>Japan doesn't count
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Knack 2 comes out next week. Don't hold your breath.
I can't tell if this article is pro-Sony, pro-Nintendo, or neither.
Why archive?
Because kotaku
Japan loves handhelds so it makes sense.
It's outselling the PS4 in the US as well.
Nintendo have been dominating in Japan for over a decade now. Sony completely ignores the market in favor of the West.
A surprise to literally no one.
B-boys... I'm scared.
Haha. Shut up.
194/195 countries = ps4
001/195 countries = switch
How will nintendo recover?
Before anyone says it, japanese companies make games for worldwise releases now.
Can't wait to see Sup Forums after 19th and TGS
Monster Hunter World.
When is nintendo's TGS?
What about it?
yes it does not.
this is Sup Forums not 2ch, retarded pretendo year old.
Japan doesn't count since they are a micropenis compared to the USA
Go back, plebbitor
Only sony does tgs because they are the only ones with japanese support.
underage b&
I own every console and you need to stop being so fucking underage
>is a brand new system
>after a dead gen, so everyone has been thristy.
>is a portable. In most Jap's minds this is a successor to the 3DS, not WiiU
>Got BotW which everyone wants to buy on it instead of WiiU's version
>Splatoon2 just released, which is huge in japan
>Constant shortages guarantee hype/pre-orders. Demand will not be met for the foreseeable future so this will continue.
>Released with barely any games Japs cared about
>Supply met with demand very quickly, becoming a non-issue
Wow geeee, I wouldn't have guessed that the Switch would blow up quicker. Also no one can predict the impact MHW will have on PS4's sales over there. MHXX didn't do so well and the next "Portable" line of MonHun is a good 2 years away. For the time being MonHun is a PS4 exclusive in japan.
In Japan, Sega Saturn sold more than Nintendo 64. It means nothing.
>sony are the only ones with japanese support
So then why don't their games sell over there?
Not on Switch. Technically and economically impossible. It will sell double on Japan than the Switch's best seller.
Who won July NPD again?
>Not on Switch
>Technically and economically impossible
That is wrong. Nothing about MHW looks to technologically advanced that it wouldn't even be able to run on the Switch. The game doesn't even look that graphics heavy. Capcom could probably just downgrade the games particle effects and have it run on the switch just fine. Maybe they downgrade the graphics a bit as well.
>It will sell double on Japan than the Switch's best seller.
People said this about Dragon Quest 11 on the PS4 outselling the 3DS version but that didn't happen. Not only that but the PS4 version hasn't even cracked 1.5 million copies sold yet and it's been over a month since release. meanwhile, Splatoon 2 outsold it last week and will probably Continue to have better legs for the near future. I could see Splatoon 2 outselling it for total sales over there.
There are dozens of MH games and the switch will get a new one.
The switch has something the PS4 will never have though. A game directed by Suda 51.
But the PS4 has a game executive directed by Suda 51.
>handheld dominating in handheld land
next news Water is wet
>Technically impossible
>Not that graphics heavy
>With a downgrade
It's like you agree with me that is not possible unless making it look last gen.
I wonder what the MH fanbase thinks of the game over there, considering japs are autismal as fuck and more opsed to change than their elderly population.
>Executive directed
As in, he assisted. Like with Kamiya for Bayo 2. Suda hasn't directed a game since NMH1.
>he doesnt know about powdered water
>portable console beating a television console in Japan
Wow! What a surprise that a country that prefers portable to the point that the fucking vita has sold more than the PS4 went for the portable option! I'm getting seriously scared now guise...
>Japanese devs shifting all their projects to Switch
>it's possible if they downgrade it a bit
>this retard thinks MHW is the Crysis of this gen
Because they have nothing to sell
What decent games does the switch have besides Zelda?
Go to the reddit thread on r games. It's gold how people keep on saying the Switch has games and then hundreds come out of Sony's woodworks to basically deny things that already exist.
They have a serious hateboner whenever Nintendo does alright, it's beautiful to see them get so twisted about this.
Splatoon 2 right now
Rabbids surprisingly
Various Wii U ports
Mario Odyssey in 1.5 months
Xenoblade 2 a month or two after that
NMH3 aka gotyay in 2018
Based Nintendo always wins
I own a fair amount of the "AAA" library for the switch - the games I've put some serious hours into are
Mario kart
Disgaea 5
>Go to the reddit threads
no thanks
im straight
PS4 world wide sales = 63.3 mill
Switch world wide sales = 4.7 mill
I don't think Sony fans are worried. Also Sony has a strong track record with home consoles. The PS2 and PS1 are the top two best selling home consoles, at 155 mill and 102.4 mill.
The switch will do well as the years go on no doubt, I predict the switch making it to the 80 mill mark. But so will the PS4. It'll be about even by the end of the generation I think.
go back and never return
How is Rabbids bias aside? the gameplay looked surprisingly okay and I might pick it up at some point if it is good.
>I predict the switch making it to the 80 mill mark.
It will be lucky to even get to 3DS numbers with how the market is going, I doubt the PS4 will even get more units sold than the PS3 unless they really manage to not fuck up.
Fact is the industry as a whole has changed and has significantly slowed down, this affects everyone, but Sup Forums is too busy defending their corporate overlords to see this.
