Was Shantae Half Genie hero a bad game or a bad Shantae game?

Was Shantae Half Genie hero a bad game or a bad Shantae game?

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It was an okay game that was cute but light on content.
It's not even bad for a Shantae game, Pirate's Curse was just way above the average of that series. Half Genie Hero is in the same ballpark as GBC and Risky's Revenge.

It's not bad at all, just that Pirate's Curse was better, it's bad in comparison to that. So it would be a bad Shantae game.

Shantae is only for jacking off


I dont understand why it's level based unlike pirate's curse.

It was average.


Post the saggy one!

i fucking hate you.

All Shantae games are mediocre at best, well pirates curse was good.

please tell

your evil

you'll never get anything from that guy, he just posts crops.

it's a ok game, the problem is that shantae fags kept shilling on every kickstarter game so in response people started saying that shantae games are shit

>Shantae thread without lewds

This. It's funny how the only game that doesn't involve the transformation gimmick is also the only one that's actually good.

$10 for the dlc is fucking bonkers. Does Wayforward ever put it on sale?

What about my evil?

I'm just gonna wait until everything's out and there's a 'gold edition' or some shit.

jesus christ.

Half Genie Hero was a good game that was overpriced for its length, $30 for the whole thing if you didn't back it.

We need another Pirate Curse or standalone Risky game where the levels are once again built around the superior movement abilities. Filthy Genie Mode is shit.

Can someone tell them we liked PC's movement over HGH?

Pirate's Curse was a bad Shantae game and it's the best game in the series.

Bad game
Poor level design, useless transformations/abilities and backtracking for shit for no reason other than to pad out the length/get 100% completion.
Bat ability had one use and the mouse bite is absolutely worthless, both of them made the crab seem like it was the harpy.
The game was obviously unfinished and if we're lucky since they already have the assets we might get a pirate's curse after they finish this garbage

What's the time limit for the speedrun in Pirate's Quest? My first 100% runthrough ended at 2:18 and I didn't get the ending pics for speedrunning.

pretty sure it's 2:00 flat

>girls strangled with their own hair

Another new fetish.

Let's put it this way, if you think HGH was not a terrible game you're a fucking idiot and you should kill yourself.

Pirate's Curse is superior in every single way.

The ONLY redeem quality of HGH is the amazing art work. Otherwise, it's shit. Even the soundtrack is worse that Pirate's Curse

why does she have gills on her shoulders

yeah, it seemed like a RR situation.
unfinished, but with the promise of better things to come.

This guy gets it

Shantae is for cuddles

1 ½ hours

Try thinking for yourself for once in your goddamn life you complete waste of space

>Was Shantae Half Genie hero a bad game or a bad Shantae game?

Shantae games aren't particularly good in general, they're just charming. I'd say Half Genie Hero was a bad Shantae game, meaning it's just a bad game without the redeemable part

Post Giga Mermaid.

both. Shantae games aren't that great. they are carried by the good style and sexy cute characters.

good art/music/animation/characters but damn if they aren't overly simplistic platforming/combat wise. and the fetchquest shit is fucking annoying. still good enough for a jerk. it's the senran kagura of platforming games


>Was Shantae Half Genie hero a bad game or a bad Shantae game?

The series only real strong points are the music and visuals, from a gameplay and level design perspective they range from weak to mediocre.

It's a good game, the only real drawback is that it's too short, yes I also miss the metroidvania exploration but overall the game is pretty good and awesome, again the only bad thinh is because it's short and well, some characters only last few seconds in the game, like the giant mermaid, that red-haired twintails girl and the evil shantae such were new characters and were poorly expanded, I wanted to see more of that qt 3.14 redhead...

>evil shantae

in case you ever need it.

What do her pubes smell like?

She shows up for ten more seconds in Risky's DLC.

probably like some middle-eastern spices.


Sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations.

I think they are great games but I suck at playing, I was stuck on Giga Mermaid for a long time with the Risky Mode.


post the blog link

>fullbody finally
i'm speechless.

