Fate/Extella Link

You are buying Nero's new game, aren't you?

I want to marry Saber Nero

i did only her route in extella, will her story progress further even in stupid fox's and altera's routes? Because i dont care about these two

Most likely not

>extella link
What's the difference to the one I just bought?

Yah I just bought this shit on the switch.


I'll be buying Astolfo's game, since Charlemagne is in it.

Tamamo's route's stoey scenes can be safely skipped as there's no story content, only flirting and battles. Altera's route explains more of what's been going on.
Nero Venus is the star of the 4th route, keep playing.

thank you

I barely played any of the first game, so probably not. I'm so tired of Fate at this point, literally anything else would be more interesting. I'd take fucking Girls' Work at this point.

I'll be honest, after Fate/Grand Order I'm not really interested in the series. The idea of Fate/Extella 2 probably being PS4-only gives me even more reason to just forget about it. To be honest, Extella wasn't exactly that great story-wise compared to Extra, so I think I'm save until someone decides that localizing CCC is worth it.

I'm buying it, but not for Nero.

You still have to actually play through Fox and Civilization's routes though.

>sexy little girl with giant tits

What fucking game is this?? I need this so bad.

Post more of my waifu

*Altera's game

If we don't get to play as kid version of her flipping around with the same moveset, I'm giving North Korea some bottle rockets

blind or retarded?

*Charlemagne's game


I got the first on PS4 but I'll get this one on switch if they do a nice collectors edition again with a nero switch case.
I don't care about downgraded graphics or less enemies as long as it's 60 fps again.

>thinking this
/ourgirl/ will get 2 routes just like in """""Altera's"""""" game

wasn't switch version locked at 30?

Nah that was a shitty Sup Forums rumor that everyone fell for in order to shitpost the switch.
It was 60fps locked and had less drops than the PS4 version, though the models were worse and there were slightly less enemies.

New Hassan when?

ah, i get it now, i remember people were throwing shit at eachother during pc release for some reason
well, good to know

It's almost a year old now dude.

If it comes to the west, yeah.
Nero is best girl.


Only if its going to be an improvment. Like CCC was to Extra.

Not even the nips gives a fuck about you flop heroine Hahahahahahhahaha

So little changes to the actual gameplay but way better story?

This shit better not be releasing this year, I just ordered the noble phantasm edition this morning.

I didn't play any of the other ones, literally the only Fate anything I played/watched is all of Realta Nua.

You niggas speak japanese? Teach me so I can import CCC.

It's a shame that the fan translation project appears to be dead.

I'll never understand why it is that translation groups never admit something is dead, and NEVER consider giving what they've done to another group to continue to work.


>Like CCC was to Extra.
So you're saying that the game just needs more Liz.

I been defending that one guy CJ on forums for years now. People would say he would never get it done and I would say "Just give him some time, we need to keep hope" then CJ would update every now and then. I legit sent CJ a message on twitter asking him how much he works on CCC and he said "Whenever I give a fuck". Fuck this nigga.

Only if it's on the Vita like the first one. Otherwise no.

>Extella sold enough to have a sequel

People really like eating shit huh
Just stop with the boring musou games and make more Extra/CCC games!

The Vita version sold ~80k
The Ps4 version sold ~75k
The PC version sold ~35k

I'm surprised it sold more than 10k units total honestly

>Vita version sold more than PS4

Why is Nero so perfect?

That not all that surprising really. It was marketed more in japan for the Vita than the PS4, and the nips love their handhelds. I'm curious to see release numbers for Switch honestly.


Maybe because this series started with Sony handheld consoles?

Unless the game is ridiculously bad on Vita (Atelier Firis), or is a big name title, the Vita version usually sells more.

I love her

>I'm curious to see release numbers for Switch honestly.

It sold ~10k

Fate/Extra was on PSP.
Fate/Extra CCC was on PSP.
Heck, there was an Extra+CCC sale on Vita (in Japan) before Extella came out. It shouldn't be too surprising that the Vita got a lot of focus from the fanbase.

Plus, they actually make the Vita version different, rather than just making it a shitty port. (There were less enemies on-screen at once and less requirements for killing enemies, as opposed to just trying to cram it all on the Vita and not caring when it went to shit.)

They also buffed the enemies to compensate for the lack of mobs. Not that it made much of a difference since it was still pretty easy.

Remember when Boudica apologized to Nero for being raped by Nero's men and vowed eternal loyalty to her?

Nero is Roman for perfection

Nero in Italian means Black

No one cares about her

Tits too small


The even bigger Saber tits isn't in. So Nero's the best you got.

What a shame, considering it took the appeal of the Vita (handheld capable) and added better graphics and more enemies or screen

My biggest complaint about Vita actually are Musou games that have trophies that require killing a certain number of enemies with certain attacks, because the vita takes too long to render enough enemies on the screen to achieve them

I'm excited for the graphic changes. I wonder who the fuck they're adding though.

She didnt actually apologize to her.

She literally in fact says she still holds a grudge against Nero for what she did, but decides saving the country from the Fake Emperors was more important.

>Mama Artoria
Not a Saber.

You're right. Actually stands out too much to be a Saber.

I still prefer my Vita to the Switch. I'm not entirely sure why, but I just feel a disconnect when I try to play on my Switch nowadays while I'm still pre-ordering Vita titles. Then again I got a Switch because I was promised the Vita library but then ended up with nothing.

This size is fine
This isn't

I just hope they add more maps and actually make them interesting this time. It felt way more repetitive way faster than other musou because there were only like 5 stages.