people can go to.

But an $80 piece of plastic with 20 ROMs and a 5ft controller cable that's purposefully under-produced to hype demand? You deserve to get ripped off you're even thinking about buying one

>implying you have $3500 to purchase all of those
I hate underage so fucking much. Mods do your fucking job please, this kid couldnt have made it more obvious

t. John Echimemeria