>a console released this year is more popular now than a console released 5 years ago everyone and their mother already owns
Really activates my almonds.
>I predict the switch making it to the 80 mill mark
>only 80 million when it has BotW, SMO, first HD Pokemon, etc etc etc
You guys are so fucking delusional.
>Been seeing more and more Switchs at places like Target now
Guess they're prepping for the holidays.
I think you underestimate how shit the Switch is in portable mode. I hope it never comes to Switch in fears of downgrades.
That looks worlds better than anything on the Switch. Reminder that even Breath of the Wild chugged and it looks like a Gamecube game.
>It's another console warrior cuck that doesn't actually care about Monster Hunter as a series, but just doesn't want it on Nintendo platforms because they're that pathetic and petty
Not as much as I love holding YOUR hand, senpai!
The Switch won't even come close to that.
>the PS4 literally in the market longer than the switch
>practically everyone already owns a PS4
>thinking a new system outselling a old one is a surprise
Clearly you fags will complain about everything
It doesn't even have any fucking games
>*Posts "Why is Sup Forums so triggered by the PS4's success" thread immediately after making this post*
No one fucking cares about the Switch faggot. Stop making it about console wars, no one wants their games on a dead Nintendo platform.
>not wanting a game to be downgraded is now a console war issue
Why do nintendo fanboys always name games that aren't out for 6 months?
>It'll be about even by the end of the generation I think
I dont see the Switch ever really catching up outside of Japan, ever. No point in owning one if it hardly gets any games.
Cute rat.
>Console warrior cuck
didn't the ps4 come out like 4 years ago?
Because they call every game released and unreleased GOTY because they never play games outside of Nintendo platforms.
Reminder rabbids is now good because of mario and gutted, easy, shitty X-com lite gameplay.
Sony fanboys do the exact same fucking shit you mongoloids.
Yeah I would totally post the same thing twice in less than a minute. God I want to just shove Nintendo fanboys in a room and just punch every single one in the jaw. You guys are so insecure and retarded.
Not after Trump. Japan is taking over trade now.
>>God I want to just shove Nintendo fanboys in a room and just punch every single one in the jaw.
>Trying to sound cool by being an edgy faggot
Your fat fucking ass would actually have to leave your room for once to do that.
Lmao, im more handsome, fit, and well off than you will ever be. Hell, my girlfriend would cringe at you faggots.
>b-but Sony
every time
>Detroit Too Human
>Dad of War
>Shadow of Colossus Remake
>Knack 2
You don't see sony fanboys proclaim these do you?
>In a country that has high preference for portable consoles, the portable console keeps dominating!
user-san. please don't put me in this positiom.
The switch will do better than the 3DS I think, but there's no way it's going to hit 100 mill or above, those days of gaming are over. There's too many alternatives now. PC and mobile are swooping up all the potential customers.
How will it be close to even?
The PS4 is so far ahead and has so many more games, I don't think so. On top of the Switch not even keeping momentum nor pacing near what the PS4 was. More devs are skipping over Nintendo already, DQ and Monster Hunter are huge.
Why the fuck is nintendo the only company allowed to release a console with no games?
>The switch will do better than the 3DS I think
Not with the higher price point and less developer support. The 3DS also had MH as an exclusive announced pretty early.
It barely looks better than Super MArio Odyssey. It's extremely unaturated and almost everything outside of character and monsters is low poly.
No it got one game. Meanwhile the switch is getting bombarded by 90+ exclusive games.
No, people are excited but most are not claiming them GOTY. Switch fans are just completely retarded and isolated.
>No it got one game. Meanwhile the switch is getting bombarded by 90+ exclusive games.
I just love those consolewar threads
The PC guys are probably laughing their asses off this.
>It barely looks better than Super MArio Odyssey
You are legit fucking blind my man.
I guess selective vision is another feat of Switch owners, who can only be visually pleased by flat textures, low resolutions and primary colors used in preschools.
Ah yes, so many worthwhile exclusives like uhhh...
Help me out here. splatoon 2 is basically a port and a shitty game. I'm not really sure there are any good exclusives.
Sony-only guys are weird, man. Besides the PS3, PlayStation has been in a pretty good position since it came to the industry, but arch-Sony guys are really sensitive about their favourite corporation potentially losing market share, especially to Nintendo.
Sony is literally the majority of gaming right now, while also including multiplats. I'm confused how you associate Sony users with specifics when they are a wide range of users.
The Switch is super niche in comparison and a loud minority.
Actually, I am curious why PS4 number are so low in japan. Is it just that it's not japanese enough anymore or is the price too high? Also, ashcroft needs to re-read his articles before he publishes.
I swear the Switch's success triggers Sup Forums far more than the PS4's success does.
Price and only started getting japanese heavy hitters.
>Actually, I am curious why PS4 number are so low in japan
Japan is Nintendo land. It's surprising how long it took the PS4 to even outsell the Wii U in Japan.
Why do Nintendogs still act like Nintendo is on the same level with Sony and MS? Nintendo is a fucking dwarf compared to them. They always make some gimmick dogshit because they also know they can NOT compete on the same level. Just accept this already.