Jurassic World Evolution

Anyone else looking forward to this?
Just me?

Anyway, since it's confirmed the game will draw from all 4 movies, I hope we get to see both flying Pterosaurs and marine Mosasaurs/Ichthyosaurs

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Hyped but I fear it won't run on my craptop and I'll have to buy a PS4

Unpopular opinion but I hope there will be hybrids and some kind of a battle arena side game for varietys sake. Original JPOG sidegames were all fantastic so I hope they'll keep up the trend.

>but I hope there will be hybrids
Hybrids are already confirmed, or well, the announcement said something about combining DNA, would make sense since it's a major part of JP, especially JW.

> some kind of a battle arena
I don't really care for some kind of battle arena, but I do hope there are unique fight animations between different dinos like the Spino and Trex in JPOG

Delet your thread OP

They aren't Dinosaurs, that was the point of the FkYo

>there was no such thing as marine dinos

ok there doc

Well none in the picture are, so he's at least correct on that.

Plesiosaurs, please.

Ya got me OP, for this time.


They're my favorite dinosaur. (Marine reptile, whatever. They're dinosaurs to me.)

They're so fucking scary to me. Imagine being in zero-light waters and seeing just the neck go past you. No idea which direction the head is in. Try to stay quiet.

Fuck, I hate the ocean.


Dinosaurs aren't cool anymore

I hear ya. Real life sea monsters.

Same, I hate the ocean with just peaceful whales and shit, massive marine reptiles are pure nightmare fuel


Fucking hell that's terrifying.

It reminds me Werner Herzog's Incident at Loch Ness.

Pretty sure Jurassic World did gangbusters just a while ago.

I hope it's as good as JPOG but I'm not hype because I want to avoid disappointment

That's the smart thing to do.
Given the studio working on it, there's hope for it but it's best to have low expectations.

I can't wait for Frontier Expo so we can see gameplay.

Literally just give me JPOG with modern graphics and more dinos
Literally all I want
Please god

It's made by Frontier which did a great job on PlanetCoaster creativity wise, so I've no doubt it's going to look and sound great with some stellar graphics.

However PlanetCoasters management is shallow and fairly awful, not that JPOG had very indepth management to begin with, but still. I do hope there's a lot of challenge in keeping visitors and dinos happy.

in previous jurassic games i would put humans in cages and let dinosaurs roam free on island