Since there wasn't a thread up yet, from what I could see.
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Other urls found in this thread:
What a coincidence, was literally about to start a thread. Here's the bracket, by the way.
Time for the great clusterfuck weekend~
git hip
For WC Host's tourney, is it just me or is Sack of Shit's ability broken?
>70% for opponent to do no damage
>+3 Stat Gain per Turn (In 2 Turns, Sack of Shit will have more stats than a statless Sup Forumsermin along with both a more than 2/3 chance of the opponent doing no damage along with continuous stat gain.)
Thats certainly rough, hopefully WCHost balances it, although I honestly haven't been paying attention to the side tournaments
I like a lot of the teams here.
Speaking of WC host, he is too close-minded.
>Sprites can't rotate
So build UI and a simulated 2D MOBA arena. :^)
>there's a chance this fucker will have to fight Literally My Mom's Grineer Soldier, the guy that does 120 damage per blast
Imagine that versus Angrydroid.
>Insta-kill self and opponent with a several-hundred-damage crit Muscle hit
Considering that the original Sack of Shit's ability was just "30% for the opponent to deal no damage, and a 40% to reflect damage dealt" it was already fairly OP as fuck, but for some reason, Nova decided that somehow Sack of Shit wasn't overpowered enough and that it needed a +3 stat bonus a turn.
Hell, Wrath-in-the-box almost managed to pull that off and he only reflected crits. USoS can reflect anything.
Just having the "30% for the opponent to deal 0 damage" would be enough. But hey, sometimes drawfags don't know what is actually balanced.
Where's the Loadsofmoney fanart
Didn't people think Angrydroid was also pretty overpowered? And her ability gave less stat gain through a less reliable method and didn't have an extra "Over 2/3 chance for the Opponent to do no damage, and 1/3 of the time the opponent will also take damage"
The original ability was already OP as shit, what would compel Nova to change it again and give it an extra OP as fuck ability along with it?
they want attention[/spoiler[
Can't wait for my vermin's team to fucking die round 1.
But what if they win? :D
Win what? Round 1? I'd be happy to see their abilities in action.
I'd love it if they made it to the final battle and OCEAN MAN is playing.
Son of man
I feel bad for Tournament Host.
>almost loses the engine for good
>someone finds the password for his trip
Totally not a balanced ability written by a retard, it takes the first two turns to beat no ability mons on top of the other bullshit
What were your worst feels in a tourney?
>all of the vermin i rooted for got to round 3, the perfect spot where losing would disappoint me the most
>dick suck got me 2 mins in
>bkth jobbed round 1
Remember to filter TH's old trip.
>realizing we may never have a finale that good ever again
Weyeder losing in the second round
I felt bad
Which reminds me, did he ever post on the Booru what his new trip is?
hold on lemme just put his trip on real quick so I can filter it since I forgot
>someone finds the password for his trip
When was this
As simple as it was, I like the finale for the 13th tournament a lot.
A week or two ago.
Thank you.
what was it again, that was my first
Nice Fly vs. [J U D G E]
Finally got some art in
>using my clusterfuck drawing before i'm done
>TFW because Buckfilla user kept making threads about saving Princesses from various things, I've been really in the mood for Vermin
What a weird way of generating hype.
Oh, that shit was hype.
I must've missed that
>Tournament Host actually had the balls to code Wonderband
>tfw past week has been exceptionally boring
Maybe I should just get a job. Either way, I'm really looking forward to this tournament.
Oh shit, Buckfilla user's the one who keeps making those?
I feel like an idiot for not realizing. Fuck.
>tfw it takes you three weeks to finish a single vermin because of laziness and an inefficient drawing process
Alright you fuckers. The entry spots open at 6 on the dot right?
>want to submit Pic Related
>told myself I'd enter Club Dude
If you can successfully guess the name I'll enter this.
I don't think there's going to be sign-ups today, because Tournament 16 is starting.
who /dragonforce/ here?
I hope VFCHost recorded all the matches and we don't have to wait another week.
Can someone explain this autism to me?
I'm interested.
>another tourney begins with two good teams fighting
I'd be fine with them or their opponents winning.
>Can't finish it because I do not know how to fit in more maid themes
I'm a stumped motherfucker
Pic related.
For examples of battles,
MS Paint monster cockfights in an engine that's coded on the fly.
draw a monster in ms paint, give it stats and an ability
at 6pm on fridays, host comes in for registrations and you can get your monster to fight other people's monsters in a custom made engine
>Anons create MSPaint monsters and give them stats/abilities
>Programmers with autism code them into an engine
>tournaments ensue between the monsters that get signed up
>all the while, anons are shitposting and drawing fanart
>someone already beat me to a robot maid vermin
Replace fists with feather dusters.
Put white.. hat thing on head.
Replace feet with giant sponges.
A big spiky crown
So what vermin have you guys been working on?
Post your most recent Sup Forumsermin, fuckers
Same here. And it was going to be one of the next ones I made too.
Friendship ended with Law. Now Chaos is my friend.
Only got the first stage done (and still unsure on which variant to use), and I'm procrastinating on it hard.
ok but what does he look like from behind
I got a few ideas but I'm hesitating for now.
>Letting it stop you
Guys do it, it doesn't matter, it's not like we're all following the same detail, fucking go for it you two.
Was thinking of trying a feather duster thing with the fists
Feet thing sounds interesting
I'm struggling with drawing that damn cap either parlour/lady's maids have, maybe I'll try french
I'll think of that
I really don't know what I'd want to submit next. It will all depend on how the next tournament (with entries) will function.
hoping my team can at least beat round 1
Man I love this team but nipnibbla, I hope they lose but just because of her
i made a bug
Yeah it was me. Now that I stopped making vermin Ill keep making those threads until I get the boot.
No thread today though, lets enjoy the tourney.
I fucking knew it
Keep up the good work, my man. I've liked all your shit thus far.
The sketch I did of Broblin looked better but this line turned out not too bad.
PS: I need to proof read all text before submitting vermin to the booru.
So much for Radino Acolyte and Mortem Rider Avenger then.
I didn't know what I'd do for a unique blast so I didn't bother.
5 easy steps to improve your doodles.
>save the princess threads on Sup Forums since /qst/ was made
I hate you but I love you for this.
Try and spread em out a bit though
also remade one of my old vermins
Didn't you say you would do a waifu acolyte for Radino? Where is she, and where is the Mortem Rider variant of Gladia?
i finished my vermin from last week
Yeah, sorry. Making vermin is just not fun for me anymore.