>he doesn't main a human male DK
explain yourselves?
>he doesn't main a human male DK
explain yourselves?
Other urls found in this thread:
I did when I played. It was pretty fun. I think I had the most fun doing the starting quests.
Because im a male human paladin.
>tfw rp as my dead warrior hoolius from my hacked vanilla account I was to lazy to get back
Because I'm a dwarf female shaman
But I do.
Also, when do we reach HotS tier armor models?
I play other far superior games
like what you fucking dumb nerd?
Currently playing Dragons Dogma using magick knight since never played him before
Horde is better.
I'm sure the talent's there.
The passion, though...
y u do dis
Because if you're playing a Tank-capable class and you're alliance you're a complete and utter shitter for not playing Night Elf?
thoughts on this whore?
Because all the superior races are on the other side
Except dwarves
But that's exactly what I main.
Needs to get DICKED
I want a Dreadlord Jaina gf.
Those thicc THIGHS man.
What about this one?
I hate this artstyle
it's 2017 get yourself a fuckin specularity map
>he doesn't main blood elf paladin
Because I don't play that hand-holding garbage tier game
Main a human male shadowknight in Everquest p1999 though.
Troll Death Knight is best Death Knight.
>most DKs aren't even dead
Cool, time for some Moon Guard RP
Now that's some bullshit that needs citation.
Playable Death Knights are all undead, user
WoW human females are my fucking FETISH
I mained a belf rogue because I've always wanted a ninja elf gf
Because I played the objectively superior orc female DK when I played wow.
Orc Warrior
I can't bring myself to play anything else.
>"I'll have you know Death Knights were MY idea first, and for the record: Most of Ner'zhul's aren't even dead! It's complete lunacy!" Gul'dan in HotS
Yeah, it's kinda autistic but I always wanted to know how DKs actually function. I mean, Koltira (Elf DK in the DK starting area) mentions inner bleedings when you rescue him.
But to be honest, I just wanna bang something like pic related lol
>he doesn't main a goblin warrior
I play better MMO's
Whats the issue
>Playing Gobbos
Good taste.
I used to main a worgen DK though
KT has good fuckin taste, too bad the purple and gold recolor gives her pants
>playing a literal cocksock race
goblin men exist solely for the purpose of being cucked by better horde races
goblin women exist solely for the purpose of servicing better horde races
never not troll
this is a cute picture
I'd play as an orc or troll or undead but Blizzard is never going to undo their retarded hunch. That awkward posture is so ugly to look at it and makes setting up a good transmog nearly impossible. It's the worst for undead.
I guarantee you that if they made new ACTUAL models for the hunchy orc races than the horde population would double in weeks.
They are delicious.
Subraces soon.
I hope.
>but our progeny will usher a new age... for both our kind
Amani/Zandalari would be my immediate pick.
>human male DK
Only acceptable if you played Human Male Paladin pre-WOTLK, then rerolled a Death Knight with a similar look.
This one?
>Current year
>Blizzard still can't adequately explain or defend the orc haunch
I actually rerolled Alliance because all the haunches got to my tits after about 10 years of being Horde.
Oh my god, same here! I like them so much that I even want to put my penis in them. Anyone feels the same?
haha yeah
I guess it's to support their massive upper bodies?
These fucking threads take me back to nostalgia and shit.
This is close to being classified as /vr/
Ner'zhul's death knights were just people with soulstones shoved up their ass. Like Gorefiend
None of the playable deathknights are Ner'zhuls. Soulstone thing is gone, its just regular undeath now
The defense is that they don't want to change the "classic look" of any of the models. So most of the horde males are stuck looking like retards. Actually they ALL look like retards. It's hilarious that the only male horde race that can stand up straight are goblins.
Which shaman mogs have the best yellow water effects? I wanna make my resto shaman the piss wizard.
massive hunch
haha no
>goblin is the only viable horde race without a hunch
also fuck your faggot game.
forgot pic lol
Fucking belfs have a reverse hunch.
I play the actual best race
What the fuck is that thing?
Oh shit that's a tooren or something? I forgot those existed.
>thinking BDO is good
>He made a DK
>Used none of the DK exclusive customization options
Tauren need more love. Gimme some injun-looking gear, dammit.
I main warrior like a real man. A shame they have to worst looking artifact.
>went back to wow two weeks ago, after not playing since early Wrath
>actually having fun
>made enough gold to pay for my sub already
This is okay I guess.
>Only Tauren-related armor is Druid related
>Only a handful of Tauren-related weapons
Why must being a Tauren be suffering
>not playing the uninstall wizard
It is not about good or not because wow is shit too but at least the better knight is not in a game where you compensate with the size of your pauldrons.
>not playing a human male warrior
>with a human male DK alt for the alternate universe scenario where he dies and becomes a DK
That looks like fucking shit m8
waifufags were a mistake.
I thought the Acherus DKs were a mix of "unliving" and true undead.
>still mad about pauldrons after all those years
Those aren't big, though. You haven't seen big. Also some people completely hide them.
>Still playing this dead cashcow 'game'
I'm not playing until they get rid of the levelling bullshit and have fully 3D armor models.
Or WoW 2.
>Tauren warrior armor
>Body paint, straps, and totems instead of plate
Would be incredible
With transmog we can already hide plate so why not make it
But she got jiggly tights breasts and is fun to play not even a waifu just a joy to play.
Not even mad it is just the the simplest thing to make fun of.
Some of them stand next to spacemarines with the big pauldrons pic related.
I thought for sure with the whole viking theme they were going for with warriors this time that we'd get some plate chests that were just the glowing tattoos the rest of the Vrykul have going on. Would be fucking amazing for transmogging.
the whole viking theme was a mistake
Daily reminder that Dargrul doesn't fuck around
>Entire zone dedicated to Tauren
>Highmountain Tauren are shown as being incredibly incompetent
>The Horde Tauren Chieftain gets cut out for no reason
>Magatha gets brought back and there was barely any debate over it, she just shows up and joins the Shaman
Th-Thanks Blizz....
>he wields a toy hammer
should've just said fuck it and ripped off god of war and made the warrior a lonewolf god-killer or something and have him go rend and tear all over the damn place
vrykul were a fucking mistake, everything about them was lost potential
Because male Orc Warlock is the patrician combination.
It fucking was. It only applies to humans really since they're descended from Vrykul, so literally every other race gets nothing out of it. It would have been much cooler to see every warrior convening on Fray Island or something to form their own army to fight the Legion. And fuck proving myself worthy to Odyn every fifteen minutes too.
>mfw I sold my Verigans Fist back in Vanilla
Not even user but damn did it hurt when mogs became a thing, I literally created my Paladin to RP as Uther
unless you play dragon's dogma online, don't compare it with WoW
why would you sell good/funny looking items even when transmogs werent a thing
Good thing Uther's hammer looked nothing like the GM hammer.
>Not dressing up your dude as an orc blademaster
He actually used to be an orc
Because I played that character for almost the entirety of my time in WoW, even things that had sentimental value ended up getting vendored because I eventually got tired of reserving space for things I'll never use again.
There's a green mace identical to it.
>not blackhand doomsaw
>not eye of rend
Sword doesn't fit at all, try wowhead.com