There's no blog link, sorry.


What's the next dlc?
Bolo, Sky or Rotty?

Good grief.


I thought it was gonna be all three at once?

All three at once, allegedly.

All Shantae games are just excuses to draw sexy fanart.

It it was an OK game that was too short.

all three, apparently.


it was half good

>There's no blog link, sorry.
Why do you do this?

>Sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations
nah it meets mine

Each with their own story mode and gameplay when Risky alone took this long?
Well I guess I got something for 2019 then.

Decent game that's unfinished. Pornography and dick-tease is the only thing that keeps Shantae in the limelight or gives it any fanbase. They're basically borderline porn games, just very tame.

Pharaoh rebirth is a similar game, but way better. Shantae needs to steal those movesets (hairspin, circle jump attack, etc).

I am bad at managing websites and interacting with people. ^^;

Oh my, I am grateful ^^

no, I think they squished them all together.
They'll have their own abilities, with a quick-switch thing.

i would love for a risky game
risky's past and development
i just want more risky

Its a simple platformer with a fantastic soundtrack.
Not every game needs to be as hard as Dark Souls or as long as Persona 5.
The Pirate's Quest dlc was lazy re-using the same levels as the main game, having Pirate's Curse gameplay was great but aside from some cute cutscenes and bathtub animations the levels were mostly unchanged.

More likely it'll be like the unlockable Julius Mode in Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow.

i think it will be like either sonic heroes or choose your ninja turtle for this stage
or it could even be you are assigned this character for this event

on another note
why the fuck is holly such an underwhelming character for the fact that she was a goddamn stretch goal
there needed to be more to her than just what they did

Fighting Shantae was pretty cool but not worth the price of admission unfortunately.


Pirate's Cure ~ GBC > Half-Genie Hero > Risky's Revenge

tfw no giga mermaid gf

who what????

>Pharaoh rebirth is a similar game, but way better.

way too much blah blah blah imo. the story wasnt' that interesting.

Where do you post the full images then?

Meh. So the plot will be them having to save Shantae?

Piss poor tansakuvania.


In my opinion it's
Ricky's revenge was just so lame, and half genie hero is much better but light on content. The gbc is great if you can handle somewhat archaic mechanisms. And then you're right pirates curse is in a league of its own.

that would be kind of lame
i want bolo to rescue risky instead

started playing pirate's curse.
i didn't expect so much HNGGH.
also lots and lots of bouncing.
under all that i am also enjoying the game itself

I wish they'd just go alternate universe with it or make new levels or at least bosses. Risky's story tries to slot itself between the Dynamo being completed and Shantae storming Risky's Hideout (with a different ending that still results in the same status quo) but it just feels silly that every bad guy is already at it again.

>Shantae that low
>Shantae on the same level of Risky's Revenge


>but it just feels silly that every bad guy is already at it again.
The bad guys in Shantae actually are the special kind of retard that would.

It was an okay Shantae game which meant it was a bad game.

Half Genie Hero is the only Shantae game that is decent.

>Sky and Rotty head out to rescue Shantae
>Bolo tags along to rescue Risky

Sundered is already out and it's fucking terrible.

The game was just hideously mediocre
At least there was fun to be had in mocking MN9 and co.

fine by me
and risky has to be bound in a sexy way

>Half Genie Hero is the only Shantae game that is decent.
Pirate's Curse is better by a longshot.

>the waterfall scene

Shantae fans are the worst. You want to see a Shantae fan? Dobson. Fucking Dobson. Fat fucking loser with stupid sexual fetishes.

Fuck, that's what I meant. Pirates curse had the lewdest character portraits, and the tightest gameplay. The transformations are a flawed mechanic because they don't allow fluid platforming like the pirate gear could.

good thing i don't like shantae
i like risky instead

Pirate Curse was awesome

>Fine, but I'm keeping the outfit!