Gimme a hug man

Gimme a hug man

Other urls found in this thread:

Yo G, would you make me a sandwich?


>that kid who always asked girls for hugs
I was that kid

Fuck off kid

One of these threads i see.

Did you get hugs?

Nah bro thanks for the offer but I have to decline im sorry but there will be no bro on bro hugging between us ever.

I wish i had a bro to hug man. No homo and shit. Just a really great friend which i can count on.

Anyone want to hang out ? Switzerland here man.

Dad still wont fix the air conditioner in the poolhouse

>tfw got hugged a few times because girls would dare each other to do it

I get that everyone hates him, and I do to, but it's not because he's a creep. It's because he drives a hatchback civic.

when I strike my fortune I will move to switzerland

Delete this thread mods its utter garbage and taking up space for a great thread

>first year of high school
>girl in her final year gets dared to kiss one of the new kids
>tfw it was me
>tfw that was literally the only time I kissed someone I wasn't related to during my years there

>only time I kissed someone I wasn't related to

Come again?

I never got turned down, but I can remember a good number of them doing that one arm hug

>the only time I kissed someone I wasn't related to
Tell us about your incest adventures



you know how the Egyptians untipped the Egyptians, don'tcha?