

1 and 2 are godlike, 3 is garbage beyond redemption.


Not as bad as F3AR.

F.E.A.R is infinitely better.

>ywn play Shogo: Mobile Armor Division 2

A solid FPS

It's better than the original in a few ways, but it also took a step back in others. I'd argue that it's as good as the first title, but the first game is better in ways that make it still standout now.


F1 > expansions > > 2 > > 3

Pretty average but got very hard at the end. I wasn't expecting that to happen and got raped.

Decent and entertaining on its own, the school levels have some solid scares. Compared to the first game, though, it's nowhere near as good and often lacks that underlining dread and uneasy feeling that made the original F.E.A.R. so good. Even though the first game has technically inferior graphics and repetitive level design, it still looks better in a way I can't quite describe.

I like to pretend F.3.A.R. doesn't exist.


Never heard of it. Are you talking about Call of Duty: Paranormal Warfare?


Highly mediocre. It's just a bland cod-esque shooter while the first F.E.A.R was an FPS masterpiece.

Somehow didn't look as impressive as FEAR 1 even though it had objectively better graphics. The firefights didn't feel as tense too.


The only good F.E.A.R. is the first one. The expansions and sequels suck.

You're an idiot. This was legitimately the scariest game I ever played until I played P.T..

This is psychological horror done right.

Fear 1 is the only good one

Extraction Point was great, shut your whore mouth.
Perseus Mandate was pretty shit, though.

Good shit, I want to play it again

It wasn't terrible, but you could see the heavy influence cons0les had on its development compared to the original (just look @ the HUD). The original was superior in most ways.

Fear 3 makes 2 look better in retrospect.

Weapons suck in 2, and enemies are complete bullet sponges, plus it's not very long either, story also sucks compared to the first one

>that school room with the blinking lights and blood all over the walls, mixed in with those invisible teleporter enemies
Man, I did not like that shit the first time through

sorry user, but it seems that you're retarded if by this you mean FEAR2