Okay Sup Forums, time to settle this once and for all
Worst fanbase
They're all annoying but: Xbots > Nintenbros > Sonybros > PCbros
Wait, what happened?
I can't stand Sonybros bragging their no-fun movies
where the fuck do i vote for the undertale fanbase
PC > Nintendo > Sony > Xbox
Minecraft > Undertale > Final Fantasy > Sonic > Zelda > everything else
Wojak posters, mostly Anti-Nintendo fags
All of them.
>caring about fanbases
Do you actually play video games or are you just some subhuman poseur like a SJW?
Xbros are too busy actually playing video games and being productive members of society to shitpost about their game box
Nintenbros can be kind of annoying but it mostly boils down to port begging
PCbros used to be pretty obnoxious but aren't as bad anymore for whatever reason
Sonybros are the Europeans of online video game discussion, bragging about exclusives while making MS Paint comics instead of actually playing them, then begging for ports whenever they don't get a game.
t. idort
Sounds about right.
Xbots dont exist.
Westcuck sonyfags are obnoxious, but tolerable.
""""Weeb"""" sonyfags are too busy playing actual games.
Nintendofags are shit.
PCbros are simply pathetic.
Xbots hardly exist in this place. How could they be considered the worst?
So, Sonyfags.
No, I'm saying they're the least bad.
>No one hates Xbox fans because they don't exist
Top kek
>Sony is winning AGAIN
Holy shit. We can't stop bros.
>pc fags last
nice poll faggets
guys you can vote multiple times. I've been spamming sonybros lmao. Get fucked
Why do Xboxfags have so many votes.
Monster Hunter threads have shown me just how terrible Nintendo people are.
>Nintendofags: defend nintendo at all costs
>Xbots: ...
>Sonyfags: attack nintendo at all costs
>pcfags: brag about piracy and call everyone greedy kikes
PC confirmed best fanbase.
PCbros are pretty much /the worst, cant go without calling everyone a nigger every 5 seconds and just being all around toxic faggots
At least when Xbots insult people everyone in the game just finds it funny and has a good time
Monster Hunter threads get shit up by wojak posting anti-Nintendo fags, retard.
just some assblasted sony.cucks on damage control.
The video game fanbase is worst.
>Xbros are too busy actually playing video games
Like Scalebound and Cuphead?
>158 votes for Sony
You have no life friend.
This poll is rigged, there are no Xbots on Sup Forums because nobody here owns an Xbone in the first place.
Seriously, the only Xbone thread there is is a daily "I'm going to punch you" that's probably made by the same guy over and over.
Why the fuck do you retards even give a fuck about fanbases?
It's shitendrones. They keep making threads like this and shitting up every single thread that even vaguely hints something positive about Sony. They are not just the worst fanbase, they are straight up rancid, disgusting human beings.
Destiny fanbases
Even the sonics and undertale fags don't advocate for horrible game design practices like purposefully cut/limit content for season passes and a bunch of other offences.
You're never going to get a fair answer out of this
>100 votes in about five seconds
Yeah this seems legit.
Put a couple 1000 for Nintendildos so I can screencap it please.