Darkest Dungeon

Best boy's (and good girl's) backstory comic is out.

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is he ourguy?

doggo is cute!
but bestboy is snort

>playing westcuck shit

darkest dungeon isn't bad at all dumb weeb

whats the significance of that medal

>MOM MOOOM! I found the weeb! Is here!

It means he was a cop.

>playing westcuck shit

I'd wager the fellow was a sherif or the equivalent

do i understand correctly this guy was like a policeman of sorts cos of that medal so he found the girl with the help of the dog and found out she was tortured by other policemen so he left these OMFG SICK HUMENS!!!!! to do shit with dogs instead

>playing SJWshit at 2017 at all

Besides this game is literaly phonegame tier. Come back when a western dev makes actualy gameplay

What's going on? Wish the comics were straightforward like Bounty Hunters.

His trinket set quote is something along the lines of "even the sheriff was in on it"

Aww shit, i love the darkest dungeon world. I would give my left nut for a MMORPG in that world

Notice the men in robes, they were probably sacrificing her to some eldritch horror

Not that guy, but what exactly was SJW shit about Darkest Dungeon?

It's the sheriff
No wait, takin a closer look it's a pog.

He was tracking a missing girl. He lets his dog sniff the blood to track her. When he arrives, he discovers that the police chief was amongst the cultists trying to sacrifice the girl.

>Darkest Dungeon
>SJW shit
last (you) you'll get from me

The hound master has the same medal, so they are probably part of the same group.

>they were probably sacrificing her to some eldritch horror

I Darkest Dungeon? no silly they were taking her for a ride

Girls being in class roles normally dominated by men, like plague doctors, musketeers and barbarians. Even glaringly is the arbalest which is a black woman.


>Being gay in 2017

hey they guy said they were torturing her and I corrected him, no need to get snarky

>implying all western games arent SJW as fuck or pushing an agenda of some form

Only Japan can make video games

The posters this place has

>they were taking her for a ride

Oh I bet they were.

Ohh i see it's painless sacrifice
How kind of them

So a game where you fight mutated pigs, skeletons and eldritch abominations is shit because instead of only having white men running around they decided to vary it up a little. We have a man who turns into an abomination in the team and a weird jester, but the truly unbelievable shit thing is women in non traditional roles.


There's a difference between torture and simply killing someone to sacrifice them.
Like now, your stupidity is torturing me

>Being this much of an autistic beta male

Hey, you never know. They might just be chanting weird stuff before plunging a dagger into her heart.

Yes. Men can do all kinds of tasks.

But you cant change a woman's biological limitations even with the aid of magic. They will always be inferior to men. They are frail, irrational, and will literally pee themselves under extreme stress.

Says the faggot who's inferior to men and women.

Can someone post all the comics?

Just saying the truth bruh. Women are in no position to be fighters. Any depictions of them otherwise are just SJWs pushing an agenda trying to tell us that women are physically equal to men when they are in fact not.

Sheriff/police force.

according to you Tales of Berseria, which is an eastern game, is SJW propaganda since there are 3 females doing things they normally can't do

Go pretend to be retarded somewhere else and let people discuss the game.

Of all the problems Darkest Dungeon has you need to grasp the thinnest of straws.

Unironically this. Females are biologically weaker than men but western society refuses to accept this.

juSt sAyInG tHe TrUtH brUh. WoMeN arE iN No pOSiTion tO Be fIgHTers

It's okay if Japan does it.

Samefag detected.

Yeah. At least Japanese society knows how to put women in their places as subservient cock sleeves, isntead of the west's "STRONG WIMMINZ" propaganda.

He is a faggot, but so are you for using this shit meme. kys.

Have you ever played a game that isn't Gal Gun, samefag?

Yes and they're all far better than SJW infested shit like this. The West is creatively bankrupt.

Plague Doctor is still the best grill.

Sure love playing dragon quest XI and final fantsy XXX and Musou (very original edition)

And yet Japanese games are also filled with the "STRONG WIMMINZ" you claim to hate.

Just face it, you're just a whiny little pisschild who's upset he'll never get to breed. You're going to die a virgin, and nobody's going to care.

>it's fine since i like anime and muh waifus xD

Someone explain to me what the hell's the difference between Unholy and Eldritch in this game. My actual Crusade party doesn't get the same double damage they should against unholy evil. Holy is suppose to work on everything but wizard magic shit and nature shit.

Japan makes female characters just for fapbait. They dont pretend women are any more capable than men.

The West thinks women are superior or on par with men and are often ugly as fuck.

Learn the difference, westacuck

>look mommy I posted it again!

Unholy are strictly undead and people who use undead. Eldritch covers the gibbering unimaginable monsters the Crusader may or may not be celebrating when he talks about the Light.

fuck off fagott. git gud!!

Yes, women have less muscle mass and less density in the bones, but they can still fight even if it's not as efficient as men.

>Replying to bait.

Unholy = cultists and the undead, worldly but evil
Eldtrich = the shit cultists try to summon, otherworldly and shouldn't exist.

Unholy creatures are tainted by necromancy. Eldritch creatures are tainted by space magic.

Right, because this is fapbait.

Also, you're one to talk about cucks when life itself cucks you on a regular basis, beta male.

Unholy = Undead
Eldtrich = Demons

>/dadg/ is dead
>Sup Forums is full of bait

There can be no hope in this place

Repetitive meme shit game with mobile-tier gameplay.

How appropriate.

Great, so if they're demons they should be taking double damage and higher crit chances from holy attacks.

I'm late in the conversation, but I don't see all Japanese female anime characters as fap bait. Like the girls from CLANNAD, while decently attractive, don't ALL exist as some kind of fan service fantasy in my opinion, same thing with female Street Fighter characters.

>"Even the Chief was in on it"

I'd rather play XCOM2 or Mordheim desu

>He says this when Menat has been getting daily fap threads nonstop since her introduction

They're cthulhu tentacle monsters from beyond space and time, not christian fallen angels.

If you really wanna go DEEPEST LORE, the reason they don't take bonus damage could be because the god(s) worshipped by humans like crusader and vestal are actually a misinterpretation of said tentacle space monsters. This would explain the vestal's horror when being chosen

They are different kind of demons. Not unholy ones but ancient evil ones

How does basic bitch bait like this get replies

>Somehow every warbands is better than yours despite you always slapping their shit